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Fire Dept  and Crater Lake
Fire Dept  and Crater Lake
Fire Dept and Crater Lake (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.44Mb (3285 downloads)
This is my second creation. (previous upload: "Medical Centre, VIP Hotel & Oilrig"). This scenery contains a Fire dept./Search and rescue facility at the default Renton(KRNT) airport near Seattle. There's a modern round tarmac helipad, surrounded by a brick paving ring. Two walkways from pad to buildings. Includes fire building, fire trucks, two 4x4's, water tower, fast food building - fully night lighting. The second scenery is at Crater lake natl park, Oregon. This is the default crater wich is filled with water and has an Island in the middle. I've created a concrete runway with two tarmac parkings on the Island. Runway and apron lights. No buildings (ideal for picnic). Thanks to the developers of EZ-Scenery & AFCAD who made it possible for me to create this. BY: Leon Nel (South Africa)
Posted Jun 24, 2008 05:28 by archive
FS2004 Medical Centre, VIP Hotel & Olrig
FS2004 Medical Centre, VIP Hotel & Olrig
FS2004 Medical Centre, VIP Hotel & Olrig (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.63Mb (3714 downloads)
This is addon scenery to Seattle downtown. I've created an oval shaped Medical centre with a modern red / white cross tarmac helipad, surrounded by a brick paving ring. The upper section of the centre is a skysckraper. There's a walkway from pad to the front door of centre. Fully night lighting. Flying west, is a VIP Hotel on the riverbank with a modern round tarmac helipad, surrounded with a concrete ring. Also a walkway from pad to hotels front door. There's a little bridge in the walkway that goes over a fishpool with rocks in the water. Fully night lights. Flying west from hotel is an Oilrig with landable helipad. THANKS to the developers of EZ-Scenery and AFCAD, who made it possible for me to create this scenery. By: Leon Nel (South Africa)
Posted Jun 24, 2008 05:09 by archive
Mass ANG F-15C
Mass ANG F-15C (Category: FS2004 > Military)
0.99Mb (5400 downloads)
This is a repaint of the 102nd FW of the Massachusetts ANG for the awesome Coral Flight simulations F-15C. repaint by Aaron Haase.
Posted Jun 24, 2008 00:15 by archive
FSX Calgary International Airport (Category: FSX > Payware)
0.02Mb (989 downloads)
Modifications to CanUk Scenery's Calgary International Airport for 2004 (payware) to make it work in FSX
Posted Jun 23, 2008 20:12 by archive
Socata TB200GT/XL Tobago
Socata TB200GT/XL Tobago
Socata TB200GT/XL Tobago (Category: FSX > Props)
8.87Mb (17556 downloads)
FSX Socata TB200GT/XL Tobago. 4/5 seat touring & training airplane. CS-DEH of Evora Aero Academy, Portugal Full package for FSX. Custom panel & VC. Full moving parts including gull wing doors and luggage compartment. This is the 'Generation 2' version with carbon fiber cabin and aerodynamic refinements, she looks like a thoroughbred and flies beautifully. Compatible with Acceleration/SP2 by Jean-Pierre Brisard, Barry Blaisdell and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 18:13 by archive
FS2004 ERA Aviation Beech B1900D
FS2004 ERA Aviation Beech B1900D
FS2004 ERA Aviation Beech B1900D (Category: FS2004 > Props)
14.64Mb (14103 downloads)
Edit FS2004 Beechcraft B1900D Regional Airliner 19 seat regional airliner of ERA Aviation, Alaska New model with full animation, dynamic shine & reflective textures. Includes a 2D Panel and VC with a complete passenger cabin, opening passenger door with airstair, cargo doors and custom sound. By Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Danny Crance and Kevin Pardy - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 18:04 by archive
FSX ERA Aviation Beechcraft B1900D
FSX ERA Aviation Beechcraft B1900D
FSX ERA Aviation Beechcraft B1900D (Category: FSX > Props)
17.30Mb (15647 downloads)
FSX Beechcraft B1900D Regional Airliner 19 seat regional airliner of ERA Aviation, Alaska. New model with full animation, dynamic shine & reflective textures. Includes a 2D Panel and VC with a complete passenger cabin, opening passenger door with airstair, cargo doors and custom sound. Compatible with Acceleration/SP2 By Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Danny Crance and Kevin Pardy - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 17:49 by archive
                  MD 500E
FS2000/FS98 MD 500E (Category: FS2000 > Helicopters)
0.27Mb (517 downloads)
FS2000/FS98 MD 500E. High quality repaint of a great Ian Standfast original. Information not supplied. Panel included. 279K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
0.49Mb (403 downloads)
BRITISH ARMY WESTLAND BROADSWORD. This is the US Army's Apache Longbow dressed up for its new role in the British Army. Transparent rotors. Includes Sound. Note; No moving parts. For FS98 FS2000 and CFS By Brett Sumpter & Nigel Booth. Repaint By Robert A Fett. 501K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  aircraft and panel: Bell 412EP
                  aircraft and panel: Bell 412EP
FS2000 aircraft and panel: Bell 412EP (Category: FS2000 > Helicopters)
2.58Mb (1108 downloads)
FS2000 aircraft and panel: Bell 412EP The Bell 412 series of Helicopters are used extensively by Emergency Rescue and police services. This model is painted in the colors of San Antonio Life Flight which is sponsored by Baptist hosptial system and the University of Texas health system. Original aircraft by Deane Baunton, repaint by Mike Field, flight dynamics update and panel by Vanessa Leightower. 2.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive