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FSX > Missions > Page 33
Orinoco Airlines Inc.....Episode I
Orinoco Airlines Inc.....Episode I
9.73Mb (2016 downloads)
You have been hired by the only flying company in the Orinoco River Basin. The last three co-pilots quit after their first flight and are now flying jet tubes with auto pilots...Only real bush pilots with experience are required here, if you are a rooky, please stay away and don't even try flying these routes fly here with a Map, a Compass and your watch, and obviously the seat of your pants!!!! all you really need to find the unmarked grass and mud airfields as you well do???
Posted Aug 14, 2011 01:14 by GERA GODOY CANOVA
SR-71 Record Speed Run 2
2.81Mb (3855 downloads)
SR-71 Record Speed Run 2 London to Los Angeles in 3:47:39, average speed 1249 knots, and distance 4745 NM. Generated with FSX Mission Editor. Welcome to the second part of this interesting but very tricky mission. Be sure that you have the instructions printed out and next to you, otherwise you will be in lot of difficulties soon. Remember although this mission seems long and is longer than the first mission, things happen very fast, seconds do play a major role in this mission.
Alphasim SR-71 available here
Posted Aug 10, 2011 17:27 by Robbie Albers
Mystery Temple of Coo-Lon
Mystery Temple of Coo-Lon
8.68Mb (6146 downloads)
The jungle of Venezuela is full of mysteries but there is a place that hardly anyone goes due to the remoteness of it and the many legends of the "Curse of the twin snakes". Its is said that many who have been there have had scales under their feet some two months later!!!! it is a lonely place. Will you fly there and challenge the curse??? scales do not fit well under your toes you know...well give it a try, see the jungle and admire the temple and forget the curse..if you dare....
Posted Aug 5, 2011 01:29 by Gera Godoy Canova
FSX Flights for Space Shuttle Atlantis
FSX Flights for Space Shuttle Atlantis
0.62Mb (16884 downloads)
FSX flights for the Space Shuttle Atlantis. 2 approaches to shuttle landing facilities in EDWARDS /California. There is one easy final approach with direct heading and ILS approach per autopilot. The second flight is a challenge: Without autopilot and throttle to zero (gliding like the real shuttle is manually almost not possible) you have to do a turn to the left to begin the final approach. The space shuttle from Bruce Fitzgerald is required. Optional there is an external view with the Space shuttle and braking chute for the panel folder. From Erwin Welker.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 11, 2011 08:06 by Erwin Welker
SR-71 Record Speed Run 1
0.62Mb (2516 downloads)
Welcome to this interesting but very tricky mission. Be sure that you have the instructions printed out and next to you otherwise you will have a lot of difficulties. Remember although this mission seems long, things happen very fast, seconds do play a major role in this mission. Due to the nature of the freeware Alphasim SR71, I don’t know if the mission can be flown with the payware Alphasim SR71, but it should be worth a shot.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 8, 2011 08:49 by Robbie Albers
The Russian Anomaly...Protocol 45 in Effect
The Russian Anomaly...Protocol 45 in Effect
0.73Mb (1858 downloads)
FSAdventureSky Mystery Flights Episode----Since 1947 the Russians have been studying what they call "The Anomaly", now they have asked for help since strange movements are going on there for the first time since they found it. Protol 45 is in effect and You and the beautiful single Dr.Evelyn Piccone, astronomer at best, will fly there and check this phenomenon which has been kept from the west for decades!!!!! Danger Ahead Pilot!!!!( It is said that the Roswell incident is Peanuts compared to this situation)
Posted Jun 25, 2011 01:40 by Gera Godoy Canova
Land of Giants..A French C-47 Secret Flight
Land of Giants..A French C-47 Secret Flight
8.52Mb (2401 downloads)
FSadventureSky Adventure Flight...French East Command Dienbien, Vietnam 1953....Many Chinese stories and tales narrate of land of Giants in the mountains of China. Dr. Brigette Chantal has been named by the Museum of East Studies to fly to a Monastery called 'Oasis of Giants' in a mountain range near the border of Nepal. The high Lama, Bungybea Uku-Bum-Lam, director of the Monastery has been told you are flying this lady there. The Monastery built a runway many years ago to allow safe passage for its masters when Chinese authorities are seen near the place. Due to the constant bad weather they have installed a brand new apparatus used in aviation called VOR which allows the pilot to 'ride' a radio signal which eventually guides him to the airfield.....There are NO Routes to the field, so you will have to fly FOLLOWING THE VOR APPARATUS ONLY.....Orders are to proceed no later than tomorrow..General Igor Chateaux Birdouz (You will fly in a C-47 so make sure you have some practice with this aircraft)
Posted May 18, 2011 11:27 by Gera Godoy Canova
Pick Up Some Guys in Laos....1964 Mission
Pick Up Some Guys in Laos....1964 Mission
1.38Mb (4142 downloads)
FSadventureSky FLIGHT....You took the job in Air America Amigo, so here is your first assignment. After some sleepy pilot busted a DC-3 with some dudes leaving Vietnam for a tour in Laos in a discarded airfield you are called by the boss man in the base. No questions allowed, the beatup, grey and dirty C-47 is outside waiting for you to fly it. You will read instructions once airborne and follow them to the letter....Your crew?? Oh, sure, the same old bunch of guys that were shooting ducks all week in the swamps near the little village where those eight sisters live.....
Posted May 13, 2011 13:37 by Gera Godoy Canova
Cargo Over the Andes...1954
Cargo Over the Andes...1954
1.37Mb (2801 downloads)
FSadventureSky FLIGHT...Flying the C-47 at sea level is a joy and every pilot wishes to do so. Flying the same aircraft over the Andes can be very dangerous to say the least. High mountains, deep valleys, changing weather and swift winds are to be confronted with care. As always flight 559 of Bolivia's TAM flies all over these mountains from its base in La Paz. You have the flight from Sucre to Tarija today, so finish your breakfast and get over to the tarmac where your C-47 is waiting, loaded and ready to fly....
Posted May 11, 2011 10:57 by Gera Godoy Canova
The Blue Moon Temple
The Blue Moon Temple
7.89Mb (2898 downloads)
It was not until Monk Umbak-al-Majik disclosed that one of the Chariots of the Gods was in the altar of the Blue Moon Temple in the Mountains of Tajikistan that modern civilization awoke to what many had been waiting for..To see what really were these chariots so mentioned in antique documents. An expedition leaves from Delhi, India and changes planes in a far off airport. From there the party is flown on a smaller plane to the mystery Temple. What will be seen there? what mysteries will be revealed if any?..a Mission for adventurers Only, a Mission that will frighten the World at large?? Sure it will!!!!!A Mission of the Third Kind.....
Posted May 1, 2011 23:33 by Gera Godoy Canova