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AIRCRAFT- DreamFleet 2000 C-172P Pilot Operating Handbook
(Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.36Mb (281 downloads)
AIRCRAFT- DreamFleet 2000 C-172P Pilot Operating Handbook
An all new version of the 172P POH, for the DreamFleet 2000
/ FSD C-172P aircraft and panel. Re-recreated from the original
POH included in the package, but now in easy to read and print
PDF format. Total 51 pages. You must have Adobe Acrobat reader
4.0 (not 3.0) installed in order to view / print this handbook,
and this must be downloaded separately from Adobe. No support
can be offered for this handbook or for Adobe Acrobat. Freeware,
by Alex Franzen, in cooperation with DreamFleet 2000.. 370K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive

Piper Arrow II.
(Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.23Mb (631 downloads)
Piper Arrow II. An FSDS aircraft with full moving parts,
512x512 textures, transparent virtual cockpit and a custom panel.
By Chuck Dome. 237K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive

Islander (for FS2000)
(Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.88Mb (687 downloads)
Islander (for FS2000) General This software contains: -
a Britten-Norman Islander aircraft repainted in the livery of
the Italian Wings, a virtual airline which operates in Italy
and in many countries of Europe. The model, created by Mike
Stone, gets full moving parts and transparent windows with a
detailed interior including the pilot; - a panel obtained with
the BMPs and a great part of gauges of default. The GPS98 (shareware)
is enclosed. Aircraft: Mike Stone. Panel and Italian Wings livery:
Gen. Marcello Lugari. 900K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive

Airlines Embraer EMB-110
(Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.19Mb (551 downloads)
Airlines Embraer EMB-110 Cavalier Airlines Embraer EMB-110
for FS2000 only. This small aircraft is used as Cavalier Airlines'
main short-field prop, and was created by the Aviation Center
Studio and includes detailed textures accompanied by night lighting.
Painted in the Cavalier Airlines scheme by Adam Reynolds. 190K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive

152 CC-KAA
(Category: FS2000 > Props)
3.38Mb (967 downloads)
152 CC-KAA Cessna
152 CC-KAA Created 01/Ene/2001 With FSDS and Aircraft Animator
Abacus Version 1.0 Freware. Gauges: download Flightsim Designed
Model and Gauge: Marcelo Cánovas FDE: Raul Acevedo. Painted:
Mauricio Illanes Bitmap View Aircraft : Painted mauricio Illanes.
Original Photo View : Jean-Pierre Langer and Paul Beardsley
December 2000. Include : Full Movings Parts 3D ( Flap , Aleron
, Rudder ,etc ),Transparent Windows with reflejo ,Real Prop
Type F2000 , pilot 3D, 3D Blade , Full Checklist , separate
switch Land Nav , strobe , Custom Panel and Full Views. 3.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive

Pro Cessna 310
(Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.72Mb (731 downloads)
Pro Cessna 310. An FSDS aircraft with full moving parts,
512x512 textures, a custom panel, transparent windows and a
virtual cockpit with night lighting effects. By Chuck Dome.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive

Aviat/Pitts S-2B of Seppo Saario
(Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.49Mb (1011 downloads)
Aviat/Pitts S-2B of Seppo Saario The S-2B is the outstanding
two seater version of the Pitts Special. This aircraft has the
unique capability of true unlimited-class performance, even
while carrying both a pilot and passenger. The Pitts Special
S-2B is the preferred aircraft for dual instruction for all
acrobatic manoeuvres. The S-2B is powered by a 260 hp Lycoming
AEIO-540-D4A5 engine with a constant-speed propeller. The engine
is equipped with a patented Inverted Oil System and a fuel system
for unlimited inverted flight. This FSDS design includes full
moving parts, virtual cockpit with transparent canopy with glass
reflections as well as the instrument panel. Designed by Mikko
Maliniemi. 499K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive

Crossair-Eurocross Saab 2000 Concordino
(Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.52Mb (1035 downloads)
Crossair-Eurocross Saab 2000 Concordino The Saab 2000 Concordino
is a 50 seat regional aircraft which was specially concieved
and developed for Crossair's needs and built by Saab of Sweden.
The aircraft quickly earned the name "Concordino" with Crossair,
and with good reason: it may be powered by two turboprop engines,
the Saab 2000 has the cruising speed of a jet. The aircraft
features a transparent cockpit, full animation including flaps,
rudder, airelons, landing gears, and elevators, as well night
textures. The textures were made from scratch using only photos
for reference. Designed by Greggory Payne. 528K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive

Beech King Air repaint
(Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.12Mb (645 downloads)
Beech King Air repaint. Quality replacement textures in
white/orange livery. 121K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive

Piper Super Cub 180 "Wilderness Outfitter Floatplane"
(Category: FS2000 > Props)
2.70Mb (764 downloads)
Piper Super Cub 180 "Wilderness Outfitter Floatplane" This
plane is a part of the "Cub Collection". Designed to take advantage
of the improved graphics and function of FS2000. Includes proper
start sequence, new panels and side views with functioning gauges,
and a variety of other features. Ron Ackerley. 2.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive