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FSX > Missions > Page 29
Crocodile Country
23.12Mb (2557 downloads)
You are visiting the Kakadu National Park when you get a call from a strange Aussie who says he is Captain Ron's brother.. In between inviting you to the pub for a beer he seems angry about crocodile poachers in the park. He has organised a guide to help you look for them. There is a flight plan in your GPS. This mission is designed to be flown without the mission compass but you can enable it if you wish. There are no mission pointers. If you cannot find the poachers there are some spoilers on the knee board. The mission takes about 45 minutes, with an option for an extra 45 minute ferry job to Darwin.
Posted Feb 15, 2012 20:21 by David Blake-Warlock
Tassie Adventure 3
8.41Mb (1324 downloads)
You escaped on a Trike and caught a ship for Melbourne .. but .. the ship was attacked near a remote island .. you escaped and have managed to get your Trike airborne .. you know there is an airport about 3 or 4 minutes South. Captain Ron's last message was garbled but you got "seeya at Smithton" This mission is designed to be flown without the mission compass but you can enable it if you wish. There are no mission pointers or gps. The mission takes about 45 minutes.
Posted Feb 15, 2012 19:51 by David Blake-Warlock
WW2 FSadventureSky Series-" The K-GO Project
WW2 FSadventureSky Series-" The K-GO Project
3.89Mb (1540 downloads)
FSadventureSky Flight....Early on in the war Commander Kimatura Research Institute's Chemical Section, had requested Admiral Omaruka the separation of Uranium-235. The work went slowly, but shortly before the end of the war he had designed an ultracentrifuge (to spin at 60,000 rpm) which he was hopeful would achieve the required results. Only the design of the machinery was completed before the Japanese surrender. In early 1942 Squadron 45B-38 flying Catalinas was ordered to start photographing what was known as the MYSTERY CORRIDOR in waters near Japan. This was a TOP SECRET mission which covered hundreds of miles of water and many islands islands. Four Catalina Aircraft were fitted with cameras and long range tanks and loaded in an aircraft carrier which launch them at a secret spot. Their mission was to fly the corridor and find the Secret Buildings where the atomic experiments were held. Photograph them and fly to Russian territory...A Most difficult situation for any pilot!!!!
Posted Feb 5, 2012 22:30 by Gera Godoy Canova
Tassie Adventure 2
11.35Mb (2500 downloads)
You are commercial pilot in Tasmania to assist the Green rebels who have taken over the island from Government troops. You are at a rebel camp near Strahan. The regular pilot, Captain Ron, will be your co-pilot.The Government won the last battle but you have a plan .. and 10 torpedoes .. and a helicopter .. and a 747.
Posted Feb 2, 2012 23:44 by David Blake-Warlock
French Alps Rescue
71.57Mb (5366 downloads)
A family of tourists is reported missing, they would have spent the day in the mountains. Find them, and bring them back to the hospital. Your co-pilot will handle all radio communications. Aircraft : EC-145. With rewards and audio files (either in English or French versions).
Posted Jan 28, 2012 05:31 by Damien MARTIN
Not well known Flights--Part I
Not well known Flights--Part I
3.98Mb (921 downloads)
This is Flight I of the Episodes " Not Well Known Flights"..:)...It started in Tapachula, Mexico back in the early 50s with two Martin 404s carrying anything that wanted to go to Las Palmas in Belize, when the terrotory was part of England highly contested by Guatemala...Now the flight is mostly a passenger one in neat ATRs. So, Capitan, board your plane as grandad did or now as a young piloto all ready to go chatting with that lady from down choose. Warning: You print Flight Plan..and follow it on paper or make your own if you must use a gps!!!
Posted Jan 27, 2012 23:38 by Gera Godoy Canova
FSX Mission USN USMC Exercise Alula
31.49Mb (11452 downloads)
The target is a rogue state, the solution... a USN Navy Carrier Battle Group and USMC Expeditionary Strike Group! Choose to be the wingman in whichever sortie you like during a combined FA18, EA6B, AV8B, AH1, CH53E and MV22 two mission exercise in the Hawaiian Training Area. By Rob Opray
Posted Jan 16, 2012 01:36 by Rob Opray
Tassie Adventure1
16.07Mb (1844 downloads)
You are commercial pilot in Tasmania to assist the Green rebels who have taken over the island from Government troops. You have been sent to Hidden Bay near Strahan. The regular pilot, Captain Ron, has a broken arm and so can only be co-pilot. It is early morning, the weather is getting worse – and it's a tricky flight down the valley .. The Government still have isolated pockets of resistance so you will need to keep below 1,500 feet to avoid their radar. They still have anti-aircraft missiles. This mission is designed to be flown without the mission compass but you will need to keep one eye out for rebel towers guiding you and one eye on the tree tops. There is a flight plan if you wish to load it in PlanG on a separate screen. There are no mission pointers or gps. The mission takes about 40 minutes.
Posted Jan 14, 2012 21:07 by David Blake
Kiwi Gold
11.40Mb (3182 downloads)
Your buddy Captain Ron has discovered the secret location of a missing plane that was carrying a crate of gold, but he has a broken arm and needs your pilot skills. You will fly from Neslon in New Zealand and take a heading of 85 degrees magnetic for about 12 nautical miles. The following co-ordinates were found on a scrap of paper. High ridge then a river - turn North at S41 60.62 E 173 27.53 Deep water S41 14.50 E 173 48.05 Captain Ron has a submarine (The brilliant FSX Uboat by Bruce Fitzgerald waiting to sneek us into the treasure location with divers to refloat the plane. It is an early morning start with mist still in the valleys so keep your eyes open. There is no flight plan but you can enable the mission compass for help in a couple of places.
Posted Jan 14, 2012 20:42 by David Blake
Fly from Bhojpur to Lukla, Nepal
10.23Mb (12909 downloads)
You've just arrived to Nepal and getting ready for a training flight with your copilot, Mike. Mikes knows a lot about Nepal and the area where you will be flying so he will give a lot of information about the region. You will have to land at 2 small airports from Nepal - Lamidada and Rumjatar and then head to Lukla aiport. This is the first mission I've made and if it has some success I will try to make more on this topic - The Most Dangerous Airports in the World. More info:
Posted Jan 11, 2012 01:46 by Zeno Mateescu