All Files > Page 3112

Bell 206 Osceola County Star 4 Textures
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
4.34Mb (1886 downloads)
Textures for the default FSX Bell 206 in the Osceola County, Florida, Sheriff’s Office Star 4 paint scheme. Repaint By Earl Triplett.
Posted Sep 11, 2008 21:44 by Earl Triplett

Red Bull Air Race Abu Dhabi 2008
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.00Mb (3069 downloads)
This is the track of Red Bull Air Race Abu Dhabi 2008 for FS2004. Improves the default scenery.
Posted Sep 11, 2008 16:12 by Siscot Yves
F-104 Cameri Tigermeet 1988 Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
1.74Mb (706 downloads)
Textures for Alphasim payware F-104 Starfighter for FSX representing the f-104 symbol of 1988 Tigermeet in Cameri AB, Novara. Italy. Repaint by Alberto Roncon
Posted Sep 11, 2008 15:55 by Alberto Roncon

AFS Airbus A350, British Airways Demo
(Category: FSX > Payware)
2.09Mb (4149 downloads)
Demo version with banners, new VOR gauge, with new PANEL and GAUGES, new external model, sound and virtuall cockpit. The A350 XWB (Xtra Wide-Body) is Airbus’ response to market demand for a medium capacity long range wide-body family. Designed with airlines’ priorities in mind, the A350 XWB confronts the challenges of high fuel prices, rising passenger expectations and increasing environmental concerns. Panel, GAUGES, model, sound and textures by - Author: A.Meyer.
Posted Sep 11, 2008 14:22 by Andreas Meyer

German Navy (Deutsche Marine) Dornier Do228-212
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
5.92Mb (5611 downloads)
FS2004 Dornier Do228-212 19 seat military utility STOL aircraft.
German Navy. Two versions (1) general purpose transport
(2) environmental patrol with SLAR radar antenna.
New models with full animation, dynamic shine & reflective textures.
Includes a 2D Panel and VC with a complete passenger cabin,
opening passenger door with airstair, cargo doors and sound.
By Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Joe Zerilli ¦ Premier Aircraft Design
Posted Sep 11, 2008 12:02 by

German Navy (Deutsche Marine) Dornier Do228-212
(Category: FSX > Props)
4.77Mb (7881 downloads)
FSX Dornier Do228-212 19 seat military utility STOL aircraft.
German Navy. Two versions (1) general purpose transport
(2) environmental patrol with SLAR radar antenna.
New models with full animation, dynamic shine & reflective textures.
Includes a 2D Panel and VC with a complete passenger cabin,
opening passenger door with airstair, cargo doors and sound.
Compatible with Acceleration/SP2.
By Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Joe Zerilli ¦ Premier Aircraft Design
Posted Sep 11, 2008 11:55 by

NH-90 Spanish Armada
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
1.91Mb (6882 downloads)
NH90 Armada
Spanish Armada textures for NH90 tactical transport helicopter, for FS2004
Model created by Adrian Brausch, available here. Upoaded with author´s permission.
If you wish to land over Spanish Armada ships, look for my models in simviation scenery pages.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 10, 2008 16:02 by Alberto García Lled&oac

FSX Boeing 737-400 Thunder and DragonForce Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
16.82Mb (3718 downloads)
Textures only for the default Boeing 737, in Thunder and DragonForce
Posted Sep 10, 2008 13:42 by Rick Verhoog AKA Boeman1995

MAW Mission set
(Category: CFS3 > Missions & Campaigns)
4.42Mb (7570 downloads)
This is an updated improved set of the original MAW released missions by Wulfmann and include new spawns, facilities etc. The original missions were deleted from the first MAW because of bruised egos. These are mostly actual recreations of historic events and in some cases have the real names of those that fought and died on those days. These are the only MAW missions to be done using accurate historic reference to date. The new spawns and other files included do not alter or interfere with other MAW missions or campaign missions and can not generate on their own. Read the text for more install instructions and more extensive description.
Posted Sep 10, 2008 13:37 by Wulfmann

Airbus A319-131 British Airways
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
9.10Mb (12206 downloads)
Project Airbus A319 British Airways. Visual model by Andy Warden and Derek Mayer. Base textures by Demetris Themistocleous and Alessandro Savarese. Livery by Tom Collins. Flight model & Sounds by Peter Binamira.
Posted Sep 10, 2008 05:30 by Project Airbus