All Files > Page 1443

FSX Bombardier DASH-8 Q400 Package
(Category: FSX > Props)
26.08Mb (14999 downloads)
The Q400 is the latest evolution of the very popular DASH-8 with a stretched cabin and a very hight speed (close to 400 knots) for a twin turboprop. Three different liveries: FLY BE, Horizon and Qantas. Original design by PAD & JP Brisard. Wide screen panel, GPWS callout, FD and VC modifications by Philippe Wallaert. See readme.txt file for installation and configuration. Credits: PAD and J-P Brisard for the original aircraft. Nice flights!
Posted Feb 19, 2013 11:04 by Philippe Wallaert

Westland Lysander Package
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
9.92Mb (6842 downloads)
Alphasim Westland Lysander
Slightly modified for use in FSX so now it is easy install. Uses the textures fix and
thumbs from Nick Cooper.
The Westland Lysander was a British army co-operation and liaison aircraft produced by
Westland Aircraft used immediately before and during the Second World War. After
becoming obsolete in the army co-operation role, the aircraft's exceptional short-
field performance enabled clandestine missions using small, unprepared airstrips
behind enemy lines to place or recover agents, particularly in occupied France with
the French Resistance help. Like other British army air co-operation aircraft it was
given the name of a mythical or legendary leader, in this case the Spartan general
Posted Feb 19, 2013 10:20 by michael litze

LTFG Gazipasa Airport, Turkey
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.74Mb (1396 downloads)
Gazipasa Airport LTFG in the South of Turkey near 80 nm LTAI Antalya. This airport was made using Airport Design Editor. Main terminal added default building of ADE. This also places a few objects from the default FSX scenery library. Compiled using Airport Design Editor. Version LTFG 2013V1.0 By Hakan DAGHAN
Posted Feb 19, 2013 09:34 by Hakan DAGHAN

Westland Lysander
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
9.95Mb (3229 downloads)
Westland Lysander. With its distinctive high-aspect ratio, high-mounted wing, the Lysander, or "Lizzie", was one of the most capable liaison planes of WWII. The type was fitted with a very powerful engine for its size, and had a unique, high-lift wing of long span which was equipped with automatic leading edge slats and trailing edge flaps. The large wing, powerful engine, and light weight allowed takeoff and landing distances of 300 feet for a normal load, with a stalling speed of just 56 mph. These saw service in a variety of roles, from general liaison to clandestine "spy drops" to target towing and air-sea rescue. In the Mk.IIIA, a large external belly tank of 180 gallons provided exceptional range for dropping off and picking up covert operatives well beyond enemy lines. First flown in 1936, a total of 1,652 of the type were built before production ended.
Posted Feb 19, 2013 09:34 by uploader

Do-It-Yourself Jetways Scenery Objects
(Category: FS Design > Scenery Design)
1.43Mb (1709 downloads)
FS2004 Do-It-Yourself Jetways Scenery Objects. This is a collection of jetway parts that you can use to make complex jetways of almost any configuration. It is best used with either EZ-Scenery or Instant Scenery since these programs will let you see the objects being positioned in FS2004 in real time. This library can be used with Rwy12 (if you create the necessary additional Rwy12 files), ADE9X, and other programs that use standard FS2004 object libraries, but it is not guaranteed you won't tear your hair out in frustration trying to precisely align the parts. By Sidney Schwartz.
Posted Feb 19, 2013 09:27 by uploader

FSX Projet Noratlas Nord2501D Nora Textures
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
12.14Mb (1327 downloads)
FSX Projet Noratlas Nord 2501 D Nora.
The German Luftwaffe used 186 Nord 2501 D built under license.
This package allows to install this version. Requires original model by JF Martin & G Millas
Texture by Bernhard Lechner
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 18, 2013 12:06 by Jean-Francois Martin & Gilbert Millas

Hiller UH-12 Package
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
66.61Mb (7161 downloads)
Rugged and dependable, the Hiller Model UH-12 Helicopters first flew in 1948, and also entered U.S. Army service as the OH-23A through G. They served until the late '70's as trainers, utility and liason, and as medi-vac helos. Always overshadowed by the more famous Bell Model 47, the Hillers gave sterling service throughout their careers. Also saw service with the US Navy and dozens of forces around the world
Posted Feb 18, 2013 08:53 by uploader

Lukla (VNLK), Nepal, AI Traffic
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
22.71Mb (5476 downloads)
Lukla (VNLK), Nepal, AI traffic. Includes STOL aircraft traffic for Lulka Airport in Nepal. Carries the climbers and tourists to the nearby Mt Everest.
To make this ai work even better, I would recommend you download my rendition of
By Harry Patten
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 18, 2013 08:26 by uploader

F-8 Bearcat Blue Angels
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
6.23Mb (1640 downloads)
This is Alpha Bleu Ciel's Grumman F-8 Bearcat updated For Flight Simulator X. August 1946 the Blue Angels upgraded their aircraft to the F8F-1 Bearcat. In May 1947, flight leader Lt. Cmdr. Bob Clarke, replaced Butch Voris as the leader of the team, he introduced the famous Diamond Formation, now considered the Blue Angels' trademark. This aircraft is Blue Angel Ship #1 and It's Enemy adversary Beetle Bomb in a 2 Ship Pkg. Aircraft has a fully function 2D and 3D cockpit. New flight dynamics, airshow smoke, Textures are created in a high gloss just the way the Blue Angels kept their ships. Package includes pictures and History
Textures and updates by Mark Rooks.
Posted Feb 18, 2013 05:04 by Mark Fireball Rooks
KBFL - Meadows Int'l, Bakersfield, CA
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.01Mb (418 downloads)
This Airport was updated by Google Maps and Airport Diagram. Adds lots of new parking spots and runway fixes. Place in Microsoft Flight Simulator X - Addon Scenery > Scenery folder and restart you FSX.
Posted Feb 18, 2013 00:15 by Delta2585