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FSX/P3Dv4,v5 DeHavilland DHC2-MK3 Turbo Beaver Fix2
1.19Mb (542 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv4,v5 DeHavilland DHC2-MK3 Turbo Beaver Fix2 This corrects the pedals view from the virtual cockpit. Just replace the model map by the new one. Fix by A.F.Scrub
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Posted Aug 8, 2021 04:14 by A.F.Scrub
FSX/P3D Thomas Ruth A330-200 GE  Iberia  Textures
8.16Mb (649 downloads)
Iberia (EC-MMG) Texture for the Thomas Ruth A330-200 GE Engine model. This texture is a part of my project to attempt to re-texture the Thomas Ruth A330s with 4096*4096 HD Textures. Special thanks to Oniel Black for helping with the engine intake and slats textures. Feel free to join the JetRepaintsSG group on Facebook for more of my repaint works! Installation instructions have been included in the file. Made by Muhammad Akmal Farhan
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 7, 2021 12:02 by Muhammad Akmal Farhan
 FSX/P3D ATR72-600 Iberia Regional/Air Nostrum package
58.67Mb (1478 downloads)
FSX/P3D ATR-72 600 Iberia Regional/Air Nostrum package painted in the new livery. Iberia Regional is a Spanish regional airline based at Valencia Airport and a division of flag carrier Iberia. Currently Iberia Regional/Air Nostrum operate 11 ATR72-600 to destinations around Europe. Model and VC by Virtualcol. Ex payware. Textured and assembled for P3Dv 5 (and should be ok in FSX and earlier P3D versions) by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 7, 2021 07:52 by chris evans
Iris F-15 package FSX native Pack 8 for P3D and FSX
66.85Mb (918 downloads)
Iris F-15 package FSX native Pack 8. Repaints : 461st FTS Luke AFB, RAF 11 and 111 Sqn and JASDF 201st Hikotai, Chitose AB. Original aircraft by IRIS Simulations. Depictions by Nick Degnan, Andy Nott, Mike Pearson. All textures converted to DDS. FSX Native conversion by ignoti et quasi occulti Package by Danny Garnier
Posted Aug 6, 2021 12:13 by GARNIER D
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 Brussels Airlines package
73.85Mb (743 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 Brussels Airlines package. Brussels Airlines is based at Brussels Airport and currently have 8 Airbus A330-200 flying to destinations around Europe, Russia, the USA, Canada and Africa. Model by Thomas Ruth. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Revised original VC by Microsoft updated by Collin MacKenzie to include built in FMC and more. Textured and assembled for P3D5 (Should also work in other P3D and FSX) by Chris Evans
Posted Aug 6, 2021 08:59 by chris evans
FSX/P3D Boeing 737-800 Southwest Airlines 'Freedom One' package
61.09Mb (1105 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 737-800 Southwest Airlines 'Freedom One' package. TDS high spec. native FSX Boeing 738-800 model. The VC is the FSND modified version of the Microsoft Boeing 738 VC to include various upgrades. Thank you to Alrot fot this. See Document folder to get the best out of the VC. Textured, packaged and prepared for FSX & P3D up to v5 by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 5, 2021 13:01 by chris evans
FSX/P3D 4 & 3 Native Boeing 737-500 Russian Package updated
52.03Mb (616 downloads)
FSX/P3D 4 & 3 Native Boeing 737-500 Russian Package updated with Boeing 737 classic themed cockpit. This is the native FSX Boeing 737-500 converted by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations of the Eric Cantu original. Includes all Russian airlines that have operated the Boeing 737-500. It includes S7, Aeroflot-Don, Aeroflot-Nord, Transaero, Rossiya, Aviaprad, SkyExpress, and Orenburg. Native model by Eric Cantu/ Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations. Added the great textures by Enzo "Lazerbeak" Soliani. Boeing 737 classic themed VC by Speedird77. Tested in P3D 5.2. Should work in previous P3D and FSX.
Posted Aug 5, 2021 06:00 by uploader
FSX/P3D Boeing 737 Max 8 Enter Air package with Max themed VC
84.42Mb (469 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 737 Max 8 Enter Air package with new Max VC. Enter Air is a Polish charter airline based at Warsaw Chopin Airport and operates flights to holiday destinations around Europe. Currently Enter Air has 2 Boeing 737 Max 8 with another 4 on order. The high spec Boeing 737-Max 8 from TDS. The VC is the Microsoft/Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND base modified by Speedbird77 to resemble a Max cockpit, including gauges by G. Munro. There are custom CFM eco sounds included for that extra realism. Use - Instrument panel - Util for ground vehicles, doors stairs, fuel truck, buses. New Utility allows Bus, fuel, doors and more. (Go to Views - Instrument panel - Utility). VC added and edited to allow correct VC views, correct jetways and wheel levels. Credits go to TDS quality native FSX Boeing Max8 model. I added PDF B737 checklist. Textured, packaged and prepared for FSX & P3D up to v5 by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 4, 2021 11:57 by chris evans
FSX/P3D Native Boeing 737-500 Multi Package 3 Updated
33.97Mb (893 downloads)
FSX/P3D Native Boeing 737-500 Multi Package 3 with Boeing 737 classic themed cockpit. This is the native FSX Boeing 737-500 converted by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations of the Eric Cantu original. Liveries added: S7 Siberian, Southwest Old, Southwest New, Garuda Indonesia, Pegasus, Nordeste. Native model by Eric Cantu/ Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations with Boeing 737 classic themed VC by Speedird77. US Air livery by Colin Lowe. Textures by Joe DeGregorio, Colin Lowe, Jonas Wikander and others. Tested in P3D 5.2. Should work in presvious P3D and FSX.
Posted Aug 4, 2021 07:29 by chris evans
FSX/P3D Boeing 777-300ER Emirates Expo 2020 Blue
105.18Mb (1130 downloads)
FSX\P3D Boeing 777-300ER Emirates Expo 2020 Blue. FSX model by Skyspirit/Project Opensky. VC by Jacob Kubique converted to FSX native by Zachary777. Gauges added by Chris Evans. Texures by Joerg Zeitschel. Uploaded by ChrisBG.
Posted Aug 4, 2021 06:09 by Chris BG