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Boeing 747-400 'Freedom' Textures
Boeing 747-400 'Freedom' Textures
Boeing 747-400 'Freedom' Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.59Mb (3894 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 'Freedom' Textures (fixed) in memory of those that lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Textures for the default 747-400. Repaint by Earl Triplet
Posted Nov 13, 2008 15:07 by Earl Triplett
FS 2004 Aircraft Manager (Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
2.24Mb (5424 downloads)
FS2004 Aircraft Manager Version (Updated). Modify *.cfg files, check used airlines, gauges, sounds & effects for each aircraft stored in your fs9 aircraft directory. Return texture by airline. Return a list of all gauges used and all unavailable aircraft. Sort aircraft by manufacturer, airlines and aircraft type. Works with FS2004 only. Program written by Paul Milic
Posted Nov 13, 2008 12:34 by Paul Milic
FS2002/2004 Dornier 17E Spanish Civil War Package
FS2002/2004 Dornier 17E Spanish Civil War Package
14.79Mb (4755 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Dornier 17E-Spanish Civil War Went into service from the beginning of 1937 with the nickname " flying pencil" for the long fuselage.Served in the Spanish Civil War with Gen. Franco Vcockpit fully moving and lighted Model, Texture, Panel,Vcockpit by F. Giuli Gauges by H. Keitel, P.Primavesi,M.Mopar
Posted Nov 13, 2008 11:07 by FRANCESCO GIULI
Cessna C310
Cessna C310 (Category: FSX > Panels)
1.99Mb (4476 downloads)
2D panel built on the aircraft by Brett Henderson and Alejandro Rojas Lucena. All xml gauges - some especially designed for this aircraft (Collins 339 DME, chrono, ... ) and some MSFS modified. By Pierre Fasseaux
Cessna 310 Package here:
Posted Nov 13, 2008 09:19 by Pierre Fasseaux
Dassault Mirage 2000N  French Air Force Sky Angel
Dassault Mirage 2000N  French Air Force Sky Angel
17.49Mb (30522 downloads)
FSX Dassault Mirage 2000N French Air Force 'Sky Angel' Package. Features Gmax model with animations, virtual cockpit, HUD and more. Original model by Roland Laborie. FSX Compatible. Full Virtual cockpit.
Posted Nov 13, 2008 08:54 by skyangel
Toronto City Centre Scenery
Toronto City Centre Scenery (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.25Mb (8861 downloads)
FSX Toronto City Centre Scenery Updated scenery for downtown Toronto, CYTZ airport and surrounding area. Includes relocation of buildings in the city,landclass and airport runway-taxiway-parking changes per Google Earth imagery, and replacement of the "floating" airport generic buildings. Art Poole
Posted Nov 13, 2008 08:25 by Art Poole
Pacific Sun Airways Boeing 737-200
Pacific Sun Airways Boeing 737-200 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
8.13Mb (10606 downloads)
FSX Pacific Sun Airways Boeing 737-200 Advanced Paint by Alexander Ho. Model: TinMouse Version II Pacific Sun Airways started flying the virtual skys with its first Boeing 727-200 for FS95 in 1997. The airline was purchased by Celtic World Airlines in 2000, and continues to serve as a Celtic World group airline. There have been several start ups using the Pacific Sun name, but we are the original!
Posted Nov 13, 2008 07:21 by Alexander Ho
Land's End SeaPlanes "Northern Passage"
Land's End SeaPlanes "Northern Passage" (Category: FSX > Scenery)
68.54Mb (3567 downloads)
FSX Land's End SeaPlanes "Northern Passage". Adds custom objects, textures, effects, day/night lighting and animations to a large set of airports. Includes 61FD - Chalk's Key West, Key West, Florida; MP5 - Miami Port Runway 5, Chalk's Miami, Maimi, Florida; 001A - LESP Jacksonville Downtown, Jacksonville, Florida; 09J - Jekyll Island, Jekyll Island, Georgia; KHXD - Hilton Head, Hilton Head, South Carolina; 2SC4 - Salty Fare Landing, Hilton Head, South Carolina; 001C - Grand Strand Seaplane Base, North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; KCRE - Grand Strand, North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; 001D - Top Sail Landing, Topsail Island, North Carolina; 01NC - Topsail Airpark, Topsail Island, North Carolina; 001E - Ocracoke Landing, Ocracoke Island, North Carolina; W95 - Ocracoke I, Ocracoke Island, North Carolina; KMQI - Dare Co., Dare County, North Carolina 85VA - Land's End, Reedville, Viringia; 02MD - Hale Seaport Base, Baltimore Maryland; 9N2 - Philadephia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia; 6N7 - New York Skyports, Inc, New York, New York; 42B - Goodspeed Airport, East Haddam, Connecticut; 001G - Vineyard Seaplane Port, Vineyard Haven Massachusetts; KMVY - Martha's Vineyard, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts; 001F - Portland Harbor Seaplanes, Portland Maine; KPWM - Portland International, Portland, Maine; KOLD - Dewitt Old Town Municipal, Old Town Maine. The airports provide a complete route with each leg 80 to 120 nm apart. Requires LESP.ZIP. By Chris Carel
Posted Nov 13, 2008 06:52 by Chris Carel
Land's End Seaplanes "East Coast Tours & Cargo"
59.82Mb (3943 downloads)
FSX Land's End Seaplanes "East Coast Tours & Cargo". Includes 61FD - Chalk's Key West, Key West, Florida; MP5 - Miami Port Runway 5, Chalk's Miami, Maimi, Florida; 001A - LESP Jacksonville Downtown, Jacksonville, Florida; 09J - Jekyll Island, Jekyll Island, Georgia; KHXD - Hilton Head, Hilton Head, South Carolina; 2SC4 - Salty Fare Landing, Hilton Head, South Carolina; 001B - Grand Strand Seaplane Base, North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; KCRE - Grand Strand, North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; 001D - Top Sail Landing, Topsail Island, North Carolina; 01NC - Topsail Airpark, Topsail Island, North Carolina; 001E - Ocracoke Landing, Ocracoke Island, North Carolina; W95 - Ocracoke I, Ocracoke Island, North Carolina; KMQI - Dare Co., Dare County, North Carolina; 85VA - Land's End, Reedville, Viringia (Home of Land's End SeaPlanes); 02MD - Hale Seaport Base, Baltimore Maryland; 9N2 - Philadephia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia; 6N7 - New York Skyports, Inc, New York, New York; 42B - Goodspeed Airport, East Haddam, Connecticut; 001G - Vineyard Seaplane Port, Vineyard Haven Massachusetts; KMVY - Martha's Vineyard, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts; 001F - Portland Harbor Seaplanes, Portland Maine; KPWM - Portland International, Portland, Maine; KOLD - Dewitt Old Town Municipal, Old Town Maine. Includes custom objects, animations, day/night textures and more. By Chris Carel.
Posted Nov 13, 2008 06:47 by Chris Carel
FS2004/FSX Singapore Airlines Star Alliance Boeing 777-200ER
FS2004/FSX Singapore Airlines Star Alliance Boeing 777-200ER
17.19Mb (13069 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Singapore Airlines Boeing 777-200ER RR in Star Alliance livery, registration 9V-SRE. Model by Project Open Sky. Repaint by Pablo Romero.
Posted Nov 12, 2008 04:09 by Pablo Romero