All Files > Page 3034

A319-112 CFM56-5B Croatia Airlines
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
10.04Mb (3129 downloads)
Airbus A319-112 CFM56-5B Croatia Airlines
9A-CTI "Vukovar". Model by Project Airbus.
Posted Dec 9, 2008 10:09 by Hrvoje Kovacevic

T-28 Trojan Horsemen Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
7.07Mb (1184 downloads)
FS2004 Trojan Horsemen Textures only pack. Six repaints are included in this package depicting North American T-28 Trojans flown by the Trojan Horsemen Airshow Team. The paints are for Tim Conrad's T-28 ( By Ryan Grantonic.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 9, 2008 08:41 by Ryan Grantonic
(Category: FSX > Misc)
0.00Mb (3473 downloads)
- the center of gravity was too far aft , making it backflip when you tried to drive up the ramp
- the gear were too spongy making it bounce like a rocking horse when you got off
- the weight was to light , making it slippery on the deck when riding on the LCAC
* by Bruce Fitzgerald
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 9, 2008 03:49 by Bruce Fitzgerald
Personalize your FS2004 Window - an Illustrated Guide.
(Category: FS2004 > Misc)
0.92Mb (1496 downloads)
Personalize your FS2004 Window - an Illustrated Guide. This guide will show you, step by step, how to edit the text shown at the top of FS2004 when in Windowed Mode or even remove the text entirely. You can easily and quickly create your own replacement text. No programming knowledge is required. Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can. Please unzip to a temporary folder and enjoy! Tested in FS2004 with XP operating system. Compiled in .DOC and .PDF formats for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.
Posted Dec 8, 2008 21:19 by David "Opa" Marshall

FS9 Sea Fury trainer T20R Splash Screen
(Category: Videos/Splashscreens > Splashscreens)
0.48Mb (464 downloads)
A Splash screen by Peter Forster using templates created by Mario Wojahn (Jumi2)
for FS2004 of the freeware Sea Fury Trainer T20R by David Hanvey and Paul Barry.
WARBIRDS WARRIOR Freeware Production
Posted Dec 8, 2008 17:28 by Peter Forster

Uninstalling and Reinstalling FS2004 - Some Tips and Tricks.
(Category: FS2004 > Misc)
0.06Mb (3015 downloads)
Uninstalling and Reinstalling FS2004 - Some Tips and Tricks. Sooner or later almost everyone will be faced with the need or desire to uninstall FS2004 and do a clean reinstallation. This offering - in .doc and .pdf formats - outlines the procedures with the goal of making the entire process as painless and fool-proof as possible. The recommendations are based on my personal experience and the experience of many others. There may be some important items which you have never considered. Please unzip to a tempory folder. Compiled for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.
Posted Dec 8, 2008 13:16 by David "Opa" Marshall

(Category: FSX > Military)
23.55Mb (34521 downloads)
Tu-95MS "Bear"
Full VC / All Custom Gauges Updated
With Online Radar & Much More
With Working Nucular Bomb ( Press I )
All Updates By the Nor-Cal Prop Club
Origianal Model by V.Zhyhulskiy
Posted Dec 8, 2008 02:43 by Ted . T

VIP Parking Guide for FS2004
(Category: FS2004 > Misc)
0.69Mb (2562 downloads)
Creating VIP Parking in FS2004 for your favorite aircraft - an Illustrated Guide. After landing are you frustrated by ATC directing you to a gate which is nowhere near a logical spot? This guide shows how to create a reserved parking gate at any airport and have ATC direct you properly to that gate. This concept will work for a specific aircraft of your choice. The technique is based upon investigations and information developed by Jim Vile and Reggie Fields. Tested in FS2004 only. Please unzip to a temporary folder and read the directions carefully. Compiled in Doc and PDF formats for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.
Posted Dec 7, 2008 21:26 by David "Opa" Marshall

VIP Parking Guide for FSX
(Category: FSX > Misc)
0.75Mb (5633 downloads)
Creating VIP Parking in FSX - an Illustrated Guide. After landing your favorite FSX aircraft, are you frustrated by ATC directing you to a gate which is nowhere near a logical spot? This guide shows how to create a reserved parking gate at any airport and have ATC direct you properly to that gate. This concept will work for a specific aircraft of your choice. The technique is based upon investigations and information developed by Jim Vile and Reggie Fields. Please unzip to a temporary folder and read the directions carefully. Compiled in Doc and PDF formats for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.
Posted Dec 7, 2008 21:20 by David "Opa" Marshall

Alfs UK Airfields-Volume 13
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
7.83Mb (3146 downloads)
Alfs UK Airfields-Volume 13. This Volume consists of:
Brimpton (Wasing Lower Farm) X2BM, Enstone EGTN, Wickenby EGNW. I mainly use the standard FSX scenery objects but for items that combinations of FSX objects could not mimic I have made dedicated objects. I hope it does improve some of the smaller airfields. It was designed to use with FSX SP2 so there may be problems if SP1 and SP2 are not installed. NOTE: The sceneries were made to fit into the FSX standard scenery, discrepancies may occur with photo-realistic scenery. The individual 'tree' objects also favour spring/summer.
Posted Dec 7, 2008 12:46 by Alf Denham