All Files > Page 3157

FS2004 Maverick Trike
(Category: FS2004 > Gliders and Ultralites)
8.51Mb (18944 downloads)
Maverick Trike for FS9 and FS2002
This package is meant to simulate a
Part 103 legal ultralight trike.
It cruises at 40 mph (35 kts)
best enjoyed @ 500-1000 ft. AGL.
I have tried to apply my real world
trike flying experience to the flight
dynamics of this trike.
By John Cillis
Sounds - Dean Scott
Posted Jul 17, 2008 06:47 by archive

FSX Qantas (new colors) Boeing 787-9
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.70Mb (10037 downloads)
FSX Qantas (new colors) Boeing 787-9. Including a different new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) . Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
Posted Jul 17, 2008 06:46 by archive

Montserrat Island Scenery
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
11.63Mb (2722 downloads)
Montserrat Island Scenery
redrawn coasts and land class
BRAMBLE (Montserrat (Destroy airport)
GERALD'S(Montserrat new airport)
Observatory (Monserrat heliport)
Roads and traffic updated with land class
Ruins of Plymouths City (Churchs , War memorial)
Volcano LA Souffriere with effects
JL Valladier
Posted Jul 17, 2008 06:42 by archive
FS2004/FSX Freeze Time Utility
(Category: FSX > Utilities)
0.03Mb (2610 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Freeze Time Utility.
This is a utility to freeze time within
FS2004 and FSX. It's useful if you want to
fly at sunset or dusk without the sun rising
or setting so you can enjoy the scenery. By
Graham Pollitt.
Posted Jul 17, 2008 06:40 by archive

FSX Qantas (new colors) Boeing 787-8
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.75Mb (7152 downloads)
FSX Qantas (new colors) Boeing 787-8. Including a different new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) . Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
Posted Jul 17, 2008 06:39 by archive

De Havilland DH93
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
8.56Mb (2595 downloads)
FS2004. De Havilland DH93 'Don'
A multi-role, three-seat trainer which,
after trials at Martlesham Heath, was
relegated for use as a Communications
aircraft mainly by No. 24 Sqdn."
First flight in June 1937.
Ver.0.1, By Edward Cook
Posted Jul 17, 2008 06:34 by archive

FS2004 China Airlines Boeing 747-8
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
1.09Mb (11477 downloads)
FS2004 China Airlines Boeing 747-8, registration B-18748. Model: Andy Roesch. Paint by Yvan Ung.
Posted Jul 17, 2008 06:34 by archive

FSX HMAS Melbourne Carrier
(Category: FSX > Misc)
0.96Mb (24751 downloads)
The HMAS Melbourne is a fictional Australian-flag Nimitz-Class carrier. In the year 2006, the US decided to help defray the costs of the ongoing military operations by leasing the original Nimitz carrier to their trusted allies, the Australians. This lease provides that the Australians will pay for all of the operating costs ($160 million per year) and will not use the carrier to attack the US - the latter being cause for immediate termination of the lease. The Australians have used the ship to circumnavigate the continent of Australia several times, putting on magnificant air shows at the major coastal cities, and are planning a trip to America in the very near future.
Posted Jul 17, 2008 00:52 by archive

Sikorsky S-76C Japanese Coast Guard
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
1.07Mb (24717 downloads)
This is a Sikorsky S-76C with Japanese Coast Guard textures. This helicopter will work in both FS9 and FSX. This helicopter has been tested in FSX and it works perfectly. No VC. This model was built with Gmax, visual Model by K.Furuya
Posted Jul 16, 2008 19:22 by archive

USAF T-6 Texan
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
4.09Mb (7753 downloads)
This is a USAF T-6 Texan for FS9, and it may work for FSX (?). This is a repaint of Denis da Silva’s T6 for Flight Simulator 2004 .. This paint scheme is a T 6-G Model T A – 915 USAF colors Included are some historical photos and History ..Textures by Mark Rooks. Texture Created by Mark "fire Ball" Rooks. I would like to thank Denis and Daniel da Silva for creating this awesome freeware model. Please read the readme file for installation instructions.
Posted Jul 16, 2008 19:13 by archive