Mar 09, 2025 |
All Files > Page 185
Carenado Dornier228 Scotland Airways Scair Textures
29.60Mb (155 downloads)
Fictional textures for the payware model Carenado Dornier DO228. Scair, Scotland Airways.
Posted Mar 21, 2022 03:55 by JALopezR
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-900 Endeavor Air opf Delta Connection package
83.95Mb (1076 downloads)
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-900 FSX Native Endeavor Air opf Delta Connection package. Endeavour currently have 123 CRJ900 in their fleet. Project Opensky CRJ-900 2020 FSX native model and VC conversion by Speedbird77. Models by Nicholas Wilkinson/Hiroshi Igami Project Opensky. Flight dynamics Warren C. Daniel. FSX and Prepar3D v5 (and previous) compatible MdlX conversions by Speedbird77. Textured and tested in P3D v5.3 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX and other P3D versions.
Posted Mar 20, 2022 13:11 by chris evans
Eurofighter Typhoon Package for FSX/P3D
Eurofighter Typhoon Package for FSX/P3D (Category: FSX > Military)
285.57Mb (3029 downloads)
Eurofighter Typhoon for FSX/P3D. Ex payware from Indiafoxecho/ Dino Cattaneo. EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON V1.10. A highly detailed rendition of the Eurofighter Typhoon, including realistic cockpit interface, working weapon systems (with Tacpack) and realistic flight dynamics. Documentation and multiple liveries models.
Posted Mar 20, 2022 08:06 by Quasimodem
Eurofighter Typhoon Update 1.30
Eurofighter Typhoon Update 1.30 (Category: Prepar3d > Military)
58.25Mb (320 downloads)
Eurofighter Typhoon Update 1.30 Update from version 1.1X to version 1.30 64bit PBR (ONLY FOR P3Dv4.4 AND ABOVE).
Posted Mar 20, 2022 07:36 by Quasimodem
Texture-Mega-Pack for the Warbirdsim P-51D
Texture-Mega-Pack for the Warbirdsim P-51D (Category: FSX > Payware)
103.86Mb (368 downloads)
Hello fellow Sim-Aviators! These Textures are made for use on the Model of the North American P-51D, Part of the Package called "Cadillac of the Skies Part 1+2", provided by Warbirdsim, wich has to be purchased seperately! Planes presented here are: - NL51JB, "Bald Eagle", Part of the "Horsemen"-Formation - G-TFSI, s/n 44-14251, "Contrary Mary", Ex-"Miss Velma", 2018 - NL7715C, "Wee Willy II", Part of the Planes of Fame Air Museum - D-FTSI, "Double Trouble II", Meier Motors, 2020 - N4034S, "Queen of Hearts", Meier Motors, 2019 - NL51ZW, "France Dell", Part of the "Flying Legends"-Collection - s/n 44-73877, "Cisco", as it has appered in the Motion Picture "Memphis Belle" - D-FUNN, "Little Ite", Meier Motors, 2012 - N376TM, "Miss Kitty III", Part of the Dakota Territory Air Museum - KA7490, TG-H, "Classic Lady", RCAF Mustang Mk.IV, fictive Repaint - N151AF, "Val Halla", William Anders, 1997 These Repaints were finished from 2020 through 2022 in highest Resolution (4096 X 4096) by Virtual Aircraft Restoration under usage and the Modification of the Paint Kit provided by the Original Publisher.
Posted Mar 20, 2022 02:24 by Hartmut Hekmann
FSX/P3D Boeing 737-9 Max Icelandair package with Max themed VC
86.59Mb (735 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 737-9 Max Icelandair package with Max themed VC. Icelandair is based at Reykjavik–Keflavik Airport and currently has 3 Boeing 737 Max 9 with 1 more on order. The high spec Boeing 737-9 Max from TDS. The VC is the Microsoft/Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND base modified by Speedbird77 to resemble a Max cockpit, including gauges by G. Munro. There are custom CFM eco sounds included for that extra realism. Use - Instrument panel - Util for ground vehicles, doors stairs, fuel truck, buses. New Utility allows Bus, fuel, doors and more. (Go to Views - Instrument panel - Utility). VC added and edited to allow correct VC views, correct jetways and wheel levels. Credits go to TDS fantastic native FSX Boeing Max8 model. I added PDF B737 checklist. Textured, packaged and prepared for FSX & P3D up to v5 by Chris Evans.
Posted Mar 19, 2022 08:59 by chris evans
Repaint for the Piper Warrior II by  Just Flight
21.35Mb (218 downloads)
Hello fellow Sim-Aviators! Textures are made for use on the Model of the Piper PA 28 Warrior II, provided by Just Flight, wich has to be purchased seperately! This Colour-Scheme shows a Plane that once served in a well-maintained Surrounding, but that seems long ago. Now registered in Paraguay, the only duty for this aircraft is to just fly – nothing else. Yes, it could need a little more love and attention. Everything that makes a plane look wasty is added: Oil- and Exhaust Stain, Dirt and Gravel, Colourchips and Fuel Spillige. Maybe you´ll use this one to reach out to an adventure, but maybe the flight itself is the even greater advetage! This Repaint was finished on 12th of March 2022 by Virtual Aircraft Restoration under usage of the Paint Kit provided by the Original Publisher. A Smoke-Effect is added to provide an extra potion of Realism.
Posted Mar 19, 2022 03:08 by Hartmut Hekmann
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400BCF National Airlines 30 Years package
81.28Mb (525 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400BCF National Airlines 30 Years package. Based at Orlando Sanford International Airport, Florida, National Airlines currently has 6 Boeing 747-400F. N936CA is painted in the 30 Years livery. High quality Project Opensky Boeing 747-400f FSX native model with the much improved Boeing 747 internal model (VC) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). Model includes ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility. P3D go to Vehicle - Instrument Panel -). Added 747 sounds, edited views, panel. Thank you to Project Opensky/Skyspirit/TDS for their fantastic contribution to the worldwide flight simulation community. Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. Added wing views. Textured and assembled for P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX and previous P3D versions.
Nose texture fix (if you have a black square under the nose)
Posted Mar 18, 2022 14:23 by chris evans
TA-4 Skyhawk Package for P3D4.4+
TA-4 Skyhawk Package for P3D4.4+ (Category: Prepar3d > Military)
827.71Mb (394 downloads)
TA-4 Skyhawk Package for P3D4.4+ ********** Welcome to the TA-4 SKYHAWK for Flight Prepar3D 4.4+. Ex payware from India Fox Echo/Dino Cattaneo. A project specifically designed for Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v4. The manual provided in this folder is the one for the P3Dv4 version. Here are the main differences between the FSX and the P3Dv4 versions: - The FSX version does not have the instructor/backseat cockpit - PBR effects (not supported by FSX) have been removed and replaced with traditional materials - The radar scope images are provided through the FSX GPS mapping service, as opposed to the more realistic GPS ground radar service
Posted Mar 18, 2022 14:10 by Quasimodem
TA-4 Skyhawk Package for FSX
TA-4 Skyhawk Package for FSX (Category: FSX > Military)
567.61Mb (1916 downloads)
TA-4 Skyhawk Package for Flight Simulator X (FSX) ******* Ex payware from India Fox Echo/Dino Cattaneo. Welcome to the TA-4 SKYHAWK for Flight Simulator X. Before you start, please note that this module is derivative of a project specifically designed for Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v4. The manual provided in this folder is the one for the P3Dv4 version. Here are the main differences between the FSX and the P3Dv4 versions: - The FSX version does not have the instructor/backseat cockpit - PBR effects (not supported by FSX) have been removed and replaced with traditional materials - The radar scope images are provided through the FSX GPS mapping service, as opposed to the more realistic GPS ground radar service Pretty much everything else is the same as the P3D version.
Posted Mar 18, 2022 13:36 by Quasimodem