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Boeing 307 Stratoliner ver 1.1
Boeing 307 Stratoliner ver 1.1
Boeing 307 Stratoliner ver 1.1 (Category: FSX > Vintage)
8.58Mb (10674 downloads)
FSX Boeing 307 Stratoliner ver 1.1. The Boeing 307 was the first pressurized airliner. Because of the war, only 10 were built, initially for Pan American and TWA (and a special version for Howard Hughes). Five versions are included here, in PanAm and TWA colours as well as Airnautic and Aigle Azur. This version 1.1 is for FSX only, and has been modified to work correctly with all versions of FSX. By Jens B. Kristensen.
Posted Nov 24, 2008 04:08 by Jens B. Kristensen
Malaysia Airlines Boeing 747-400
Malaysia Airlines Boeing 747-400 (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
11.46Mb (3968 downloads)
Malaysia Airlines Boeing 747-400. Original model by Project Opensky.
Posted Nov 24, 2008 04:05 by Ryan C
L1049A Constellation Calif. Hawaiian textures
L1049A Constellation Calif. Hawaiian textures
3.71Mb (1457 downloads)
FS9 California Hawaiian Airlines textures for ALPHASIM freeware Super Constellation. L1049A Constellations were acquired by California Hawaiian from TWA for low cost flights to and from Hawaii. Textures by Gary Harper. These textures depict N6905C about 1961.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 23, 2008 22:55 by Gary Harper
Hughes 500D Waterskids
Hughes 500D Waterskids
Hughes 500D Waterskids (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
22.86Mb (10595 downloads)
Hughes 500D Water-skid FSX Acceleration /XP tested Updated by Nor-Cal Prop Club with full auto pilot, auto hover and much more Original model created by Nemeth brothers.
Posted Nov 23, 2008 13:31 by Ted T
FS2004 Pitts Special S1C
FS2004 Pitts Special S1C
FS2004 Pitts Special S1C (Category: FS2004 > Props)
12.06Mb (6943 downloads)
FS2004 Pitts Special S1C. The presented/displayed model was designed with FS Design Studio, by F&L Designer. Federico L. Morcillo Azofra. Laura M.
Posted Nov 23, 2008 03:46 by Uploader
Nortwest Airlines Airbus A320-211
Nortwest Airlines Airbus A320-211 (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
10.41Mb (5815 downloads)
Nortwest Airlines Airbus A320-211 - N322US. Model by Project Airbus. Repaint by Denis Minaev
Posted Nov 23, 2008 03:28 by Denis Minaev
FS2004/FSX Canadair Argonaut and North Star, Package, v2.1
FS2004/FSX Canadair Argonaut and North Star, Package, v2.1
19.57Mb (14260 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Canadair Argonaut and North Star, v2.1. The Argonaut and the North Star were Merlin-engined version of the Douglas DC-4. A total of 71 were produced by Canadair. In Canada it was called the North Star and was used by airlines and the RCAF. 22 Argonauts were delivered to BOAC 1949-1950, and they later had long careers with other operators like British Midland and charter companies. This package contains most versions. Version 2.1 model by Jens B. Kristensen, Flight Dynamics by FSAviator, updated with improved detail and support for FSX Gold and FSX SP2. (Text edit by John)
Posted Nov 23, 2008 03:14 by Jens B. Kristensen
Czech Air Force Airbus A319-115CJ - 3805
Czech Air Force Airbus A319-115CJ - 3805 (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
10.22Mb (2759 downloads)
Czech Air Force Airbus A319-115CJ - 3805. Model by Project Airbus A319 Repaint by Denis Minaev
Posted Nov 23, 2008 03:12 by Denis Minaev
Cowell Custom Scenery (Category: FSX > Scenery)
3.74Mb (892 downloads)
A scenery of Cowell using photoreal scenery and object placement, along with some chewy grass, and, did I mention it is in Australia? Hope you enjoy. This could never have been accomplished without the guys at OZx though, where I learned everything and more about scenery design, and I hope to someday be in the same class as them. You need OZx 1.1 or higher to get the full immersion of this scenery, from By Alexander D
Posted Nov 22, 2008 19:16 by Alexander Dzeda
BAE 146-300QT TNT/Skypac
BAE 146-300QT TNT/Skypac (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
13.36Mb (48052 downloads)
BAe146-300F Version 6.0 Original model by Jon Murchison.nTNT textures by Jon Murchison. Panel has been changed to work on VAFS. Includes TNT Skin and SkyPac.
Posted Nov 22, 2008 13:09 by MattyFirth