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 	 FS2004 Alouette III Securite Civile Package
FS2004 Alouette III Securite Civile Package (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
4.14Mb (12234 downloads)
FS2004 Alouette III Securité Civile Package. Includes 4 models. Original GMax model by Benoit Dubé/ Aurélien Terriere.
Posted Jan 24, 2009 12:58 by Aurélien Terriere
FS2004/FSX Heinkel He112B
FS2004/FSX Heinkel He112B (Category: FSX > Vintage)
4.85Mb (7380 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Heinkel He112b WW2 Fighter. The He 112 fighters were designed by Heinkel in response to Luftwaffe's call for a monoplane fighter that could attain a high speed, which the He 112 design fulfilled, but the contract eventualy went to the Messerschmitt Bf 109 design due to He 112's expensive price tag and perhaps partially due to the crashes during performance review. Even though the BF109 won the Luftwaffe contract, Heinkel still produced 98 He.112's. It was mostly used by Spain, Japan, Rumania and Hungary. GMAX model by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jan 24, 2009 05:07 by A.F.Scrub
Grumman Goose
Grumman Goose (Category: FSX > Vintage)
0.43Mb (5445 downloads)
This is an update for FSX Acceleration of the Grumman Goose by Mike Stone. I have added float points, changed some gauges, aliased the sound to the default Grumman Goose, and adjusted the flight dynamics. This is the whole aircraft. No virtual cockpit. Bob Chicilo.
Posted Jan 24, 2009 04:13 by Bob Chicilo
FSX Default Continental Airlines Texture for the Boeing 737-800
8.91Mb (2074 downloads)
This is another repaint for the FSX Default 737. The 737-800 doesn't have the old colors, but a repaint is included to portray if the plane went into service in the 80's. Splash screen included. By Victor Vu.
Posted Jan 24, 2009 00:17 by Victor Vu
Bellanca Scout Package
Bellanca Scout Package
Bellanca Scout Package (Category: FSX > Props)
21.74Mb (18492 downloads)
Long Island Classics (LIC) Bellanca Scout Standard & Tundra tires Updated By Nor-Cal Prop Club
Posted Jan 23, 2009 22:02 by Ted.T
Val d'Aosta, Italian Alps,  High Resolution Mountain Scenery  Package Part 2
448.39Mb (9705 downloads)
The Aosta Valley (Italian:Val d'Aosta) is a mountainous autonomous region in north-western Italian Alps. It is bordered by France to the west, Switzerland to the north and the region of Piedmont to the south and east.By Frank Dainese
Posted Jan 23, 2009 15:38 by Frank Dainese
Val d'Aosta, Italian Alps,  High Resolution Mountain Scenery  Package Part 1
373.61Mb (8814 downloads)
The Aosta Valley (Italian:Val d'Aosta) is a mountainous autonomous region in north-western Italian Alps. It is bordered by France to the west, Switzerland to the north and the region of Piedmont to the south and east.By Frank Dainese
Posted Jan 23, 2009 14:42 by Frank Dainese
TH-57 Sea Ranger textures for default Bell 206B
TH-57 Sea Ranger textures for default Bell 206B
TH-57 Sea Ranger textures for default Bell 206B (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
10.74Mb (4484 downloads)
Textures for the FSX default Bell 206B. These represent five TH-57C Sea Rangers, the training variants of the Bell 206B used by the US Navy, US Marine Corps and US Coast Guard. 119 TH-57 were delivered and are assigned to Helicopter Training Squadrons Eight (HT-8) and Eighteen (HT-18), both part of Training Air Wing Five (TAW-5) at NAS Whiting Field. Three textures are NAVY Sea Rangers and two are MARINES Sea Rangers. One texture, MARINES 80, represents the aircraft assigned to the Commanding Officer of HT-8. I initially created a Sea Ranger texture for practicing landing on small ships (especially warships). I then created a further four textures for Multiplayer flying and missions, such as formation flying. By Andrew L. J. Ford.
Posted Jan 23, 2009 13:20 by Andrew L.J. Ford
Cellular Madness
Cellular Madness (Category: FSX > Missions)
15.57Mb (9293 downloads)
You have been hired by CelCab, Panamanian cellular provider to take some badly needed parts to their four antenna locations in Chiriqui Province in the north of Panama. It is the rainy season so expect rain all the way. The mission is for "intermediate pilots" so if you follow instructions you will be OK... It would be a good idea to wear yellow socks for good luck. Good luck piloto! By Gera Godoy Canova. 16 mb
Posted Jan 23, 2009 04:43 by Blackhawk
San Francisco Bay Tour (Category: FSX > Missions)
12.39Mb (5960 downloads)
This mission is a sightseeing tour that covers the San Francisco Bay Area. For the best experience, fly the mission with the cockpit in the "mini-mode" (From the default virtual cockpit hit F10, then hit "W" three times). It's not necessary to fly directly into the waypoint markers, they are only for reference. Follow the mission waypoint markers and compass headings and enjoy the flight. Estimated time of completion is 35 minutes. Compatible with all versions of FSX Deluxe.Wes Jones
Posted Jan 23, 2009 04:42 by Blackhawk