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FSX > Missions > Page 36
FSX Helicopter Mission - Bell JetRanger - Kalmar (Sweden)
FSX Helicopter Mission - Bell JetRanger - Kalmar (Sweden)
45.99Mb (4340 downloads)
As a pilot for the rescue service, you will have to rescue people and more with your Bell JetRanger. This mission is extract from the "RAS Helicopter Missions Vol.1". All details on www.roussillonaerosimulation. French version available. FSX SP2 Acceleration Mission created by Mathieu O'HARE
Posted Nov 4, 2010 11:40 by Mathieu O'HARE
Amazonia Air...Part I
Amazonia Air...Part I
4.63Mb (4598 downloads)
Amazonia Air was found only four weeks ago in a big pary at Pucalpa Airport. It is flying from this noble Jungle city to Iquitos up river. Stops in Contamana, Aguantan, Selvas and in beautiful Nauta. They fly small jobs like twin Senecas, 206s and 208s, they also have a plush DC-3. Pilots are needed since they want to have a 24 hour operation and cover more territory, even down in the Andes and up to Brazil. You may come at any time and try to get a co-pilot or even a pilot Job, but knowing the Mighty Amazon will surely land you a captain seat for sure. "Fly with Us in a Twin for safety" is their Motto. Five Flights, New Landclass, Airports and Scenery await you down here in the Peruvian Amazonia...Welcome Pilot!
Posted Oct 20, 2010 15:55 by Gera Godoy Canova
A U-Boat in the Amazon
A U-Boat in the Amazon
1.72Mb (2246 downloads)
Captain Igmar Schroonk set course west 23 degrees right toward the South American coast. He now realized that this was the end and the only possible course for survival. The southern Atlantic was rough but he knew the ocean as he knew the palm of his hand. After a week of very slow passage and on a sunny day at the bridge of the boat, Hans Slother noticed, in his binoculars, the green coast of Brazil and called his captain. That night at 12 miles from the mouth of the great Amazon River Igmar called his crew and told them his plan, which he had very carefully elaborated. “ This is my proposal” he said to the outlook of all the men in the darkened submarine...”We get into the river during the night and slip through any observation post, if there are any, then proceed very slowly up river” was 1944
Posted Sep 28, 2010 15:54 by Gera Godoy Canova
Update --- Find Dr.Laura Fokkler
1.25Mb (667 downloads)
These are the missing Flight files in "Your Flight you don't wish to download these, Just start the Flight at the waterfront in Panama City and follow the Pilot's Map in the Read Me document.
Posted Sep 23, 2010 09:17 by Gera Godoy Canova
Find Dr.Laura Fokkler
Find Dr.Laura Fokkler
2.01Mb (1347 downloads)
FSadventureSky New Flight Series-" Your Flight "---WW2 started yesterday and Laura Fokkler is missing. This female scientist has been working on a secret project for the US Army Air Corps since 1932. The juice of a plant called "Sangrilla Fuculentus Blafimus" has been found to have strong explosive qualities. Fokkler came to Darien, Panama where the plant is used as a fire starter and has been here since 1939. Now she has been missing for over two weeks. You are being paid to fly out to this jungle region to find and bring back to the Canal Zone this valuable and needed scientist...good luck
Posted Sep 23, 2010 09:16 by Gera Godoy Canova
Bad Weather to Tirana
Bad Weather to Tirana
0.80Mb (3218 downloads)
FSadventureSky New Flight Series-" Your Flight "---A stormy day in Southern Italy. Your flight leaves from Taranto to Tirana with full house. After crossing the Adriatic you have your lunch at the New Tirana Airport and get assigned to a late afternoon Cargo flight to Kukes. Weather has been bad all week and there is nothing you can do but man your plane and get on with the job which you love...Introducing a Multi-Media instruction manual with interactive maps and ....good music for the flights!!
Posted Sep 23, 2010 08:48 by Gera Godoy Canova
Congo School of Aviation..NavExams
Congo School of Aviation..NavExams
1.30Mb (2535 downloads)
The Congo School of Aviation is offering for this week only four exams for pilots who want to qualify for the 'Jungle Bush Pilot' certificate. Bring your own plane and get a discount at the school's Motel. You must have a pilot's licence from somewhere which can be checked. The exams will prove to you and the School Masters that you can muster the rigors of flying around jungles and out of the way places with some type of safety to your cargo and passengers if you take any sometime in the future. Milika Urtu, chief pilot in residence will check you out. Be ready to start early and do bring a certified Bank's check to pay in advance. Welcome to the Congo dudes.....
Posted Aug 27, 2010 16:30 by Gera Godoy Canova
Once they were Gods, Now only Statues
Once they were Gods, Now only Statues
3.00Mb (2304 downloads)
This is an FSX-AdventureSky Flight---The expedition leaves from Lima, Peru to Nazca, land of the famous strange desert Lines where the expedition STOL plane is waiting. From here you will fly to the three most famous Inca statues still standing in mountains and jungles. These flights Are not Easy!!! You must use your map reading an navigation skills to reach these remote places. A real challenge for all. Will you find the old Gods now turned into stone???? Guaranteed to keep your eyes on the ball all the time you are in the Inca Skies...
Posted Aug 13, 2010 18:21 by Gera Godoy Canova
Western Cape VFR, South Africa, Flight 1 and 2
4.39Mb (3878 downloads)
You are the chief pilot of the South African Air Force Caravan 41 Squadron, based on AFB Swartkops in Pretoria. You have been given the task by the Chief of the Air Force (CAF) to assist in a public relations exercise with the US Navy, who have an aircraft carrier docked just outside Saldanha Bay in the Western Cape, South Africa. The admiral on board with a few high ranking officers are to be entertained during their visit at Naval Base Saldanha. You are cleared to fly to AFB Langebaanweg and plan a VFR flight to show off our beautiful Western Cape country side, you are cleared to fly at any altitude you feel necessary. After consulting with the local pilots on the base you have planned the following low level route, over 2 days, which was approved by the CAF.
Posted Aug 9, 2010 17:54 by Robbie Albers
Nicaragua Air...Flights in Nicaragua on Weekends
Nicaragua Air...Flights in Nicaragua on Weekends
0.98Mb (6040 downloads)
FSadventureSky FSX/FS9 Flight. Its raining in Managua and its hot, really hot and humid. Your Islander is ready and Jose, the mechanic, has finished placing new plugs on the little plane. Five women tourists are entering the craft so you finish the fried "Mojarra" your wife placed in your lunchbox, and looking at the beautiful Maria Ernesta, the Company only woman stewardess, you walk to the plane, Flight 559 to Puerto Cabezas is all set to fly....The Puerto Cabezas flight 449 will be early tomorrow to San Andres and then back to Managua....Yes sir, flying in Latin America is unique, so what are you waiting for, Fly Man...Fly!!
Posted Aug 7, 2010 00:47 by Gera Godoy Canova