All Files > Page 2909

Airbus 'Divided' Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
0.48Mb (912 downloads)
A new repaint of the default A321 in fictional Divided airlines colors. 'Divided' is a fake knock-off of United
--Gabriel E.
Posted May 4, 2009 18:50 by Gabriel E.

Eastern l1049C Constellation Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.92Mb (574 downloads)
FS9/FSX Eastern Airlines textures for L-1049G Super Constellation.
Requires model by Manfred Jahn. Textures by Gary Harper.
These textures depict N6223C about 1964.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 4, 2009 18:40 by Gary Harper

Airlift Super H Constellation Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.00Mb (449 downloads)
FS9/FSX Airlift International textures for L-1049G Super Constellation.
Requires l1049g by model by Manfred Jahn. Textures by Gary Harper.
These textures depict N6937C about 1966.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 4, 2009 18:38 by Gary Harper

FSX Lanseria International Airport, Johannesburg, South Africa
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.50Mb (2399 downloads)
A more close to realistic AFCAD File for Lanseria International Airport, Johannesburg, South Africa than the default Airport in FSX
Posted May 4, 2009 13:04 by Bashir Ismail

Red Bull Air Race London 2007
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.50Mb (1130 downloads)
This is the track of Red Bull Air Race London 2007 for FS2004. Improves the default scenery.
Posted May 4, 2009 07:28 by Siscot Yves Sy Dsg

Red Bull Air Race Perth 2007.
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
1.02Mb (593 downloads)
This is the track of Red Bull Air Race Perth 2007 for FS2004. Improves the default scenery.rn
Posted May 4, 2009 07:05 by Siscot Yves Sy Dsg

Red Bull Air Race San Diego 2007.
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
1.56Mb (717 downloads)
This is the track of Red Bull Air Race San Diego 2007 for FS2004. Improves the default scenery.
Posted May 4, 2009 06:57 by Siscot Yves Sy Dsg

Spitfire Mk XIVe
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
7.73Mb (8004 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Spitfire FR XIVE
The Mk XIV was the most important of the Griffon powered Spitfires, and the only one to see significant wartime service. It used the two-speed two-stage supercharged Griffon 61 or 65, giving 2,050 hp and a significantly improved performance at higher altitudes when compared to the earlier Merlin engined versions.
After WW2, Mk XIV were flown by many countries into the early fifties. This model depicts a Spit FR XIVE at the fighter school Coxyde BAF. GMAX model by A.F Scrub. Models FSX.Sp1 and FS9 tested under XP and Vista. Spit21 Vista upgraded mdl file included.
Posted May 4, 2009 05:21 by A.F.Scrub

Grumman HU_16 Albatross Northeastern Charters Package
(Category: FSX > Props)
40.97Mb (9743 downloads)
Grumman HU_16 Albatross Northeastern Charters.This is a model of Greg Pepper and Micheal Verlin's .
Originally built for FS9, it has been reworked to fly in FSX sp1. Not tested in sp2.The 2D dash does not work in it. But the VC is fully funtional. Other tther problems still need to be fixed such as the lights do not come down out of the wings .
Unfortunatly Greg Pepper is no longer with us. But Michael Velin has given me permission to Make this available again .
This is freeware and is to remain freeware.
Michael Verlin
Posted May 4, 2009 04:49 by Michael Verlin

FS2004/2002 Stealth - UCAV EDI
(Category: FS2004 > Misc)
18.06Mb (9936 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Stealth - UCAV EDI
The UCAV (Extreme Deep Invader) form the film 'Stealth'. It doesn't fly itself (I'm not that good :->), but it does fly. It is very reactive, and requires a feather touch to fly accurately (this is after rewatching the film's dogfights over and over. I feel it is an accurate representation of EDI's flight characteristics). Couldn't get it to hover properly (it will fly slowly, then fall out of the sky slowly. Have strengthened the gear to compensate for landings) Have added a few animations (such as cockpit, lift fan doors, and flying controls), and custom sounds. Ben Moorcroft
Posted May 4, 2009 04:19 by Ben Moorcroft