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Air Canada Pack for Airbus A321 and Boeing 737-800
Air Canada Pack for Airbus A321 and Boeing 737-800
11.33Mb (10379 downloads)
This pack includes 3 liveries: Boeing 737-800 Air Canada and Airbus A321 Air Canada and Air Canada Horizons. By RSvit
Posted Aug 27, 2009 13:19 by Rostyslav Svitelskiy
FS2004 MiG21UM VFR2
FS2004 MiG21UM VFR2 (Category: FS2004 > Military)
3.90Mb (3271 downloads)
FS2004 MiG-21UM OADF VFR This is gmax made MiG-21 version UM, 2 seater version of the MiG-21 Fishbed. Has a clickable Virtual Cockpit. Designed by Ricardo Batalha. Includes a half minutes real video, VFR VC works and fixed .CFG by George Csillag.
Posted Aug 27, 2009 09:26 by GCs
FSX Acceleration F18 Fictional Demo Team Textures
FSX Acceleration F18 Fictional Demo Team Textures
41.44Mb (2862 downloads)
A Fictional Demonstration Team Textures for the FSX Acceleration F18.
Posted Aug 27, 2009 08:04 by Hotzoner
Bell UH-1D ARMY 2490 Textures
Bell UH-1D ARMY 2490 Textures (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
1.85Mb (1456 downloads)
Bell UH-1D ARMY 2490 Texture for the Model of Deane Baunton
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required file
Posted Aug 27, 2009 08:01 by benimix
Bell UH-1D Spanish Air Force Textures
Bell UH-1D Spanish Air Force Textures (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
1.80Mb (1065 downloads)
Bell UH-1D Spain Air Force Texture for the Model of Deane Baunton
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 27, 2009 05:02 by benimix
Phillipines Shuttle
Phillipines Shuttle
Phillipines Shuttle (Category: FSX > Missions)
9.75Mb (4314 downloads)
A FSX Mission for ship shape airline pilots out of a job. Fly with Olas Air, the newest Shuttle service in the Phillipines. Salary according to your experience and tact with passengers, specially women. You will be checked by Capt. Sireia Blanca, senior pilot of the company, she will really check you out. Important....clean nails are a must if you have any desire to fly these DH8's. Will need for mission...Dash 8-311 Regional airliner from "Five Aircraft Package-European" since Olas is part of Cirrus which is a partner of Lufthansa (Got it?)......file: Have a nice flight.
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required file
Posted Aug 26, 2009 17:38 by Gera Godoy Canova
Airbus A321 Thomas Cook textures
Airbus A321 Thomas Cook textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.73Mb (13050 downloads)
Airbus A321 Thomas Cook textures only for the default A321. By RSvit
Posted Aug 26, 2009 12:39 by RSvit
Piper J3 Cub American Girl and Blue Drops Textures
Piper J3 Cub American Girl and Blue Drops Textures
2.39Mb (1712 downloads)
The Piper J-3 Cub is a small, simple, light aircraft that was built between 1937 and 1947 by Piper Aircraft. Two additional textures for the default Piper J3 Cub. Repaints by Ingo Schwan.
Posted Aug 26, 2009 11:41 by Ingo Schwan
Bombardier Crj-700 Jazz Texture
Bombardier Crj-700 Jazz Texture (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.85Mb (1784 downloads)
This is a repaint of the default bombardier crj-700 for fsx. I have repainted this In the textures of Jazz , Enjoy! Repaint By James Landes
Posted Aug 26, 2009 11:36 by James Landes
Bell UH-1D Civil N90057 Textures
Bell UH-1D Civil N90057 Textures (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
0.76Mb (1059 downloads)
Bell UH-1D (Bell 205) Civil N90057 Texture for the Model of Deane Baunton
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 26, 2009 08:36 by benimix