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FS2004 XML-Gauge: 737-400 Autoland version 1.1 (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.01Mb (870 downloads)
FS2004 XML-Gauge: 737-400 Autoland version 1.1. The "NO WIND" version. This is a simple xml-gauge you can use to make blind landings with your default boeing 737-400. Instructions can be found in the readme document included in this folder. Willem Sophia. 16K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
FSX Radar Gauge (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.03Mb (2461 downloads)
FSX Radar Gauge. This radar and modification of the original FSX. You only see the aircraft in flight with their data as their flight altitude, direction etc.. 27K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
FS2004                                   Gauge: VTOL for Helicopters
FS2004 Gauge: VTOL for Helicopters (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.03Mb (1970 downloads)
FS2004 Gauge: VTOL for Helicopters This package contains a VTOL control gauge for FS9 Helicopters, that works around some FS9 limitations and/or incorrect flightdynamics, which makes them sometimes hard to control them; especially at low airspeed and when you have your Realism sliders set above minimum. It provides: - Smooth and stable VTOL capabilities, with pilot-controlled ascent/descent rate, longitudinal and lateral speed, heading, pitch and bank. - Works also in windy conditions. - Automatic activation below 25 Knots IAS, so does not influence the aircraft's flight characteristics in normal flight. - Adds an Autohover/Autopilot function. It requires prior installation of FSUIPC. Fully documented and easy to install in your panel; includes a list of tested helicopters (see README). NOT FOR FSX ! By Rob Barendregt. 36K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
                                  Gauge: VTOL Update
FS2004 Gauge: VTOL Update (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.07Mb (2559 downloads)
FS2004 Gauge: VTOL Update for various aircraft This package updates my FS9 VTOL gauges, for which I have made various versions for specific aircraft. Like several (Sea)Harriers, V22-Ospreys, a F35-JSF and a Jupiter2 spaceship. Pre-install of these previous packages (see Installation) is required. Main improvement: a perfectly smooth VTOL behaviour. By Rob Barendregt. 67K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
FSX                                   Carrier Operation Package v3.0
FSX Carrier Operation Package v3.0 (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.99Mb (8051 downloads)
FSX Carrier Operation Package v3.0. This freeware archive contains a set of gauges, effects and sounds which you can add to tailhook-equiped aircraft in FSX, and enables you to perform takeoffs and approaches/landings on aircraft carriers (static and moving). It features (1) A catapult gauge, enabling a catapult-launch takeoff. (2) An arrester gauge, enabling a cable-arrested landing. (3) A IFLOLS gauge, enabling accurate approaches and landings. (4) A SonicBoom effect (visual and audible) plus controller gauge. Includes extensive installation/usage documentation. Requires prior installation of FSUIPC. Special credit goes to Doug Dawson; without his (included) interface gauges (a.o. for speedcontrol, launch/arrest zone definitions and sound playing) this package would not exist. By Rob Barendregt. Filename:
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
                                  Exit Gauge
FS2004 Exit Gauge (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.28Mb (1109 downloads)
FS2004 Exit Gauge This exit gauge is designed to take the following various keystrokes out of FS and replaces them with a mouse click; Exits 1 + 2, Tailhook, Wingfold and the Water Rudder. You can still use the keystrokes via the keyboard. Designed by Chris Sykes. 286K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
                                  Helicopter Torque Induced Yaw Gauge
FS2004 Helicopter Torque Induced Yaw Gauge (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.06Mb (984 downloads)
FS2004 Helicopter Torque Induced Yaw Gauge. This gauge can be used in any FS2004 helicopter. It allows the user to introduce some Torque Induced Yaw whenever the collective lever is raised (and opposite yaw when it is lowered). Yaw can be introduced in either direction, and the amount of yaw can be varied from zero to Max. Jim Cooper. 65K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
                                    Gauges: Pushback, Taxispeed control, etc
FSX Gauges: Pushback, Taxispeed control, etc (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.44Mb (11261 downloads)
FSX Gauges: Pushback, Taxispeed control, etc. This archive contains version 5.0 of my "groundhandling" gauges, like automated pushback with conversation sounds, a Taxispeed controller using throttle AND brake settings, and more; it can added to any aircraft. New in V5.0: 1. Only for FSX !! 2. Accurate interworking with the new FSX pushback tugs. YES, finally :-) !!! 3. Reworked Brakes gauge. 4. Taxispeed gauge now has a built-in ARM function. Easy to install, and fully documented. By Rob Barendregt. 447K FSX Gauges: Pushback, Taxispeed control, etc Optional Addon. This package is an optional addon to archive, and contains a solution to Open/Close the Groundhandling window via a permanently visible Icon. Prior installation of is required ! By Rob Barendregt. 70K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
                                  Mouse Throttle Gauge v1.0
FS2004 Mouse Throttle Gauge v1.0 (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.61Mb (1308 downloads)
FS2004 Mouse Throttle Gauge v1.0 This is a throttle gauge controled by your mouse wheel, alowing users to change the thrust settings with more ease. Especially designed for Boeing 737-400. Ending of the colored scale correspondes to the 95% N1 power setting. By asasino. 627K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
                                  Bendix/King KY196/197 TSO Gauge
FS2004 Bendix/King KY196/197 TSO Gauge (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.57Mb (921 downloads)
FS2004 Bendix/King KY196/197 TSO Gauge. By Aleksandr N. Petrochenko (SibWings lab). 583K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive