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Boeing 737-800 Super Mario Bros  Textures
Boeing 737-800 Super Mario Bros Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.06Mb (2435 downloads)
Boeing 737-800 Super Mario Bros textures only for the default B737-800.
Posted Jan 18, 2009 11:43 by PJ Pieplow
Grob Tutor
Grob Tutor (Category: FS2004 > Props)
7.72Mb (7860 downloads)
FS2004 Grob Tutor. Grob Tutor package by UKMIL. It comes with many of the current Grob Tutor UAS schemes, inc the 2008/2009 display scheme. thanks to Jim Cooper for the use of his gauges.
Posted Jan 18, 2009 06:02 by UKMIL
FSX Waco SRE Aristocrat
FSX Waco SRE Aristocrat
FSX Waco SRE Aristocrat (Category: FSX > Vintage)
2.21Mb (5677 downloads)
FSX Waco SRE Aristocrat The Waco SRE dates from 1940 and was the last of the Waco cabin biplanes. It was luxurious for its time and was known as the Aristocrat. This is a native FSX-Acceleration model based on the paint scheme of a SRE owned by a personal friend. It has the usual animations, .dds textures, reflective glass and a specular shine. The VC features working gauges and animated flight controls. There is a minimal 2D panel. By Paul Clawson
Posted Jan 18, 2009 03:49 by Paul Clawson
FSX and FS9 A-10 and VH-3D Executive Sea King Splash Screen Pack
FSX and FS9 A-10 and VH-3D Executive Sea King Splash Screen Pack (Category: Videos/Splashscreens > Splashscreens)
29.92Mb (876 downloads)
This is the A-10 and the VH-3D Executive Sea King Splash Screen Pack for FS9 and FSX. Those files in each FS include the splash screens from the A-10 Warthog from the May 2006 Air Show I attended, and the president's helicopter I took in Washington, D.C. Bonus file included. (NOTE: This is the same file as the other but with the wrong helicopter name. I apologize for the wrong helicopter name!) Re-uploaded by Victor Vu.
Posted Jan 17, 2009 17:18 by Victor Vu
DD-445 USS Fletcher
DD-445 USS Fletcher
DD-445 USS Fletcher (Category: FSX > Misc)
8.55Mb (6229 downloads)
FEATURES: - Pilotable and AI Versions included - Yard Arm camera view for watching deck operations - Stable water dynamics / top speed in the low 30's - custom gauge and depth charge effect (tied to trigger for brakes) - night textures . Tested in single and Multiplayer at different realism settings using Acceleration and DX9; compiled with the FSX SDK for FSX ONLY *By Bruce Fitzgerald
Posted Jan 17, 2009 15:45 by Bruce Fitzgerald
FSX Continental Airlines Texture Package for 747-400
FSX Continental Airlines Texture Package for 747-400
13.75Mb (5835 downloads)
This is another repaint for the FSX Default 747. The 747s were retired from Continental Airlines Service, but there are the textures for the 747, in old and new. Splash screens included each. By Victor Vu
Posted Jan 17, 2009 15:19 by Victor Vu
FSX and FS9 2008 AirShow Splash Screen Pack
FSX and FS9 2008 AirShow Splash Screen Pack (Category: Videos/Splashscreens > Splashscreens)
137.47Mb (423 downloads)
This is the 2008 AirShow Splash Screen Pack for FS9 and FSX. Those files in each FS include the splash screens from the May 2008 Air Shows. Bonus files are included. The 2008 Air Show files includes not only pictures, but videos taken while in the ground. By Victor Vu.
Posted Jan 17, 2009 09:48 by Victor Vu
Embraer Phenom 300 PP-XVJ (experimental) Biz Jet
7.11Mb (10011 downloads)
FSX Embraer Phenom 300 PP-XVJ (experimental) Biz Jet by CamSim, including exterior Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) and special interior animations and configuration: 6 passengers in seating position and 1 stand up passenger that can be animated to walk back and forth in the cabin. Model design and paint: Camil Valiquette -
Posted Jan 17, 2009 09:27 by Camil Valiquette
Embraer Phenom 300 PP-XVJ (experimental) Biz Jet
Embraer Phenom 300 PP-XVJ (experimental) Biz Jet (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
7.97Mb (6476 downloads)
FS2004 Embraer Phenom 300 PP-XVJ (experimental) Biz Jet by CamSim, including exterior Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) and special interior animations and configuration: 6 passengers in seating position and 1 stand up passenger that can be animated to walk back and forth in the cabin. Model design and paint: Camil Valiquette -
Posted Jan 17, 2009 09:26 by Camil Valiquette
FSX Cessna T-50 Bobcat Package
FSX Cessna T-50 Bobcat Package
FSX Cessna T-50 Bobcat Package (Category: FSX > Props)
49.68Mb (11039 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/XP Tested Cessna T-50 Bobcat Package. Twin Cessna Radial Engine. Retractable gear & Floats. Original model by Alphasim. Many updates and customized sound pack by Nor-Cal Prop Club
Posted Jan 17, 2009 03:36 by Ted.T