All Files > Page 819

EGNY Linley Hill Beverley sling loads
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.95Mb (248 downloads)
Made Linley Hill a bit more homely and added sling loads for helicopters to compliment my north sea rig. You will need FSX Acceleration, Scarcreeksload2 from Hovercontrol and global ai ship traffic p3d fsx v1 from Simviation for this to work.
Scar Creek Load Lifting Flight Package (external link - please report if broken)
Posted Oct 26, 2016 13:58 by Dave T

F-100F Super Sabre updated
(Category: FSX > Military)
7.48Mb (1705 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the F-100F Super
Sabre by Kazunori Ito, and repainted by Mark
Rooks. I have updated the flight dynamics,
you can now descend at 2000 ft vertical on the
VSI while maintaining a reasonable speed as
set on the autopilot; see read me. I changed
the position of the GPS, and made a few other
tweaks. No VC.
Posted Oct 26, 2016 13:52 by Bob Chicilo

Le Mans 4 FSX Mid Engine Corvette
(Category: FSX > Misc)
12.74Mb (391 downloads)
Le Mans 4 FSX Mid Engine Corvette
Derived from opensource, and provided here as freeware, the Le Mans Mid Engine Corvette is specifically built for the Lime Rock Le Mans 4 FSX Racing circuit(s).
Note - don't for get to setup and use your review mirror too !
Posted Oct 26, 2016 13:02 by Orion K. Daley

FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400F Cargolux Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
36.72Mb (2767 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400F Cargolux Package. Cargolux is a Luxembourg based cargo airline with entire global destinations. As of 2016, Cargolux operate 21 Boeing 747 aircraft of which 6 are 747-400F versions.
Project Opensky Boeing 747-400F assembled and upgraded for FSX/P3D with the developed B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). This is the Project Opensky FSX native Boeing 747-400F model, and includes ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility. In P3D go to Vehicle - Instrument panel - Posky Utility), opening nose section and more.
Edited contact points. Edited performance for correct takeoff speeds.
Included CF engine sounds with realistic jet whine to make your flight sound great.
Thank you to Project Opensky/Skyspirit/TDS for their fantastic contributions to the worldwide community of flight simulation for many years. I have added the great textures by RyanC.
Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look. Zip preview for larger pictures.
Assembled, edited and tested in FSX Acceleration and P3D by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 26, 2016 07:34 by chris evans

Boeing 747-400 Cargolux
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
14.36Mb (677 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Cargolux. Luxemburg cargo airline, Cargolux, currently operate 6 Boeing 747-400F. Model by Project Opensky. Textures by RyanC.
Posted Oct 26, 2016 06:09 by chrisE

Aerospace Fletcher FU24-950/954 Package
(Category: FSX > Props)
64.26Mb (2667 downloads)
FSX Aerospace Fletcher FU24-950/954.
This is a fully revised model, following on
from my previous versions. Features a fully
animated and detailed virtual cockpit, with
3d gauges. Includes paint schemes for Super
Air, Aero Work, Phoenix Aviation and Fred
Fahey Aerial Services
By Deane Baunton.
Posted Oct 26, 2016 05:28 by Mike Leitz

FSX Bombardier Global Express Textures Update
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
2.51Mb (570 downloads)
Textures update for the Bombardier Global Express XRS by Fr. Bill Leaming and Richard Schwertfeger. Alain Bastin
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 26, 2016 02:11 by Alain Bastin

FSX/P3D McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 Western Airlines package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
62.98Mb (1890 downloads)
FSX/P3D McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 Western Airlines package.
California based Western was founded in 1927. Western Airlines was operating 10 DC-10-10 aircraft when in 1987 it was merged into Delta Airlines.
Includes custom VC. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. Includes comprehensive VC with working wipers. I included the great textures by Mike Pearson.
Added FMC by Garret Smith. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Oct 25, 2016 06:34 by chris evans

Walikale Airfield for FSX
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.53Mb (670 downloads)
In the jungles of Congo lies a road, and that road functions as a playground for children and a grazing site for goats, besides its regular functions. But this particular road also functions as a runway, with a bend halfway. Welcome to Walikale, an airstrip most people will never have heard of. Its challenging take-off and landing conditions have led me to recreate this airfield. Made using ADE and default FSX objects and placed using google earth and reports from frequent visitors. Tested in FSX SP2, might work in FSX:SE or P3D More info in the readme.
Posted Oct 24, 2016 14:09 by Seblines

Le Mans 4 FSX Toyota GT One
(Category: FSX > Misc)
8.23Mb (678 downloads)
The Le Mans 4 FSX Toyota GT One is specifically built for the Lime Rock Le Mans 4 FSX Racing circuits with a top speed of 270+ MPH.
Enjoy !
Posted Oct 24, 2016 11:51 by Orion K. Daley