All Files > Page 262

FSX/P3D Air Europa 'Skyteam' Thomas Ruth A330-200 RR Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
7.92Mb (235 downloads)
Air Europa 'Skyteam' (EC-LQP) Texture for the Thomas Ruth A330-200 RR Engine model. This texture is a part of my project to attempt to re-texture the Thomas Ruth A330s with 4096*4096 HD Textures. Special thanks to Oniel Black for helping with the engine intake and slats textures. Feel free to join the JetRepaintsSG group on Facebook for more of my repaint works! Installation instructions have been included in the file. Made by Muhammad Akmal Farhan
Required files:
required file
Posted May 30, 2021 10:40 by Muhammad Akmal Farhan

FSX/P3D Airbus A310-300MRTT Luftwaffe German Air Force package
(Category: FSX > Military)
48.68Mb (1121 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A310-300MRTT Luftwaffe German Air Force package. 10+26
The A310MRTT (or CC-150T) is a military version of the Airbus A310. The German Air Force currently operate 3 MRTT versions.
A310MRT model by Thomas Ruth in FSX native format with A310 VC.
Includes FMC by Garret Smith. Includes A310 operation manual. Airbus sounds included. Textured and assembled for P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should work in FSX and other P3D
Posted May 30, 2021 04:56 by chris evans

Antonov-An-3 RCA P3D/FSX
(Category: FSX > Props)
112.88Mb (1524 downloads)
Native FSX very nice model of Antonov AN-3 by Russian Classic Aircraft group.
Comes with full manual in Russian, so you'll need Google if you can't read Russian like me.
Picked this one up from and wanted to share it here.
Posted May 29, 2021 16:01 by Flanker256

Iris F-15 package FSX native USAF Pack 6
(Category: FSX > Military)
61.87Mb (1062 downloads)
Made for P3d and FSX.
Iris F-15 package FSX native USAF Pack 6.
Repaints : 101st FS, 110th FS, St Louis IAP and 159th FS Jacksonville AFB.
Original aircraft by IRIS Simulations. Depictions by Andy Knott.
FSX Native conversion by ignoti et quasi occulti
Package by Danny Garnier
Posted May 29, 2021 13:09 by GARNIER D

FS2004/FSX Boeing 757-200 EasyJet Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
40.87Mb (848 downloads)
So I was looking at the forums the other day and came across this request from a person called "wtomp" who asked for a Boeing 757 in EasyJet livery. So I found a texture pack and made it compatible for FSX. The exterior model and panel by Project Opensky. too are from them. Packaged by Concorde001. Textures by Mathieu Vos. Not compatible with P3D 4+
Posted May 29, 2021 05:23 by Concorde001

FSX Boeing 737-900 house colors with 787 VC
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
64.68Mb (332 downloads)
Here is a Boeing 737-900, model by FAIB [Erez Werber]
The VC is the Erik Bender quality adaption of the X-plane Mariano Gonzalez (MagKnight)'s 787 VC.
Without these fantastic creators, making this addon wouldn't have been possible.
PS- This addon has been tested in FSX, not with P3D... I'm not sure if it will work, but you can try it if you want.
Plus, this is the first ever addon I made, so I hope you enjoy it!
Posted May 29, 2021 02:55 by FSXPlayer Productions- YouTube

Update for FSX of the POS CRJ-200
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.31Mb (267 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the CRJ-200 by Project Open Sky. I have added the CRJ 2D panel; added a HUD to the 2D panel; added an autopilot and a HUD to the VC, in windows; this makes the old, nearly unusable, VC usable; brought the pilot view in the VC closer to the panel; corrected the contact points; and updated the flight dynamics. For a model made for FS2002, it has all the usual animations.
Posted May 28, 2021 11:39 by Bob Chicilo

CamSim A220-300 SWISS with VC package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
34.95Mb (1169 downloads)
Ladies and Gentlemen, a new milestone has been reached. The first ever stable freeware A220 for Flight Simulator X with a Virtual Cockpit, is right in front of you. This excellent exterior model is by Camil Valiquette (CamSim),
had it not been for Camil's A220 model, this entire project wouldn't be possible. Virtual Cockpit by FAIB, thanks to them. In this release, all bugs have been patched/fixed. Note: This is NOT a part of the BETA program, this is a standalone stable release.
Posted May 28, 2021 06:58 by Concorde001

B-47 History Package texture fix
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
23.52Mb (236 downloads)
B-47 History Package texture fix.
This is a set of engine pod textures to fix a pair of flaws in the originals. There is also a vertical tail texture to replace one that was accidentally released in a lower resolution format, and a new copy of the Manual with a minor edit to the legal section. Corrected files are provided for each texture folder and they self-install to the correct texture folders with just a couple simple clicks. Original and corrected textures painted by Mick.
Posted May 28, 2021 02:16 by admin

P3D/FSX Iris Mikoyan MIG-29 Fulcrum Pack 6
(Category: FSX > Military)
46.20Mb (695 downloads)
Iris Mikoyan MIG-29 Fulcrum Pack 6 for P3D and FSX. Indian Navy, INAS 300 - The White Tigers, Ukrainian Air Force and Syrian Air Force.
The ex payware Iris MIG 29 Fulcrum packge updated to FSX native by ignoti et quasi occulti. Textures converted to dds format.
I use the textures by Andy Knott and Mike Pearson.
Package by Danny Garnier
Posted May 27, 2021 12:32 by GARNIER D