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                  (Irish Police) AS 350 Squirrel
Garda (Irish Police) AS 350 Squirrel (Category: FS98 > Helicopters)
0.14Mb (190 downloads)
FS98 Garda (Irish Police) AS 350 Squirrel. File size 149212. R McMonagle, P White
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:22 by archive
                  365C Dauphin
AS 365C Dauphin (Category: FS98 > Helicopters)
0.09Mb (218 downloads)
FS98 AS 365C Dauphin. Victoria Air Ambulance. File size 95276. I Steadfast
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:22 by archive
Real Chopper (Category: FS98 > Helicopters)
FS98 Real Chopper. Easy fly Bell 206 with mods to make it easily flyable. File size 197671. C Gallops
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:22 by archive
                  Airlines 777-200
Canadian Airlines 777-200 (Category: FS98 > Civil Jets)
0.09Mb (1875 downloads)
Canadian Airlines 777-200 IGW Version 2 For FS98 Canadian Airlines 777-200 IGW with GE90-92 Engines. Canadian does not currently own a 777-200. The 777 is Boeing's newest twin designed to fill the load gap between the 747 and the 767. By:Kevin Sison File size 93343
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:22 by archive
                  Lufthansa Boeing 747-400 V3.1
FS98/FS5 Lufthansa Boeing 747-400 V3.1 (Category: FS98 > Civil Jets)
0.12Mb (2706 downloads)
FS98/FS5 Lufthansa Boeing 747-400 V3.1 The "Berlin" is the flagship of the very modern fleet of the major German carrier. Detailed textures incl. the new star alliance logo. It's almost completly new design, features 3D wheels, lighted cabine windows and landinglights (FS98 ver.) By Marcel Ritzema File size 125166
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:22 by archive
                  Qantas Airlines Intl. Boeing 747-400
Fs98 Qantas Airlines Intl. Boeing 747-400 (Category: FS98 > Civil Jets)
0.11Mb (2648 downloads)
Fs98 Qantas Airlines Intl. Boeing 747-400 VH-OJO with Rolls Royce engines. Changed engine mounts. Painted and modified by christopher Standen. email Origional afx by Robert Randazzo. File size 114257
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:22 by archive
                  Dassault Falcon 900 EX
                  Dassault Falcon 900 EX
FS98 Dassault Falcon 900 EX (Category: FS98 > Civil Jets)
0.40Mb (1937 downloads)
FS98 Dassault Falcon 900 EX with panel. High quality. File size 418021. Christian Schweikl
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:22 by archive
                  - IAI GALAXY Super-midjet - v1.0
FS98 - IAI GALAXY Super-midjet - v1.0 (Category: FS98 > Civil Jets)
0.10Mb (1541 downloads)
FS98 - IAI GALAXY Super-midjet - v1.0 Israelian Aircraft Industry's last cration: the GALAXY bizjet. Carries 8 people on trans- continental routes at Mach0.75@fl 450 (Paris NYC without stop). Has two full Fadec 5,698lb Pratt & Whitney 306/A turbofans and uses the same critical wing of her sister, the ASTRA Spx. Features FULL 3D TEXTURED VIRTUAL COCKPI T and LANDING LIGHTS added with Lladd. By: Michael De Santis. File size 101223
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:22 by archive
                  Condor (German Charter) Boeing 767-300
FS98 Condor (German Charter) Boeing 767-300 (Category: FS98 > Civil Jets)
0.10Mb (1323 downloads)
FS98 Condor (German Charter) Boeing 767-300 File size 107549. M Tusche
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:22 by archive
                  Boeing house/rollout livery B747-400
FS98/FS5 Boeing house/rollout livery B747-400 (Category: FS98 > Civil Jets)
0.13Mb (2064 downloads)
FS98/FS5 Boeing house/rollout livery B747-400 This repaint represents the way how the first B747-400 was presented to the world. Features all the flags of the major carriers who had already ordered to plane at that time. The FS-model is almost completly new design, features 3D wheels, cabine lights and landinglights/central fueltank (FS98 ver.) Design: Marcel Ritzema, House-livery: Marcel Ritzema & Rafael Zimmermann. File size 139560
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:22 by archive