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Embraer ERJ-170 Japan Airlines JA736X Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
2.07Mb (4293 downloads)
Embraer ERJ-170 Japan Airlines Textures only, registration JA736X. A fictional repaint showing the JAL livery for this aircraft, entering service in 2009 with this airline. Textures only for the Dreamwings Embraer 170 series release, (, model by Carl Selin, textures by Tommy Hansson, FDE by John Cillis and sounds by Albert Ramic. Repaint by Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 15, 2008 11:27 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
3 GPS/ADF Oil Platforms V4.0 Scenery
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.59Mb (1883 downloads)
Updated file structure, moved NDB on top of Helo padS decks by request for ADF approaches.
Layafette oil platform, The airport name is Lafayette Oil Platform.(KLFO) The NDB(none directional beacon) IDENT: LOPU, frequency 477.0 Khz.,
NDB range 100 NM, VOR ident: LOP. Layafette Oil platform is 65 NM. South of Layafette Regl. Louisiana-KLFT
Galveston oil platform, The airport name is Galveston oil platform. (KGLO) The NDB ident:GOPO, Frequency 396.0 Khz., range 100 NM.
VOR ident: GOP. Galveston oil platform is 7 NM. South of Scholes Intl. at Galveston Texas-KGLS
Carrier near the Galveston oil platform, NDB ident: GCGC, Frequency 233.0 Khz., range 100 NM. VOR ident: GCG.
Corpus Christi oil platform, The airport name is Corpus Christi oil platform. (KNGO) The NDB ident: CCOP, Frequency 391.0 Khz. NDB. range 100 NM.
VOR ident: CCO. Corpus Christi oil platform is 7 NM. South of Corpus Christi NAS. Texas-KNGP
Posted Oct 15, 2008 08:07 by Thunder
Updated/Frames-Carrier Group Oceana V4.0
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
10.78Mb (2463 downloads)
Updated,This is the same as V3.0 But I've changed all scenery objects to Very Dense except the two carriers. Spaced ships out to address a common frame rate complaint,
Added another NDB, one for both carriers-Both on decks/Added buildings along Oceanas coastline.
-Carriers/Cruisers/Destroyers,(Arrestor cables work) Choopers on decks, Added LOC/DME Carrier1-R1 108.95Mhz Ident IABA Cat II, Carrier2-R2 109.30Mhz Ident IABB Cat III, NO BACK COARSE OR GLIDE SLOPE.
The airport name is FSXF-CarrierGroupOceana.(KNTC) The NDB(none directional beacon) frequency is 401.0Khz Carrier-1, 534.0Khz Carrier-2, range 100 NM. VOR-IDENT:OCG.
Naval Fleet is 12 NM. North-East of Oceana NAS.
Posted Oct 15, 2008 07:59 by Thunder

Boeing 747-400 QANTAS Old Colors
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
11.62Mb (2066 downloads)
QANTAS old colors Boeing 747-400. Boeing 747-400 V4 Model and Aircraft by Project Open Sky
Posted Oct 15, 2008 07:53 by Ryan C
Updated/Frames Carrier group Miramar V4.0 scenery
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
10.88Mb (3002 downloads)
Updated,This is the same as V3.0 But I've changed all scenery objects to Very Dense except the two carriers, and spaced ships out to address a common frame rate complaint, Added another NDB,
one for both carriers-Both on decks.
Carriers/Cruisers/Destroyers(Arrestor cables work), Choopers on decks, Added LOC/DME Carrier1 CAT II Ident IABC-RW 1 108.55 Mhz, Carrier2 CAT III Ident IABB-RW 2 108.10 Mhz. NO BACK COARSE,OR GLIDE SLOPE.
The airport name is FSXF-CarrierGroupMiramar.(FCBG) The NDB(none directional beacon) frequency is 235.0Khz for Carrier 1, and 455.0Khz for Carrier 2.
Range 100 NM. VOR-IDENT:MCG. Naval Fleet is 60 NM. west of Miramar MCAS.
Posted Oct 15, 2008 07:47 by Thunder

Boeing 747-400 Qantas New Colours 2008
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
10.81Mb (7518 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Qantas New Colours 2008
Model and Aircraft by Project Open Sky.
Posted Oct 15, 2008 07:24 by Ryan C

Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker Package V2
(Category: FSX > Military)
60.34Mb (132262 downloads)
This is a Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker package for FSX. Have you ever wanted to fly the SU-27, but couldn't find one for FSX? Now you CAN find a Su-27. This SU-27 model can perform the 'cobra', a manueuver that allows the pilot to take a snap missile shot at an enemy fighter above or behind him. Pressing the 'I' key activates the weapons system. This package includes a Su-27 with a 2D panel. Sorry, no VC. No Russian jet collection is complete without a Su-27. Please note: This file is for FSX ONLY. It will not work in FS2004. This is the Su-27B/UB/Su-30MKK Package, originally for FS9/FS9.1 by Bill Wolfgen (Bear Studios). Adapted for FSX & uploaded by Braden Peters.
Posted Oct 14, 2008 17:47 by Braden Peters

Dassault Mirage IV
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
9.46Mb (12160 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Alpha Dassault Mirage IV. AlphaSim is releasing some of their
classic titles as freeware. Panel and gauges are included. Features three models
and three textures. The Mirage IV bomber was to have delivered nuclear weapons
using a free fall technique. When that method become obsolete the conversions of
19 of these to a more modern missile platform was initiated. Optimised for
low-level penetration, these aircraft used a sophisticated system of radar and
electronic devices to locate and destroy their targets. Several were later
converted to reconnaissance aircraft, and a number remained active through 1999.
Posted Oct 14, 2008 05:46 by Alphasim

Shorts Belfast C.1
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
8.40Mb (9640 downloads)
FS2004 Alpha Shorts Belfast C.1. AlphaSim is releasing some of their classic
titles as freeware. Panel and gauges are included. Two models and two textures.
With a maximum takeoff weight of 230,000 lbs., the Belfast was one of the
largest turboprop aircraft ever built. Designed as a strategic freighter, its
range and speed were however rather poor. The first Belfast was delivered to 53
Sqn. RAF in 1966. Ten served with the RAF, they were all withdrawn in 1976, with
four continuing to operate with the HeavyLift Cargo Airlines, Stanstead.
Posted Oct 14, 2008 05:44 by Alphasim

Airbus A-380 photoreal panel
(Category: FS2004 > Panels)
9.24Mb (26949 downloads)
FS2004 Airbus A-380 photoreal panel with full interior views and wingviews
This panel was tested with the FS2004-A-380 models of Mike Stone, Robert Versluys and Camil Valiquette.
The wingviews-setting is made for the plane of Robert Versluys, Mike Stone's plane shows no wingviews
and the plane of Camil Valiquette shows wingviews slightly different ( you can adjust it yourself by zooming
in or out)
Posted Oct 14, 2008 05:37 by Horst Paetzold