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FS2004/FSX Dornier Green Cockpit Lights (Category: FSX > Vintage)
0.95Mb (189 downloads)
This is a config file that will add soft green lighting to an otherwise unlit night cockpit for the Dornier bomber models M, P, Z2 and 10 from "Thicko" and A.F. Scrub. Cfg file only. Freeware mod.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 2, 2013 20:53 by Rick Herring
Butler County/K W Scholter Field (KBTP)
Butler County/K W Scholter Field (KBTP)
Butler County/K W Scholter Field (KBTP) (Category: FSX > Scenery)
2.08Mb (489 downloads)
This is an update to the original Butler County Airport (KBTP). All runways and parking is corrected, as well has hanger locations. The restaurant is even included. Also all the comms are corrected. The runway length is also corrected to 4800 ft.
Posted Apr 2, 2013 18:50 by Alex Bates
Passengers Flight Information
Passengers Flight Information
Passengers Flight Information (Category: FSX > Misc)
2.71Mb (1892 downloads)
This software shows a screen with basic information about the flight - similar to those in real airlines. Use this software in your cockpit to communicate with the passengers
Posted Apr 2, 2013 12:37 by Mario Dantas
Airbus A319 Royal Bhutan Airlines Package
Airbus A319 Royal Bhutan Airlines Package
Airbus A319 Royal Bhutan Airlines Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
61.62Mb (2507 downloads)
Project Airbus A319 Royal Bhutan Airlines for FSX. Includes default VC with upgraded textures by Jim Fly. You can find this aircraft under 'Project Airbus' in your FSX menu. Repaint by Jim Fly(FSRG)
Posted Apr 2, 2013 09:57 by Jim Fly
 Ron Barendregt's Space Gauge V2.0
 Ron Barendregt's Space Gauge V2.0
Ron Barendregt's Space Gauge V2.0 (Category: FSX > Misc)
0.12Mb (5540 downloads)
THIS IS NOT A "DOWNLOAD & FLY" PACKAGE. SO PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME TO READ THE DOCUMENTATION PROPERLY BEFORE YOU INSTALL & USE IT. I'M SURE IT WILL ANSWER MOST OF YOUR QUESTIONS. Not every detail may be relevant for you, since there a lot of background info. During development of stuff like this, I learn a lot of peculiarities of FSX; and I tend to write them down in such a README, if only for my own memory :) So maybe it helps you to understand better how it all works. ==== intended for use with Bruce Fitzgerald's Space Shuttle Atlantis === *** To use this gaugeset for other aircraft , see Appendix-1 of the readme ***
Posted Apr 2, 2013 03:17 by Bruce Fitzgerald for Ron Barendregt
World Wide Air -- A Leased Airbus and  Mystery Flight
World Wide Air -- A Leased Airbus and  Mystery Flight
0.13Mb (2774 downloads)
As a pilot for WWA you have made some great flights. Now the company has leased an Airbus 21 from an Eastern company which has in other occasions used our services. This is a Mission of sorts, cloak and dagger stuff, to Islamabad where you will figure out a route to a mystery airport which agent Kurnituki must go so he can pick up the Dragon Lady!!!...She is supposed to be a super spy and quite a lady we are told. Long flight pilot!! and make sure you land at the specific airports since some other personnel will board the take your yellow socks and your pet rock for luck!!!....If this flight turns ok, the company will pay your apartment rent for one month.....
Posted Apr 2, 2013 00:37 by Gera Godoy Canova
Norfolk NS KNGU
Norfolk NS KNGU
Norfolk NS KNGU (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.03Mb (923 downloads)
Enhancement of Norfolk NS, according to Google Map Information. This airfield has been neglected by default FSX and not even one scenery free or commercial I found of it. So here it is, not perfect, but way better than standard. Tested with UTX USA. Not tested with default scenery.
Posted Apr 1, 2013 12:53 by Blaunarwal
Norfolk Carrier Groups
Norfolk Carrier Groups
Norfolk Carrier Groups (Category: FSX > Misc)
15.88Mb (2508 downloads)
Two Carrier tracks from Norfolk VA to Italy and to the Caribbean. A whole fleet with carrier and escort ships. Some great ships of other designers are included, cause I had to modify them to be used as AI vessels. Needs Nimitz of Javier Fernandez.
Posted Apr 1, 2013 11:05 by Blaunarwal
United Airlines Boeing 747-400 Package
United Airlines Boeing 747-400 Package
United Airlines Boeing 747-400 Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
50.00Mb (6851 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 with the enhanced VC from Alejandro Rojas Lucena (includes PFD, MFD, and autobrake switches, working windshield wipers, improved textures, etc.). Includes United's "Battleship," "Blue Tulips," and "Post-Merger" liveries. Is compatible with jetways. Contains the POSKY utility panel.
Posted Mar 31, 2013 18:18 by Russell Irwin
 FSX/FS2004 Posky Boeing 747-400 American Airlines New Colors Textures
12.75Mb (3160 downloads)
Textures only for the Project Opensky Boeing 747-400 PW model. New paint American Airlines textures by Hanzel Mendoza
Posted Mar 31, 2013 12:13 by Hanzel Mendoza