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Dublin Airport Scenery
Dublin Airport Scenery (Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.52Mb (6393 downloads)
Dublin Airport Scenery. Included are: - Pier D - West Apron - New Fire Station - New taxiways: M; F-OUTER; F-INNER; Y, and taxiways removed: including P (location of West Apron) - NEW ILS frequency for 28/10 (111.35)Neil Keane
Posted Jul 9, 2008 11:35 by archive
Boeing 747-400 MAT - Macedonian Textures only
Boeing 747-400 MAT - Macedonian Textures only (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
0.70Mb (3777 downloads)
MAT - Macedonian Airlines repaint for the default Boeing 747-400 By Jon Murchison
Posted Jul 9, 2008 11:31 by archive
FS2004/2002 Modernised Wright Flyer
FS2004/2002 Modernised Wright Flyer (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
14.69Mb (1813 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Modernised Wright Flyer. First flight aircraft with modern flight dynamics for aircarrier landing. Panel includes a fighter HUD virtual Joystick with autopilot. Updated from the default by Alex Hassey.
Posted Jul 9, 2008 07:48 by archive
FS2004 Italy Lazio 3, Rieti photoreal scenery
FS2004 Italy Lazio 3, Rieti photoreal scenery (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
91.00Mb (3494 downloads)
FS2004 Italy Lazio 3, Rieti photoreal scenery. The airports of Rieti (ICAO code LIQN) and Guidonia (LIRG) are found inside the scenery. Third of five parts. Suggested for use with Italy 2004 Mesh (ITALYM04.ZIP). By Fulvio Mazzokan.
Posted Jul 9, 2008 06:49 by archive
Robinson R22 Fictional Navy Textures
Robinson R22 Fictional Navy Textures (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
0.50Mb (3044 downloads)
R22 'NAVY' fictional Repaint for the default Robinson R22 By Jon Murchison
Posted Jul 9, 2008 05:01 by archive
Boeing 747-400 USAF Fictional KC-10 Textures
1.68Mb (8038 downloads)
KC10 - United States Air Force (Fictional) repaint for the default Boeing 747-400 By Jon Murchison
Posted Jul 9, 2008 05:00 by archive
UKMIL Boeing Chinook Package
UKMIL Boeing Chinook Package
UKMIL Boeing Chinook Package (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
21.58Mb (27101 downloads)
FS2004 Chinook Helicopter Package. Includes models for RAF and US. By UKMil
Posted Jul 9, 2008 02:04 by archive
 Beech King Air 350 Raptor VA Textures
0.37Mb (2513 downloads)
This is textures only for the default King Air 350 in Raptor Virtual Airlines . Website is Paint courtesy of husky paints. Adem Hull
Posted Jul 8, 2008 20:42 by archive
Flight Simulator Water Configurator v3.15
Flight Simulator Water Configurator v3.15 (Category: FSX > Utilities)
3.32Mb (15798 downloads)
This incredible freeware shader control utility will allow you to change the FSX water shader tone and reflections in real time without rebooting the simulator. The utility comes with predefined profiles for FSX and Acceleration Missions along with favorite profiles of the development team. The utility allows a user to modify or create their own personal variation of water light/tone/reflection settings and save them for use or to share. This freeware utility has a 'soon to come', currently under development, restricted use freeware SDK for all developers to refer to in creating their own freeware weather connection plug-in for real time changes to FSX water rendering response. This version corrects a installer issue from v3.0 and includes a patch for those who may still be using the original release and need the patch support to upgrade with ease. From Ashton Lawson, Paul Wheeler and Nick Needham
Posted Jul 8, 2008 13:26 by archive
Alphasim F-105D update
Alphasim F-105D update (Category: FS2004 > Military)
0.24Mb (4900 downloads)
This is an update for FS 9 of the Alphasim F-105D for FS 9. I have fixed all the usual things, so it flies better. This aircraft may work in FS X, but the panel is incompatible. I have re-written the F-14 afterburner flame so it has the approximate angle that the tail pipe has, and fixed the smoke so it lines up with the tail pipe. Required the original F105 - see link below. I have also included two other smoke effects fx_bob_smoke_f6_1.fx and _f6_2. They are to be used in FS 9 only, to compensate for engines that are about one foot or about two feet lower than the 0 point. I include them because Microsoft never got around to fixing the broken smoke effect placement.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 8, 2008 12:32 by archive