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FS2004                  American Eagle Metroliner III N357AE. Textures only
0.57Mb (1598 downloads)
FS2004 American Eagle Metroliner III N357AE. Textures only requires MET3PASS.ZIP (here)by Jon Murchison. This is a highly detailed repaint using over 2,000 rivets with 32 bit reflective textures. Logos and lettering is all original and was accomplished pixel by pixel. Proper coding has been added to the aircraft.cfg file so it will goto American Eagle Commuter Ramps. Orignal model by Jon Murchison, American Eagle Textures by Jim Martin. 589K
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  deHavilland DH114 Heron Prinair.
FS2004 deHavilland DH114 Heron Prinair. (Category: FS2004 > Props)
2.01Mb (2748 downloads)
FS2004 deHavilland DH114 Heron Prinair. Designer: Les Penridge; Air file by David Henderson Flight model: Brian Horsey, Repaint by Carlos marrero. 878K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  / FS2002 Grob 115E (Tutor) Manchester & Salford UAS, and Liverpool
                  Universities UAS. Textures Only
4.31Mb (1639 downloads)
FS2004 / FS2002 Grob 115E (Tutor) Manchester & Salford UAS, and Liverpool Universities UAS. Textures Only (Includes DXT3 textures for AI use). These two University Air Squadrons are based at RAF Woodvale, near Southport. requires Grob Tutor by D G Designs (here). Repaint by Andy Nott of Anglo-Virtual Aviation UK. 4.4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  Spartan 7W Executive
FS2004 Spartan 7W Executive (Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.37Mb (2064 downloads)
FS2004 Spartan 7W Executive Way ahead of its time, this aircraft defined the concept of the executive aircraft. Designed in 1935, it was sleek, rugged, and fast. Made to cater to the wealthy few who could afford it. By Mike Stone. 327K Filename
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  HU-16B Albatross
FS2002/FS2004 HU-16B Albatross (Category: FS2004 > Props)
2.35Mb (6201 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 HU-16B Albatross Few aircraft with the exception of the DC-3,or C-130, has seen such widespread military service as the Albatross.In fact, I call it the DC-3 of the water; the Grumman ironworks built this amphibian to stand the test of time,like Douglas did with the DC-3! This is an updated version of Greg Pepper's original HU-16. Credit for It has full moving parts,( a flightcrew by Daisuke Yamamoto), panel with throttles,(but no VC), and authentic Air Force Reserve textures by James Craig. 2.4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  Avions Mudry CAP 20L
Fs2004 Avions Mudry CAP 20L (Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.75Mb (3101 downloads)
Fs2004 Avions Mudry CAP 20L Aircraft Model + Repaint kit. Version 1.0 February 4th 2005. Model, Base Textures & Flight Dynamics by David Friswell. Model: Built in Abacus' FSDS v2.24. Flight Dynamics: 1% Spreadshhets v2.84.65 The CAP 20L is a single-seat descendant of the two seat Mudry CAP10, the CAP20L is itself derived from the single seat Mudry CAP20, featuring shortened and modified fuselage and shortened wings. First flown on January 15th 1976. The CAP20L is also an often modeled Radio Controlled model aircraft & is where this author got inspired to make this FS9 model. The model features full animation, including variable pitch propeller blades, reflective textures and as accurate as I can get, flight dynamics fully tuned & optimised for FS2004/FS9. The model also features a dynamic Virtual cockpit and customised 3d panel, there is no 2d panel with this release. This product is SELECTWARE: As defined and accepted by you in the Installation Process. 1.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  Skyranger Ultralight aircraft
                  Skyranger Ultralight aircraft
FS2004 Skyranger Ultralight aircraft (Category: FS2004 > Props)
6.45Mb (4592 downloads)
FS2004 Skyranger Ultralight aircraft . .Aircraft has 2d and 3d panels , dynamic shine,full rolling wheels. Aircraft and textures by Byron Warwick. 6.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  Rans S7c Courier
                  Rans S7c Courier
FS2004 Rans S7c Courier (Category: FS2004 > Props)
3.70Mb (5574 downloads)
FS2004 Rans S7c Courier Two seats in tandem, high wing, tractor, taildragger. Full enclosure with doors. Equipped with the Rotax 100 HP 912S engine, the Courier leaps into the air in less than 325 feet. Lifting off short means little if you can’t haul a load. 500 pounds of payload puts the Courier in the "do something, go somewhere" class. Tough spring steel gear and effective Cleveland Brakes let you do that something in places previously passed by. The gentle nature of this taildragger will encourages the newcomer and compliments the seasoned. Developed in the land of daily crosswinds (Kansas), the Courier is good for 20 KTS. at 90 degrees – more if you know a few tricks. Aircraft and Panel by Steven Grant. 3.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  Dassault Breguet Atlantique 2
FS2002/FS2004 Dassault Breguet Atlantique 2 (Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.67Mb (4186 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Dassault Breguet Atlantique 2 Atlantic is an antisubmarine patrol aircraft that the community in France designed to oppose the submarine of Warsaw Treaty Organization. Atlantique of the second generation is developed now. Atlantique 2 can be distinguished by the plastic operation to which the vertical stability board top part rises and the shortening dorsal fin. by Kazunori Ito. 1.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                    Cirrus SR20
FS2004/2002Pro Cirrus SR20 (Category: FS2004 > Props)
4.29Mb (10133 downloads)
FS2004/2002Pro Cirrus SR20. FSDS 2 SR-20 model with full moving parts and fully instrumented virtual cockpit and opening doors. Includes Garmin avionics by Ike H. Slack of Coyote Avionics Design. Also included reference manual and checklist by Werner Schott. Some FS2002 Pro Gauges are required. By Guenter Kraemer. 4.4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive