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FS2000 PA 28 Piper Arrow. (Category: FS2000 > Props)
2.84Mb (512 downloads)
FS2000 PA 28 Piper Arrow. Aircraft designed by Warren Baier // Original panel by Mikko Maliniemi. 2.9MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  Private Britten-Norman Islander,
FS2000 Private Britten-Norman Islander, (Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.18Mb (1015 downloads)
FS2000 Private Britten-Norman Islander, registration YR-BNG. Features full moving parts, transparent windows with detailed interior including pilot. This version has rolling wheels, improved props with independant animation, as well as other minor changes. Custom panel included. Aircraft by Mike Stone, repainted by Gergely Kosa. 187K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  DHC2 Beaver Crop Duster
FS2000 DHC2 Beaver Crop Duster (Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.24Mb (642 downloads)
FS2000 DHC2 Beaver Crop Duster. This file is another repaint of Fred Banting's and Yannick Lavigne's wonderful DHC2 Beaver. This plane is used by the State of Alaska Civil Air Patrol for various duties including search and rescue. This repaint does not show the extra windows that are on the real plane. Sound and Panel files from one of Fred Banting's beavers are required and are not included in this archive. By Fred Choate
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  LatinSim DINFIA IA-50 GII Guaraní Argentine Air Force
0.36Mb (754 downloads)
FS2000 LatinSim DINFIA IA-50 GII Guaraní Argentine Air Force Military transport turbo prop, Version 1.0 includes full moving parts, clear windows, pilots figure and realistic flight dynaimcs. Designed by Ariel Cimino and Cherar Suarez, 374K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  LatinSim DINFIA IA-50 GII Guaraní MBS Argentina
0.37Mb (748 downloads)
FS2000 LatinSim DINFIA IA-50 GII Guaraní MBS Argentina. Turbo prop transport of Ministerio de Bienstar Social (MBS) Argentina, Version 1.0 includes full moving parts, clear windows, pilots figure and realistic flight dynaimcs. Designed by Ariel Cimino and Cherar Suarez, 387K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  JMSDF Beechcraft TC-90
FS2000 JMSDF Beechcraft TC-90 (Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.26Mb (1011 downloads)
FS2000 JMSDF Beechcraft TC-90 FS2000/FS2K2 Beechcraft C-90 with full moving parts. Benefis Healthcare Med Flight C-90. Med Flight has serviced north, central and eastern Montana regions since 1994. This C-90 is the smallest of a three plane fleet, but very practical for the short runways of rural Montana. Painted by Bill Carmichael, Designed by Tomohito UNYAMA, Dynamics by Michael Verlin. 263K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  1977 Piper Cherokee Six 300, Amphibian
1.71Mb (1358 downloads)
FS2000 1977 Piper Cherokee Six 300, Amphibian. Complete Overhaul of Eric Johnson's Cherokee AFX. Full moving parts and speed brake operated landing gear, Transparent windows and full lights. Custom Panel with DragonFlight start and light switches. Few Cherokee's were ever put on floats and is more of a Sportsman's plane than a true Bush Workhorse. by Dana McGee. Setup for FS2000 default GPS. 1.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
(Category: FS2000 > Props)
1.60Mb (1293 downloads)
Zlin Z-142 is Czechoslovak all metal, two seat, sports and training plane. It's intended for basic or advanced training, for aerobatics training and for IFR and night flying. Version Z142C AF is a special variant for Czech Air Force. FS model includes e.g. photorealistic 2D panel, dynamic 3D virtual cockpit with working gauges and with moving controls, moving pilot, canopy reflections, rotating tires, new propeller, lights and smoke effects. By Milan Lisner (CVA Design). 1.6MB FS2000 version FS98 version
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                    STD/PRO Bombardier Canadair CL215 North Carolina Division
                    of Forest Resources.
1.99Mb (4116 downloads)
FS2000 STD/PRO Bombardier Canadair CL215 North Carolina Division of Forest Resources. This is the virtual model for Fs2000 of the famous canadian built fire fighting amphibious planes. The model presented here depicts an aircraft that is currently used by the North Carolina Division of Forest Resources as a forest fire fighting air tanker. The plane operates from Hickory Municipal Airport in the western part of the state. The model made with FSDS from ABACUS features full moving parts with a realistic rendered motion of the main gear, a nose wheel steering, rolling wheels and pilots in a virtual cockpit. Model,panel and original textures by Massimo Taccoli, air file by Andrea Cini. Repainted by Bruce Long with permission from Mr. Taccoli. 2MB Fix: This will prevent the non-existant "float" CL-215 from showing up in your aircraft menu. 2K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  Extra in fictional representation of the Blue Angels.
0.28Mb (1238 downloads)
Fs2000 Extra in fictional representation of the Blue Angels. Has 3 different kinds of smoke systems: red, white, and blue. Repainted by Dustin Johnson. 288K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive