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FSDS2              Whisper Craft.
FSDS2 Whisper Craft. (Category: FS Design > Design Source Files)
1.52Mb (1357 downloads)
FSDS2 Whisper Craft. Taken from the motion picture "The 6th Day". Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. These are my complete project files. Including FSDS v2 FSC file, The current compiled model & all the pictures I could find on the web and some screen shots from FS. Colin Thwaites. 1.5MB
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
FSDS1              Lockheed F-22 Incomplete Project.
FSDS1 Lockheed F-22 Incomplete Project. (Category: FS Design > Design Source Files)
2.05Mb (15707 downloads)
FSDS1 Lockheed F-22 Incomplete Project. The New ATF. FS2K2 This model was created by FSDSPro 1.4 (not compatible with FS2004) so as U Guessed its completly Uncomplete U got one front gear half complete and the others are not! the plane looks good in the foto as the top one texture! Includes the FSC file so U can make it better by upgrading it in FSDSPro2 or convert it to G-Max. Nearly About 2MB
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
Abandoned              Tie Fighter (.3ds) Project
Abandoned Tie Fighter (.3ds) Project (Category: FS Design > Design Source Files)
20.13Mb (1235 downloads)
Abandoned Tie Fighter (.3ds) Project. Didn't run into anytrouble, just don't know how to make anything else. Tie Fighter Model, made in CADKEY and exported as a .3ds (3D Studio) file. I know G-Max can inport this file, but I'm not sure about FSDS2. Just exterior model only, no cocpit, panel, VC, or anything else. Would be glad if someone can finish this and would even be nicer if someone can make a DVC for this. If you do decide to finish this, then please make it FREEWARE, and make it either FS9 or CFS3, so I can enjoy it :). Model by Jeff "Stormtropper" Guo. 20MB
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
FSDS              + GMAX files for an early MiG-3.
FSDS + GMAX files for an early MiG-3. (Category: FS Design > Design Source Files)
0.31Mb (1371 downloads)
FSDS + GMAX files for an early MiG-3. No gear but the cockpit is partly done. No views, I used some from By Paul Rebuffat. 319K
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
GMax              Halifax Unfinished Model and textures.
GMax Halifax Unfinished Model and textures. (Category: FS Design > Design Source Files)
1.05Mb (1123 downloads)
GMax Halifax Unfinished Model and textures. . Life has got busy with my niteshift so very little time to do what I would like at the mo. Feel free to tweak,improve or just mess around with this model but dont sell it without my permission (prefer it stay freeware) because i want a cut of the earnings if used in commercial products you greedy people. ;) Permission given to finish for any flight sim though made for CFS3 and would like to see done for that. Tia Starry. 1.1MB
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
FSDS2              'Flycycle' fictional Ultralite.
FSDS2 'Flycycle' fictional Ultralite. (Category: FS Design > Design Source Files)
0.21Mb (880 downloads)
FSDS2 'Flycycle' fictional Ultralite. Its been laying around for a while. This model also has a virtual cockipt Model by Karl Berlage. 212K
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
GMax              Armstrong Whitworth Whitley
GMax Armstrong Whitworth Whitley (Category: FS Design > Design Source Files)
0.73Mb (1037 downloads)
GMax Armstrong Whitworth Whitley (RAF early war Medium Bomber) Model and texture by me feel free to tweak,improve or just mess around with this model. Permission given to finish for any flight sim though made for CFS3 and would like to see done for that. Gearbay doors need holes cutting for wheel protrusions window slits and door on fuselage and fuselage ironing. 748K
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
FSDS              V 2 WACO CG-4 fsc Project.
FSDS V 2 WACO CG-4 fsc Project. (Category: FS Design > Design Source Files)
4.46Mb (1105 downloads)
FSDS V 2 WACO CG-4 fsc Project. I didn't run into any problem with construction...just lost interest after the project got stale. Preliminary design was for CFS 2 and breakaway parts work has been started. Many images, including backdrops. Most parts backed up as well for editing. 4.5 MB By Steve Daly. 4.6MB
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
Gmax              Minbari Flyer Source
Gmax Minbari Flyer Source (Category: FS Design > Design Source Files)
0.83Mb (1170 downloads)
Gmax Minbari Flyer Source Files from the TV show Bablyon 5. This model was created using Gmax 1.2. I created this just for practice, but I thought I would upload it so someone might finish it. It would be a fun aircraft to fly, so I hope someone takes the time to finish it out. The model has no problems, so the only thing that is needed is someone to finish it. Please be kind and give credit in the finished product. Minbari Flyer by Travis FitzPatrick. 853K
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
GMax              V-22 Osprey Source Files
GMax V-22 Osprey Source Files (Category: FS Design > Design Source Files)
1.07Mb (1652 downloads)
GMax V-22 Osprey Source Files. This V22 model was made with Gmax 1.2 by Travis FitzPatrick. No author restrictions other than credit in the final product. Includes Specs & 3 views. V22 by Travis FitzPatrick. 1.1MB
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive