All Files > Page 2967

AFCAD SPQU Rodriguez Ballon Arequipa Airport, Peru
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.48Mb (911 downloads)
FS2004 AFCAD2 File for SPQU, Rodriguez Ballon Arequipa Airport, Peru. Includes ramps, parking, antique aero club, air base of FAP and more. In Spanish only
Posted Mar 7, 2009 10:10 by Jose Munoz Escobedo

FS2004 Adventure: The Flight 19
(Category: FS2004 > Adventures)
16.07Mb (4446 downloads)
Flights plans to recreate Flight 19, the famous flight in which five Avenger airplanes were lost in the Bermuda triangle. Consists of three parts with extensive documentation in Spanish
Posted Mar 7, 2009 09:46 by Jose Munoz Escobedo

FS2004/ FSX Dassault Mirage III E "Chevaliers du Ciel" with VC
(Category: FSX > Military)
9.35Mb (20209 downloads)
FS2004 / FSX Dassault Mirage III E "Chevaliers du Ciel", Version 5 with VC.
The Mirage III is the emblematic French Fighter of the sixties. This one is the previous version in which I have just added the VC developed for my Mirage III R + a couple of small improvements. The paint scheme is the one visible as Michel Tanguy's plane in the comics "Cap Zero".
The models has full moving parts and animations (control surfaces, gears, spoilers, canopy, pilot ejection, dragchute, rocket cover, pilot ladder, guns, ...) + a custom panel + (NEW !) a Virtual Cockpit.
By Patrice Grange, March 2009.
Posted Mar 7, 2009 05:00 by Patrice Grange

H Squad Alpine Lake Village for H Squad British Columbia Base Scenery
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.08Mb (1545 downloads)
H Squad Alpine Lake Village for H Squad British Columbia Base Scenery.
Compliments H_Farfy's fantastic H_Squad scenery located in British Columbia, Canada.
The surrounding area is breathtaking to say the least, dotted with ravines, mountains, valleys, and alpine lakes............that's where this addon comes in.
This scenery is located a short distance away from the H_Squad_BC Base, and the airport
ID is "HSAL' which you may start there in FSX or fly there after entering it in your GPS
panel. Bring a float plane because it's a water start.
Posted Mar 7, 2009 04:02 by H Paul
FS2004 Default Qantas Airways Texture FIX for the Boeing 777-300
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
0.23Mb (1283 downloads)
This is a fix for the Qantas Airways FS9 Default 777. I found that the repaint had a blank tail! I oviously have the slogan not in gray colors. The problems that is fixed are missing tail logo and the "Spirit of Australia" slogan is not grey. 777-300 Paint Kit by Rob Smith. By Victor Vu.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 7, 2009 00:18 by Victor Vu

Galactica TOS Package
(Category: FSX > Misc)
9.84Mb (15347 downloads)
- Pilotable Battlestar Galactica from The Original Show
- AI Galactica designed for use with the AICarriers freeware addon
- Galactica TOS Scenery - puts Galactica near Catalina Island
- Galactica Library Object for use with the Object placement tool for new scenery files
- Bump mapping and night textures
- landing bays with hard decks
- working Arrestor cables in the leftside landing bay (Acceleration users)
- Launch tubes
Compiled with the FSXA SDK and tested in FSX w/Acceleration on WinXP / DX9
- for FSX ONLY by Bruce Fitzgerald -
Posted Mar 6, 2009 10:24 by Bruce Fitzgerald

Alphasim Cessna C170b
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
3.27Mb (9397 downloads)
Another batch of new freeware models by Alphasim.
Includes one model and one texture set.
Complete cockpit with 2D panel/updated gauges and VC.
Posted Mar 6, 2009 08:36 by ShaneG

Alphasim Sikorsky S-55
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
12.35Mb (6359 downloads)
Latest round of Alphasim freeware releases.
Includes two models and five texture sets.
Complete cockpit with 2D panel/gauges and VC.
Posted Mar 6, 2009 08:36 by ShaneG

Fairchild C-123 K "Provider" Package
(Category: FSX > Military)
12.04Mb (27149 downloads)
Fairchild C-123 K "Provider" Package for FSX. This is the
beautiful C-123 from Vladimir Zhyhulskiy Updated to work in FSX out of the box. All gauges replaced with FSX compatible gauges in both the Virtual Flight Deck (VC) and 2d panel. All incompatible gauges removed. Comes in 3 liveries AirAmerica, USAF Camo and FAV. Now you can fly the best freeware C-123 in your FSX. Panel Updates by Danny Garnier.
Posted Mar 6, 2009 08:08 by GARNIER D

USAF SEA Lockheed C-130 Hercules Package
(Category: FSX > Military)
24.72Mb (69961 downloads)
USAF SEA Lockheed C-130 Hercules Package.
This is the Simshed / Eduardo Fadul Updated C-130 with all gauges replaced with FSX compatible gauges in both the VC and 2d panel. Now you can fly the best freeware C-130 in your FSX. USAF SEA and DH repaints by Ron Rhea.
Dynamics,cfg, and Sound compiled by Claudio Sanchez/ based on the Original freeware model, panel, and sounds by Simshed, H Model modification by Eduardo Fadul, Orig Allison Bill Schulz Calclassic sounds with simshed c-130 great flap and gear sounds, Features panel, VC, 3 exits, cargo ramp, cargo launching effect, checklist and reference kneeboard docs. Panel updates and assembly for FSX by Dannier Garnier
Posted Mar 6, 2009 05:09 by GARNIER D