All Files > Page 3067

Sanliurfa International Airport "GAP", LTCS, Turkey
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
4.45Mb (2175 downloads)
FSX Sanliurfa International Airport "GAP", LTCS, in southeastern Turkey.
City: Sanliurfa
Country: Turkey
IATA code: SFQ
Airport Name: International Sanliurfa GAP Havaalani
Airfield Data: 1 Runways
Navigational Aids: VOR DME-112.60
Runway: 04/22-, (4000 M)
Posted Nov 2, 2008 06:17 by Vedat Sencan

Liguria 1 La Spezia, Italy
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
67.05Mb (2795 downloads)
FS2004 Liguria 1 La Spezia, Italy, photoreal scenery. The airport Luni-Sarzana
(LIQW) is found in this scenery. Use with Italy terrain mesh by Raimondo Taburet.
suggested. By Fulvio Mazzokan.
Posted Nov 2, 2008 06:07 by Fulvio Mazzokan

Liguria 2 Savona, Italy
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
54.52Mb (2400 downloads)
FS2004 Liguria 2 Savona, Italy, photoreal scenery. The airport Albenga (LIMG)
is found within the scenery. By
Fulvio Mazzokan.
Posted Nov 2, 2008 06:03 by Fulvio Mazzokan

Liguria 3 Imperia, Italy
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
86.49Mb (2527 downloads)
FS2004 Liguria 3 Imperia, Italy, photoreal scenery. The airport
Cuneo-Levaldigi (LIMZ) is found in this scenery.By Fulvio Mazzokan.
Posted Nov 2, 2008 05:39 by Fulvio Mazzokan

CRJ7 Delta 3DRW
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.81Mb (8096 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Default CRJ700 in the Delta 3d Red Widget paint scheme.
Posted Nov 1, 2008 22:34 by Earl Triplett
(Category: FSX > Payware)
3.79Mb (3066 downloads)
The UHT (from Unterstützungshubschrauber Tiger; Ger. supporting helicopter Tiger) is a medium-weight multi-role fire support helicopter built for the Bundeswehr (German Army).The Tiger UHT is a multi-role fire support helicopter. The Trigat Fire and Forget missiles and/or the Hot missiles it carries offer anti-tank capability, while 68-mm rockets ensure air-to-ground fire support. A 12.7 mm air-to-air gun pod and air-to-air Stinger missiles can also be installed. The helicopter also features a mast-mounted sight with a second-generation IRCCD infrared channel and a TV channel, as well as a nose-mounted IRCCD control FLIR for the pilot. Countermeasures include radar/laser/missiles launch/missile approach warning receivers and decoy launchers.
Posted Nov 1, 2008 19:25 by Andreas Meyer

Red Tailed Viper Textures
(Category: FSX > Military)
1.61Mb (1724 downloads)
Red Tailed Viper Textures. This package contains "tail textures only" to represent the 187th Fighter Wing (FW), 100th Fighter Squadron (FS), F-16D viper and F-16C viper of the Alabama Air National Guard (ANG). The 100FS was reactivated to celebrate the return of the Red Tail squadron while the 160th FS was inactivated due to BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure). These jets may be flown out of Montgomery Regional Airport or any airport. The excellent "C" model viper by Kirk Olsson may be obtained here. The excellent "D" model viper by Kirk Olsson may be obtained here too.
Posted Nov 1, 2008 18:17 by Dana Eng

NH90 German Navy Textures 1.1
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
1.99Mb (4834 downloads)
Available again. this is the version 1.1. I have made a texture bug in the last version. Sorry to all the 100 downloaders!
These texures are fictional for now but the Bundesmarine will get their NH90. You'll need the full German NH90 above !!!
I hope you'll like and enjoy it. Please take a look at the read me text.
Andreas Koch
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 1, 2008 16:40 by Andreas Koch

J35 Draken FSX Update
(Category: FSX > Military)
0.19Mb (2621 downloads)
This is an update for FS X acceleration of
the J35 Draken by Kazunori Ito. I have
updated the flight dynamics and given it a
panel so it works in FS X. No virtual
cockpit. You need the original aircraft for
this update to work.
Bob Chicilo.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 1, 2008 08:04 by Bob Chicilo

Boeing 747-400 Lufthansa Star Alliance
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
11.06Mb (3965 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Lufthansa Star Alliance. Model created by Project Opensky.
Posted Nov 1, 2008 08:00 by RyanC