Mar 05, 2025 |
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FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines package
59.69Mb (1382 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines package. KLM currently have 5 Airbus A330-300 in their fleet. Model by Thomas Ruth. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Revised original VC by Microsoft updated by Collin MacKenzie to include built in FMC and more. Textured and assembled for P3D5 (Should also work in other P3D and FSX) by Chris Evans
Posted Oct 30, 2021 12:53 by chris evans
P3D  Lockheed L-1329 Jetstar P3DV4+ PRE BETA MODEL
P3D Lockheed L-1329 Jetstar P3DV4+ PRE BETA MODEL (Category: Prepar3d > Civil Jets)
302.31Mb (719 downloads)
Lockheed L-1329 Jetstar 2 Pre beta model. P3DV4.5-P3DV5.1 compatible model PRE BETA RELEASE MODEL- still improvements required Community invited to contribute Model donated by Jim Goldman for FREE COMMUNITY PROJECT READ THE MUST READ REALLY file Lockheed JetStar (company designations L-329 and L-1329; designated C-140 in US military service) is a business jet produced from the early 1960s to the 1970s. The JetStar was the first dedicated business jet to enter service, as well as the only such airplane built by Lockheed. It was also one of the largest aircraft in the class for many years, seating ten plus two crew. It is distinguishable from other small jets by its four engines, mounted on the rear of the fuselage, and the "slipper"-style fuel tanks fixed to the wings. Read here too Roland Berger aka thunder100
Posted Oct 30, 2021 08:37 by Roland Berger
FSX/P3D  Boeing 777-300ER Swiss 2021 updated package
96.31Mb (1003 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 777-300ER Swiss 2021 updated with re-animated and revised virtual cockpit. Swiss Airlines currently has 11 Boeing 777-300ER and fly worldwide. Realistic CFM soundpack added. Original VC by Jacob Kubique. Converted to FSX native by Zachary777. VC updates by Speedbird77 with gauges by G. Munro and Ken Wiggington. See Credits for more. Retextured and assembled for P3d v5.2 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX nd previous P3D.
Posted Oct 29, 2021 13:37 by chris evans
FSX EDNY Friedrichshafen, Germany
FSX EDNY Friedrichshafen, Germany (Category: FSX > Scenery)
112.97Mb (616 downloads)
Well it starts as always, I can't find a usable freeware airport in this case for the EDNY Friedrichshafen so I'll build it myself again.... now what can I say after a lot of work it is built as real as possible with many details with the standard scenery .......... So fly to Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance of course you should take a zeppelin there, which is also being built there, and fly with it on a sightseeing flight over Lindau to Bregenz and visit the mountain station on the Pfänder ......
Posted Oct 29, 2021 00:54 by Ewald Wagner
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-200 Delta Airlines Package
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-200 Delta Airlines Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
67.92Mb (1257 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-200 Delta Airlines. Delta currently have 11 A330-200 in their fleet. Model by Thomas Ruth. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Revised original VC by Microsoft updated by Collin MacKenzie to include built in FMC and more. Textured and assembled for P3D5 (Should also work in other P3D and FSX) by Chris Evans
Posted Oct 28, 2021 12:29 by chris evans
FSX Firespray 31X
FSX Firespray 31X (Category: FSX > Misc)
74.43Mb (298 downloads)
This is an reupload but with updated effects (I forgot a .fx file the last time) and a stripped down sound folder! Many thanks to Bruce Fritzgerald for his Flight dynamic settings (FDE), Milton Shupe and Krispy1001 for their Gmax and Blender entry-level videos and the people from the FSDeveloper site for their Blender tool! Without their work I could not have exported anything for FSX (had no FSX SDK)! Tested only in FSX/ACC! Have fun!
Posted Oct 28, 2021 04:25 by Andiroto
FSX/P3D Boeing 777-200ER American Airlines OneWorld Package
82.83Mb (1084 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 777-200ER American Airlines OneWorld updated with re-animated and revised virtual cockpit. American currently have 45 Boeing 777-200ER with 2 painted in the OneWorld livery. Model by Hiroshi Igami, Yosuke Ube with support of Posky members. Original VC by Jacob Kubique. Converted to FSX native by Zachary777. VC updates by Speedbird77 with gauges by G. Munro and Ken Wiggington. See Credits for more. Last version had 3122 d/ls. Textured and assembled for P3d v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX nd previous P3D
Posted Oct 27, 2021 11:12 by chris evans
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-9 Boeing 787-9 Turkish Airlines Updated Package
80.30Mb (950 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-9 Boeing 787-9 Turkish Airlines Updated with FSX Native 787 VC. The high quality Boeing 787-9 from TDS. The VC is the Erik Bender great adaption of the X-plane Mariano Gonzalez (MagKnight)'s 787 VC. Cockpit textured lighter grey. TDS Boeing 787-9 jetway exits fixed. TDS high spec. native FSX Boeing 787-9 model. See Document to get the best out of the VC. Textured, assembled and tested in P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in earlier P3D & FSX.
Posted Oct 26, 2021 12:52 by chris evans
TruNorthSim Feelthere EJets Lighting Mod V2
TruNorthSim Feelthere EJets Lighting Mod V2 (Category: Prepar3d > Payware)
13.54Mb (71 downloads)
The purpose of this mod is to fix several issues with the Feelthere EJets aircraft night lighting. It was created using the original EJets, not V3. This mod REPLACES my original TruNorth Simulations Feelthere EJets Lighting Mod previously found here on Simviation. -----Changes and Fixes ----- 1. Adjusted the landing lights on the aircraft models' wings, so that they no longer shine into the cockpit at night 2. Included a new beacon light effect that doesn't blink into the cockpit 3. Changed the line in each of the aircraft's configs that specifies which beacon light effect to use from fx_beaconb and fx_beaconh to fx_usethisbeacon 4. Changed the night textures of the external models of the E175, E190, and E195 to match the green glow of the E170 5. Fixed the night textures of all exernal models so that the rear passenger door handle and edges do not light up at night 6. Fixed the night textures of the E175 and E190 external models so that they light up at night when the panel light switch is on 7. Adjusted the emmisive mode of textures to display correctly in P3Dv4 8. Made changes in all aircraft.cfgs to moved the strobe lights to solve unrealistic clipping 9. Made changes to several night textures on the E195's external model to fix ugly squares, lines, and pixels from displaying all over the livery and around the windows at night. *With the fix applied, the cockpit no longer illuminates unrealistically, so long as the taxi lights are NOT turned on when the landing gear is in the raised position! BE SURE TO TURN THE TAXI LIGHTS OFF BEFORE TAKEOFF! Don't forget to visit my Facebook @TruNorthSim to leave a comment or request support!
Posted Oct 26, 2021 01:00 by TruNorthSim
FSX/P3D  Boeing 777-300ER Air Canada 2021 updated package
95.60Mb (968 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 777-300ER Air Canada 2021 updated with re-animated and revised virtual cockpit. Canada's flag carrier airline currently has 18 Boeing 777-300ER flying globally. Realistic CFM soundpack added. Original VC by Jacob Kubique. Converted to FSX native by Zachary777. VC updates by Speedbird77 with gauges by G. Munro and Ken Wiggington. See Credits for more. Retextured and assembled for P3d v5.2 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX nd previous P3D. Previous version has over 2300 downloads
Posted Oct 25, 2021 09:46 by chris evans