All Files > Page 3150

CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim F47D Thunderbolt Bubble-Top, 5-11, 5th Stormo Caccia Terrestre, Italian Air For
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
2.17Mb (570 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic F47D Thunderbolt Bubble-Top, 5-11, 5th Stormo Caccia Terrestre, Italian Air Force, 1952. Note: After 1948 The USAAF re-designated the surviving P47 aircraft to F47; changing the "P" designation (Pursuit) to "F" (fighter). This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: .. . Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Aug 3, 2008 04:43 by archive

CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim F47D Thunderbolt Bubble Top, 5-46. 5th Stormo Aeronautica Militare Italiana
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
2.06Mb (630 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic F47D Thunderbolt Bubble Top, 5-46. 5th Stormo Aeronautica Militare Italiana, Roma-Ciampino, June 2, 1952. Note: After 1948 The USAAF re-designated the surviving P47 aircraft to F47; changing the "P" designation (Pursuit) to "F" (fighter). This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: .. . Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Aug 3, 2008 04:42 by archive

C-45 US Army Expeditor
(Category: FSX > Props)
17.82Mb (17234 downloads)
This is Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas and André Folker's Beech 18 / C-45 Modified For Flight Simulator X . This Aircraft is painted in U.S. Army colors. Aircraft includes New effects, New panel and updated flight dynamics for FSX.. Textures Created with Dynamic shine. Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG
Posted Aug 3, 2008 04:38 by archive

CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim P-47D-30-RE Thunderbolt Bubble Top, 51-5, 51o Stormo, Italian Air Force
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
2.17Mb (623 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic P-47D-30-RE Thunderbolt Bubble Top, 51-5, 51o Stormo, Italian Air Force. Note command pennant on forward fuselage. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: .. . Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Aug 3, 2008 04:36 by archive

Fs2004 Moller M400 Skycar
(Category: FS2004 > Misc)
2.75Mb (9908 downloads)
Fs2004 Moller M400 Skycar, This is the complete correct skycar(the dynamics and how it handles)
this was requested to be made by me and others(maybe others 2) for this complete correct model
the other models created by fans are not that realistic to what and how it reacts to when
flying includes the .gau file that gives the vtol action(NOT FOR FSX) fsx version will come
out on september a said in i will also post on september 2008 for the fsx
version, this version cannot run the .gau file, and cannot handle the vtol properly to takeoff. By Rob Barendregt and Stephen Vernava
Posted Aug 3, 2008 04:33 by archive

F-20 GI1001
(Category: FSX > Military)
19.57Mb (14813 downloads)
This is the DSB Design F-20 modified for Flight Simulator X . This Aircraft is the second prototype GI1001 it was rolled out in a business-like air superiority grey paint scheme with the civilian tail number N3986B .The F-20A Tigershark was designed, built and tested by the Northrop Corporation in the early 1980's. Three prototypes were built, of which two crashed during sales demonstrations. The sole survivor was restored and now resides at the California Science Center in Los Angeles. A forth was never finished .The F-20 program was canceled in November 1986..Aircraft Package includes new effects and a New panel ..Textures and Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft ..Package Includes Pictures of all the aircraft and History of the F-20 Program
Posted Aug 3, 2008 04:27 by archive

P-51 Mustang Don Hinz Tuskegee
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
13.92Mb (12618 downloads)
This is Robert Dial's P-51 Mustang Modified For Flight Simulator X . This Aircraft is the P-51 Mustang that was Owned by Don Hinz. He was at airshow in 2004 and was doing a low pass and the engine failed and he crashed. He was air lifted to the hospital after his crash. He passed at 2:00 AM in the morning. The MN Wing of the CAF is rebuilding the P-51.Textures and Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft, This Package Includes Pictures of the actual aircraft.
Posted Aug 3, 2008 03:51 by archive

P-51 Mustang Little One III
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
9.57Mb (10073 downloads)
This is Robert Dial's P-51 Mustang Modified For Flight Simulator X . This Aircraft is painted as Captain Donald Bryan's " Little One III " of the 352 Fighter Group ,328th Fighter Squadron . Aircraft Crew Chief Kirk Noyes was awarded the Bronze Star for 110 missions without a mechanical abort. Captain Donald Bryan was credited with 13.300 aerial victories with five in one mission becoming an ace in a day. He retired from the Air Force in November 1964. His received the Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Flying Cross with two Oak Leaf Clusters, and the Air Medal with 14 Oak Leaf Clusters. Textures and Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft Package Includes Pictures and History of Little One III
Posted Aug 3, 2008 03:50 by archive

FS9 Default Ford Tri Motor Converted TO FSX
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
48.29Mb (4891 downloads)
I have given the Converted Ford Tri-motor alot of new updates. If you have the Shockwave 3D Lights installed then
you will have them here also. Along with better flight dynamics.
I have also added 12 new repaints, I have taken all the trouble for you by adding the free repaints that are always readily available. All the code has been written the panels and sounds are already in-
stalled all you have to do is download Install into your flightsim and have fun. What more can you ask for. So
don't just sit there download and have some fun.
Package put together By: David Grindele
Posted Aug 2, 2008 15:49 by archive

(Category: FSX > Military)
2.54Mb (4576 downloads)
USAF RAPTOR TAIL FLASHES, PART 3. This package contains "tail textures only" to represent the two F-22 Raptor jets from Nellis AFB. The 57th Fighter Wing, air force tail code WA, trains pilots while the 422nd Test & Evaluation Squadron (TES), air force tail code OT, tests the aircraft's performance during various operations. These are repaints of Kazunori Ito's excellent F-22 Raptor. DL Tarboxer's contains the other textures and panel required for completing this jet and may be obtained here: Otherwise, obtain the orginal Kazunori Ito's jet here:
File size is 2.54 MB.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 2, 2008 11:09 by archive