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FSX -Carrier/Strait of Hormuz (OOKC) scenery
1.50Mb (3282 downloads)
This scenery is good for missions. The airport name is FSX -Carrier/Strait of Hormuz, the carrier is off the coast of Oman in the Strait of Hormuz. Has a few Cruisers and Destroyers around it, as a carrier battle group. Carrier has LOC/DME 109.15 Mhz. 30 NM. range(no back coarse or glide sloap). NBD Frequency is 212 Khz., with a range of 100 NM. VOR ident: FSH .
Posted Oct 10, 2008 21:36 by Thunder
StarWars Incom T-65 X-Wing
StarWars Incom T-65 X-Wing
StarWars Incom T-65 X-Wing (Category: FSX > Misc)
11.52Mb (45685 downloads)
The StarWars Classic X-Wing. This model Features: A reasonable Mach 1.8 Vmax - Good High Altitude performance - exceptional manueverability and G tolerance - Hover flaps (see readme) - animated R2D2 - animated S-Foils that are tied to spoilers (which have zero drag and are visible in multiplayer) - Dynamic VC - Detailed external model - custom sound . *compiled with FS9 SDK / tested in FSX w/Acceleration winXP DX9 *for FSX by Bruce Fitzgerald
Posted Oct 10, 2008 18:07 by Bruce Fitzgerald
FSX Acceleration F/A-18 "Rattlers" Textures
FSX Acceleration F/A-18 "Rattlers" Textures (Category: FSX > Military)
2.29Mb (2490 downloads)
Textures only for FSX Acceleration F/A-18 Hornet. Textures By Rajiv DeYoung
Posted Oct 10, 2008 08:48 by Rajiv DeYoung
Boeing 747-300 Ansett Australia
Boeing 747-300 Ansett Australia (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
20.85Mb (4522 downloads)
Boeing 747-300 Ansett Australia. Model by Project Opensky
Posted Oct 10, 2008 06:44 by archive
Boeing 747-300   Thai Airways International
Boeing 747-300 Thai Airways International (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
11.43Mb (3187 downloads)
Boeing 747-300 Thai Airways International HS-TGD. This aircraft is made by Project OpenSky Model : Hiroshi Igami Flight Dynamics : Warren C. Daniel Tested : Project-Opensky Members 747 Series Masters : Corey Ford, Yosuke Ube Painted : Yosuke Ube
Posted Oct 10, 2008 05:44 by archive
Boeing 747-300  Japan Asia Airways "Gray and Red"
Boeing 747-300 Japan Asia Airways "Gray and Red" (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
10.51Mb (2858 downloads)
Boeing 747-300 Japan Asia Airways "Gray and Red" JA8189. Copyrights: This aircraft is made by Project OpenSky Model : Hiroshi Igami Flight Dynamics : Warren C. Daniel Tested : Project-Opensky Members 747 Series Masters : Corey Ford, Yosuke Ube Painted : Yosuke Ube
Posted Oct 10, 2008 05:44 by archive
Tex Hill's P-40
Tex Hill's P-40 (Category: FSX > Vintage)
8.67Mb (11239 downloads)
This is Krzysztof Malinowski/Robert Hawk's Curtiss P-40 Warhawk modified For Flight Simulator X. This is a accurate Model of Tex Hill's Aircraft he Flew with the famed AVG Flying Tigers as a fighter pilot working with the American Volunteer Group in China during WWII under General Claire Lee Chennault, During an eight-month period, a handful of swift, heavily armed P-40's destroyed 297 Japanese aircraft. Twelve of those fell from the sky under the guns of Tex Hill's P-40 Tomahawk. Brig. General Hill holds the Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Flying Cross with three Oak Leaf Clusters, Presidential Unit Citation with Oak Leaf Cluster, Silver Star, and military honors from China and Great Britain. This aircraft has a new Panel (no VC) and new flight dynamics. Textures and Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft . Package Includes Pictures and History of this Great Ace.
Posted Oct 10, 2008 05:31 by Mark Rooks
Dornier Do24 FSX Update
Dornier Do24 FSX Update (Category: FSX > Vintage)
0.71Mb (3197 downloads)
This is an update for FS X acceleration of the Dornier Do24 by W. Regeer. I have redone the flight dynamics and the panel so it works in FS X. No virtual cockpit. You need the original aircraft for this update to work. Bob Chicilo.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 10, 2008 05:21 by Bob Chicilo
Boeing 747-300 South African Airways NC
Boeing 747-300 South African Airways NC (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
19.78Mb (5101 downloads)
Boeing 747-300 South African Airways NC ZS-SAU Cape Town Circa 2004 South African Airways - Nigeria Airways hybrid livery ZS-SAU Cape Town Circa 2001 South African Airways NC ZS-SAT Johannesburg Circa 2004 This aircraft is made by Project OpenSky Model : Hiroshi Igami Flight Dynamics : Warren C. Daniel / Brandon D. Henry Tested : Project-Opensky Members 747 Series Masters : Corey Ford Painted : Philip Foglar
Posted Oct 10, 2008 03:44 by archive
C-123 (Category: FSX > Military)
12.69Mb (30155 downloads)
FARCHILD C-123 K "PROVIDER" FSX / Acceleration /Xp Tested The version 3 of legendary transport - veteran of Vietnam war well known from cinema " Air America " (M.Gibson&R.Downey). In the new version the completely changed visual model with animation by the pilots and animation by a unloading of cargo. Is completely processed VC - completely working levers and animation,gauges high dpi, completely animation co-pilot. Panel. 3 textures - Air America, FAV, USAF (camo). Are added 4 custom effects - drop of cargo box, drop of pigs with the parachute (remember a cinema?), start of engines and effect of a dust at motion on ground airfields. Autor - Vladimir Zhyhulskiy. updated for fsx by the nor-cal prop club
Posted Oct 9, 2008 22:25 by Ted