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                  Pilatus PC-6 Porter Repaint Kit
FS2004 Pilatus PC-6 Porter Repaint Kit (Category: FS Design > Aircraft Paintkits)
2.04Mb (1188 downloads)
FS2004 Pilatus PC-6 Porter Repaint Kit This is my paint kit for use with Don Moser's Pilatus PC-6 Porter . Files are in PSP8 format as well as PSD format (Photoshop). Requires (here) By Chris Coarse. 2.1MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  Default Cessna 172 Blank Textures
FS2004 Default Cessna 172 Blank Textures (Category: FS Design > Aircraft Paintkits)
1.71Mb (3372 downloads)
FS2004 Default Cessna 172 Blank Textures. This is a Blank no paint no markings. Just a very good starting point to create your very own project. Textures only Created by Mark Rooks "fire Ball". 1.7MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
FS2004 Robert Versluys Airbus A380-800 Paintkit (Category: FS Design > Aircraft Paintkits)
2.12Mb (3162 downloads)
FS2004 Airbus A380-800 Paintkit/ White livery High quality Gmax model of the Airbus A380-800, the world's largest passenger jet. The model includes all the usual things as a steering nosewheel, taxi and landing lights, \dynamics shine and all moving parts, including a fully animated landing gear animation. Some special things include three opening doors, with visible interior. Flexing wings, wing views and trim animation for the horizontal stabilisers. Model, dynamics and textures by Robert Versluys. 2.2MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  SGA DC-9 series Blank Textures.
FS2004 SGA DC-9 series Blank Textures. (Category: FS Design > Aircraft Paintkits)
0.58Mb (1637 downloads)
FS2004 SGA DC-9 series Blank Textures. Basic Blank textures for painting. by Stewart-Global Aircraft. 590K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  Layered Repaint Kit For B5N2 Kate
CFS2 Layered Repaint Kit For B5N2 Kate (Category: FS Design > Aircraft Paintkits)
1.20Mb (745 downloads)
CFS2 Layered Repaint Kit For B5N2 Kate Layered Repaint Kit by Marc Dornep AKA. XanyHead. This is a layered PSP file of the CFS2 B5N2-Kate which will make repaints much easier. There are 4 layers.....Background, Lines, Rivets, and Weathering! Each and every line, rivet, and weathering area were placed exactly as they were on the STOCK Kate texture, Which took alot of time and effort to do. 1.2MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
FS2004/FSX                    SGA MD-87 Paintkit
FS2004/FSX SGA MD-87 Paintkit (Category: FS Design > Aircraft Paintkits)
0.36Mb (1493 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 SGA MD-87 Paintkit. Non layered BMP format. Paintkit for SGA's latest McDonnell Douglas 87 release. by Erick Cantu. 367K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  Premier Aircraft Design CRJ700 Paint Kit
FS2004 Premier Aircraft Design CRJ700 Paint Kit (Category: FS Design > Aircraft Paintkits)
0.47Mb (1589 downloads)
FS2004 Premier Aircraft Design CRJ700 Paint Kit A set of unpainted textures and templates for the PAD CRJ700. Help file included. Jean-Pierre Brisard, Barry Blaisdell & Bob May. 486K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  Lockheed C-130H Hercules AI Aircraft Model + Repaint kit
FS2004 Lockheed C-130H Hercules AI Aircraft Model + Repaint kit (Category: FS Design > Aircraft Paintkits)
0.47Mb (2966 downloads)
FS2004 Lockheed C-130H Hercules AI Aircraft Model + Repaint kit . Version 1.0 November 8th 2004. Model, Base Textures & Flight Dynamics by David Friswell. Model: Built in Abacus' FSDS v2.24. Flight Dynamics: This Lockheed C-130H model is built for AI purposes only using the excellent FSDS v1 Lockheed L100-30 model by Johan Crous. Mixture of 1% Spreadshhets (for Aircraft.cfg) and MODIFIED Default FS9 B747-400 (Airfile). 485K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  Lockheed C-130J-30 Hercules AI Aircraft Model + Repaint kit
                  Version 1.0
0.46Mb (2069 downloads)
FS2004 Lockheed C-130J-30 Hercules AI Aircraft Model + Repaint kit Version 1.0 November 8th 2004. Model, Base Textures & Flight Dynamics by David Friswell. Model: Built in Abacus' FSDS v2.24. Flight Dynamics: This Lockheed C-130J-30 model is built for AI purposes only using the excellent FSDS v1 Lockheed L100-30 model by Johan Crous. Mixture of 1% Spreadshhets (for Aircraft.cfg) and MODIFIED Default FS9 B747-400 (Airfile). 468K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  MAAM-SIM DC-3 Repaint Templates
FS2004/FS2002 MAAM-SIM DC-3 Repaint Templates (Category: FS Design > Aircraft Paintkits)
16.78Mb (1360 downloads)
FS2004/FS2002 MAAM-SIM DC-3 Repaint Templates These are 24-bit templates on which to base repaints of the FS2004/FS2002 MAAM-SIM DC-3 available from Mid-Atlantic Air Museum Simulations (MAAM-SIM) at They cannot be used with the default FS2004 DC-3. This is not a 'paint kit' as such, as the original MAAM-SIM DC-3 bitmaps are partly photoreal. Rather, these are semi-finished templates on which to base further work. This initial package comprises bare metal and white top liveries for the base Passenger and Cargo DC-3 models in different variations, together with revised alpha channel templates. Simple instructions are included. These base textures reflect commonly found "background" configurations for many liveries, and will save repainters time by not having to get rid of the default colour schemes found in the original package before starting work. Please note that further templates will be issued to complement any future versions of the MAAM-SIM model. The intention is that those templates can be added to this base 'paintkit' folder, the methodology and basic instructions being similar for all paints. Where changes to the model invoke changes in texture mapping or other differences, this will be noted with each new package provided. By Mark Beaumont for MAAM-SIM, based on original textures by Jan Visser. File name: MAAMkit1.ZIP. 17.2MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive