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                    VA Administrator version 5.2
The VA Administrator version 5.2 (Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
6.29Mb (4022 downloads)
The VA Administrator version 5.2 Plus the Operations Centre v5.2 (Pilot Based Pirep System) The VA Administrator v5.2 is out now and ready to make your job at running the VA a little easier. The software is like a smaller version of Myob for Virtual Airlines. Its all software based very easy to use. No need for website with ASP or PHP, this baby does it all on your local machine, after you have finished you just upload the pages to your site. So free hosting sites are great for this software, it will look like a database driven website but not... If PHP or ASP is hard for you to work out then this is for you. It does so much in a small amount of time. Like the older version it has its virtual bank so you can take out loans for new equipment. But this time you will love the new personal files, keep data on your virtual pilots from meetings to bad raps they may get. Store it all on the personal files with Photo ID if you get your pilots to send you a passport photo. The GOOD NEWS ITS FREEWARE ! everyone can have a copy of this software. You can issue one copy for each hub and have each hub run itself and then report back at the end of month the the CEO in a meeting. Hey its freeware so don't just think about it do it. Its software to manage virtual airlines, and its FREE. This software was payware but now its free ! By Ray Porteous. 6.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
FS Camera 1.4 - Aircraft Views Utility (Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
0.45Mb (10079 downloads)
FS Camera 1.4 - Aircraft Views Utility. Many users of the Microsoft Flight simulator surely know the additional program "Active Camera". It was freeware till now, what has changed with the version 2004. I have enjoyed using it also very much, it otherwise changes this one anyway for almost useless control tower view in magnificent camera prospects. Since I deal with smaller program projects now and then in my leisure time, I simply have tried out once to move the control tower view with a Visual-BASIC . Since the first attempts were quite promising, I have carried on and developed the program published here. I think that it hasn't become a simple copy the "Active Camera". Although the basic idea surely is derived, I have changed something anyway. Gunnar Dähling. 459K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Splash & Run.
FS2004 Splash & Run. (Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
0.17Mb (3061 downloads)
FS2004 Splash & Run. This program will let you select a new splash screen for fs2004, Registration is free register and the watermark will go away. 172K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  2 radar screen
TCAS 2 radar screen (Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
0.58Mb (13208 downloads)
TCAS 2 radar screen TCAS 2 radar screen for your MS Flight Simulator application. The TCAS 2 knowledge is based upon TCAS 2, version 7, as outlined by FAA Guidelines. (Also known as ACAS in Europe) This display will detect and warn against airborne A.I. intruder traffic via visual and verbal feedback. It requires FSUIPC (here), Visual Basic 6 runtime (both here) , and Directx 7 or higher (here). Danny Ho. 598K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  FS Kneeboard Utilities 2004
FS2004 FS Kneeboard Utilities 2004 (Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
1.06Mb (5726 downloads)
FS2004 FS Kneeboard Utilities 2004 A general utility for Flight Simulator 2004 kneeboard. It provides a full web browser with back and forward buttons, a user friendly interface, a print function for webpages, documents and images, quick acces to weather and chart services, a online logbook, chat and forum, a chart viewer, a notepad for writing down frequencies, aircrat checklists and many other functions, all this inside flight simulator without having to minimize it by using the kneeboard. You can browse the internet, search for charts and metar reports, print them and even move file and folder in the computer while flying at 35000 ft. without ever seeing the desktop. Grigoriu Alexandru. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Ai Flightplan Calculator
FS2004 Ai Flightplan Calculator (Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
0.40Mb (5153 downloads)
FS2004 Ai Flightplan Calculator This allows the creation of AI flightplans, for use with TTools, or a similar compiler. By GW_Simulations. 407K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
FSTSTuner Version 1.2 (Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
0.64Mb (1960 downloads)
FSTSTuner Version 1.2. Intro: FSTSTuner stands for “Flight Simulator TeamSpeak Tuner”. It allows you to tune your COM2 frequency and have TeamSpeak switch to the configured IP Address and Channel in the background. It consists of a gauge (InnerGears.GAU), a configuration program (FSTSTuner.EXE, and the .rtf format help file which your reading (FSTSTuner.RTF). This version has been tested and is compatible with TeamSpeak versions up to TeamSpeak 2. Works with FS2004 & FS2002. 656K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Virtual Keyboard FreeKeys
FS2004 Virtual Keyboard FreeKeys (Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
0.66Mb (2568 downloads)
FS2004 Virtual Keyboard FreeKeys will allow you to operate FS9 without your bulky HW Keyboard. This Freeware version is issued as a Concept program to see how you might use its later Shareware release called FltKeys. An installation program is included. Tim Mandeville (Visual Reference) 676K.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
2.22Mb (11587 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Aircraft Consistency Check - FSACC v3.5. Ever wondered why an installed aircraft does not show up in the Select Aircraft dialog, or the sound is missing, or ATC does not call the aircraft correctly? FSACC lists all aircraft folders and checks for each selected folder the aircraft's configuration. Help briefly explains how these things link up. [Upgraders should uninstall the old version and install this new version into the same folder. Your preferences are save then. See help for What's New]. 2.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Aircraft Installer: Version 3.8
FS2004/2002 Aircraft Installer: Version 3.8 (Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
1.13Mb (9370 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Aircraft Installer: Version 3.8 This utility works only for fs2002 and fs2004 and was tested on win2k. It will install and uninstall airplanes without overwriting fs2002-4 files. If there are others files such as gauges, sounds, effects, flights or modules files, that can also be handledVersion 3.6 New option of research. Some improvements. At the time of the launching of FS it happens sometimes that fs informs us that certain file are not compatible with the simulator, Such as for example gaugesound.dll It is consequently interesting to be able to find the plane to which belongs this file. This can now be done since the panel of "Delete installed airplanes". (see help). Rene Konrad.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive