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FS2004/FSX Cavalier Mustang Civil
FS2004/FSX Cavalier Mustang Civil
FS2004/FSX Cavalier Mustang Civil (Category: FSX > Vintage)
30.37Mb (930 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Cavalier Mustang Civil In 1957, the last of the active duty F-51s were withdrawn from ANG service. Many of the ex-military P-51s were converted into well-equiped civilian business aircraft.. Two complete models and seven variants for 2004/FSX by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Mar 23, 2016 04:55 by A.F.Scrub
Philippine Islands sceneries (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.07Mb (492 downloads)
This is a collection of airports in the Philippines.This also includes an update of my Baguio Scenery
Posted Mar 23, 2016 04:45 by Jonathan
FS2004 CCA 260 Honyaku Fictional Liner
FS2004 CCA 260 Honyaku Fictional Liner
FS2004 CCA 260 Honyaku Fictional Liner (Category: FS Concept Aircraft > FS Concept Aircraft)
95.03Mb (991 downloads)
FS2004 Honyaku - the future of high-speed air transport is expanding . 'Fahig' can carry up to 400 passengers or up to 45 tons of cargo to the other side of the world. Comes in a range of worldwide liveries. Equipped with the latest avionics. German language information only.
Posted Mar 22, 2016 19:15 by Christian Drawz
FSX Seaplane Dornier Do-24 Flying Boat
FSX Seaplane Dornier Do-24 Flying Boat
FSX Seaplane Dornier Do-24 Flying Boat (Category: FSX > Vintage)
26.15Mb (2546 downloads)
FSX/P3D (up to v3)/Acceleration/FS2004 Dornier Do-24 Flying boat. Originally the seaplane was a Dornier construction, requested by the Dutch Navy. Then in WWII the German military used it successfully for different purposes, including Search&Rescue. That excellent aircraft masterd even take offs and landings in relative high waves. Even after the war Spain used one plane for SAR missions arround the island Mallorca. The pretty original FS2004 sim-model is made by Wim Regeer. "Shessi" from (SOH)reworked that model with a virtual cockpit (VC) including a cabin for the engeneer and radio operator and a four men crew. The textures for the SAR version is made by Antonio Diaz. The panel rework, FSX-configuration with weapon effects and cameras for internal, external and gunner views are done by Erwin Welker
Posted Mar 22, 2016 04:56 by Erwin Welker
National Boeing 747-400 Cargo N949CA Package
National Boeing 747-400 Cargo N949CA Package
National Boeing 747-400 Cargo N949CA Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
49.31Mb (1259 downloads)
This is a tribute to those who died on April 29, 2013 When National Air Cargo flight NCR102 crashed at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. I refined and added a thumbnail to the Mathieu Vos National Air Cargo repaint for the Project Open Sky Boeing 747-400 and added the Nemureru Nyanko Pratt & Whitney PW4000 Series Soundset. Used the advanced VC from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda.
Posted Mar 21, 2016 22:01 by Michael E. Roberts
FSX Steam Edition 3D FSX Road Sign Scenery Object
FSX Steam Edition 3D FSX Road Sign Scenery Object
FSX Steam Edition 3D FSX Road Sign Scenery Object (Category: FS Design > Scenery Design Objects)
0.99Mb (376 downloads)
Letrero_FSX Steam Them road sign 3d static object for scenery design. VIDEO Tutorial FSX: efectos y object placement tool:
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 21, 2016 20:19 by juan30005
Vidalia Regional Airport (KVDI), Vidalia, Georgia
Vidalia Regional Airport (KVDI), Vidalia, Georgia
8.25Mb (505 downloads)
Vidalia Regional Airport Scenery for FSX. Completely rebuilt from the ground up with custom objects, and Lights. All instrument approaches updated to be current as of February 2016. Navaids update, Radio Frequencies updated. This scenery was done as part of a tutorial for Airport Design Editor. As such it includes an extra object library for use. Visit my youtube channel for the complete video series showing how this airport was built. Visit my Youtube channel (CountryFlyboy) to see the series.
Posted Mar 21, 2016 14:54 by CountryFlyboy
FSX/P3D Autogen for Ireland
FSX/P3D Autogen for Ireland
FSX/P3D Autogen for Ireland (Category: FSX > Scenery)
57.47Mb (1457 downloads)
This package contains autogen (agn) files for your photoscenery of the whole island of Ireland. This autogen, besides trees and houses, depicts also row houses, churches, gas stations and appropriate type of forests (subject to information available). Height of buildings is also adjusted for larger urban areas. Data as of March 2016.
Posted Mar 21, 2016 04:31 by Milan Smid
FSX/P3D Hazard objects for Ireland
FSX/P3D Hazard objects for Ireland
FSX/P3D Hazard objects for Ireland (Category: FSX > Scenery)
2.10Mb (1018 downloads)
This package will place into your FSX / Prepar3D hazard objects (chimneys, antennas, and windmills) as listed in the ENR 5.4 section of the Irish AIP. These objects are usually depicted also on VFR 1:500 000 aeronautical chart.
Posted Mar 21, 2016 04:00 by Milan Smid
London Luton Airport,  UK
London Luton Airport,  UK
London Luton Airport, UK (Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.55Mb (2829 downloads)
EGGW - Luton Airport, nr London, UK. This scenery is a very accurate rendition of Luton Airport and made only for FSX: I have assigned the airlines to their gates (to the best of my knowledge) with extra parking, taxiways and taxi signs updated to the latest charts, the terminal and ramps completely rebuilt from scratch, the Cargo ramp also updated, extra fuel trucks and many other scenery objects included, airport views are from inside the control tower (when in tower view) please view the readme before installation. Created by Craig Scott
Posted Mar 20, 2016 18:25 by mike lietze