All Files > Page 2875

T-28 Trojan US Navy Package
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
26.21Mb (11354 downloads)
This is Tim Conrad's FS9 T-28 Trojan Modified For FSX. The T-28 was the primary trainer for many Air Force and Navy pilots. This model is painted in colors of the United States Navy. T-28As were built from 1950 - 1953 and used as trainers by the Navy and Air Force. The T-28A was powered by an 800 hp. Wright R-1300 with a 2blade constant speed propeller. Modifications and textures by Mark Rooks of RDG Aircraft. Aircraft has a 2D and 3D panel (VC) updated by Ted T. Includes Pictures and History of the T-28 Trojan
Posted Jun 6, 2009 06:44 by Mark Rooks

Air France A330-200
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
19.48Mb (14964 downloads)
The Memory of Atlantic Ocean Accident in June 1st 2009 An Air France Airbus A330-200, registration F-GZCP performing flight AF-447 (dep May 31st) from Rio de Janeiro,RJ (Brazil) to Paris Charles de Gaulle (France) with 216 passengers and 12 crew, crased with unknown reasion Yigit Ciftci Model By Project Open Sky Model Designers: Shervin Ahooraei Flight Dynamics Designer: Warren C. Daniel Master Texture Designers: Gary Hayes Ben Hewitt Yigit Ciftci Technical Resource: Simon Ng Nick Peterson
Posted Jun 5, 2009 21:33 by Yigit CIFTCI

Dodo Sim Bell 206 HD Red Bull Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
5.87Mb (696 downloads)
Red Bull Metallic paint
Chuck Aaron Red bull pilot in the seat
HD cockpit and night textures so now you can actually Read the cockpit.
Rotor Fix
Developed for Flightsimnation
Have fun!
Posted Jun 5, 2009 18:13 by Crazieman

Missing intersections for the CIVET FIVE (CIVET5) arrival into KLAX.
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.79Mb (1337 downloads)
This will add intersections for the CIVET FIVE (CIVET5) arrival into KLAX. There are 23 missing intersections. ILS 24R- PALAC, BREEA, DECOR, SKOLL, MINZA, CAMDI, COXEB ILS 24L- HURLR, WLNUT, SALWA, PFILA, SHURL, ROWLA, EKECU ILS 25L/R- FEXIV, DYMMO, TAROC, KRAIN, LUVYN, EDDSO. HEC vor Trasition- DYPSO PGS vor Trasition- ETINE, BUGGA
Posted Jun 5, 2009 18:05 by David Becker

Alphasim HU-16B NCAF 1023 Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
5.63Mb (653 downloads)
This is a FSX only texture paint of HU-16B Serial 1023 of the Nationalist China Air Force for the payware Alphasim HU-16 Albatross.
Posted Jun 5, 2009 15:10 by Bruce Martin

FS2004/2002 Fiat G12-46 St & Alitalia
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
7.51Mb (2005 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Fiat G12 46 St & Alitalia.
Aircraft is an all-metal low-cantilever-wing for
transport. 3 radial engines, designed as a
civil aircraft, served mainly in military
roles during the War. 46 St model was the
first Italian aircraft transport of the new
Italian Air Force based in Pisa AB in 1952;
Alitalia model: In 1947 the first airliner
went into service for Alitalia. Model,texture,
panel by F.Giuli. Gauges by different authors
Posted Jun 5, 2009 11:48 by FRANCESCO GIULI

FSX Boeing 737-800 Alaska Airlines Textures & Traffic
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.71Mb (4419 downloads)
FSX Boeing 737-800 Alaska Airlines Textures. This is a Theme Plane of Alaska Airlines. It is the "Starliner 75". Registration: N569AS. Textures only for the default FSX B737-800. The usual bonus is from me: Traffic package included to Plane. Created by Gabor Kovacs
Posted Jun 5, 2009 11:03 by Gábor Kovács
Mitiaro Island Airstrip, Cook Islands. NCMR
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
1.43Mb (1624 downloads)
"Kia Orana", Welcome to Mitiaro Island, in the beautiful Pacific Island paradise of the Cook Islands.
The Cook Islands domestic air carrier is Air Rarotonga, serving all the islands in the group using Embraer EMB110 "Bandeirante" and Saab-340 aircraft.
This scenery is designed and built to fit the RBE / Sim Pilot Experience "Cook Islands Scenery" (payware),
by Christian Stock.
It has not been tested in the freeware Cook Islands Mesh that is available, or in FS9 default. Requires some EZ Scenery Object sets ( see INSTALL instructions for details).
Posted Jun 5, 2009 09:53 by Lawrie Roache

FSX Sabiha Gokcen Iinternational Airport Scenery package- LTFJ
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
29.77Mb (3362 downloads)
FSX Sabiha Gokcen Iinternational Airport Scenery package- LTFJ
Extensively detailed and realistically depicted scenery for Sabiha Gökçen International Airport Istanbul Turkey. Created with 3ds max from scratch, the scenery includes accurate buildings, hangars, parking bays, night texturing and illumination effects. The scenery contains variety of animations and photo real terrain texture. This is a complete scenery for FSX.
Posted Jun 4, 2009 23:22 by Serdar Nuzhet

FSX Istanbul Ataturk Airport (LTBA) Scenery Package
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
51.07Mb (11891 downloads)
FSX Istanbul Ataturk Airport (LTBA) Scenery
The biggest and the busiest Turkish Airport. Meticulously detailed and realistically
depicted FSX scenery for Istanbul’s Atatürk International Airport. Created with
3ds max from scratch, the scenery includes accurate buildings, hangars, parking bays,
safe docking, night texturing and illumination effects. The scenery contains variety of
static aircraft and boats, animations and photo real terrain texture. This a complete scenery.
Posted Jun 4, 2009 23:08 by Serdar Nuzhet