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Project Airbus Kneeboards
0.06Mb (1274 downloads)
Adds stock style kneeboards to Project Airbus A318, A319, A320IAE, A320CFM, and A321 models, including accurate V-speeds, approach speeds, and flap placard speeds taken from Airbus literature for the different models.
Posted Feb 23, 2017 19:08 by Simon Kelly
G1000 update for FSX v49
G1000 update for FSX v49
3.32Mb (2209 downloads)
This file does not work in Windows 10. This is the G1000upFSX_v49 the new version of my G1000 upgrade. Users of the previous version only need to replace the previous folder by the new one. In this version the previous FD bars are replaced by a single one which is more realistic. There are also some changes in the AP information display. The Garmin G1000 for FSX is a high performance instrument panel for a simulator. However the PFD of the default version misses a lot of important features like the NAV/DME display, autopilot commands with vertical speed setting, autopilot information display, selected vertical speed display, flight director bar, a radio altitude display and a wind information display. Since version 48 and above the HSI is slightly modified: NAV1 and/or NAV2 needles are displayed in light blue color below the active HSI needle i.e. if NAV1 is selected in the HSI the NAV1 needle will show up in green (default) and NAV2 needle will be displayed in light blue below it. The RALT display does not show up when the aircraft is on ground. The ILS flags are now diplayed in the small Inset map. In the situation where the wind direction changed between 0 and 335 (anti-clockwise) the WIND heading was displaying negative degres, this has been corrected The MFD only misses the autopilot commands and the ILS flags in the GPS map. All these features are added in my Garmin G1000 upgrade for FSX v49. Two display bugs in the FSX default G1000 are also corrected. First a NAV and LOC confusion on the HSI rose when NAV2 is displayed. Second the clock that turns to the next minute at 30 seconds instead of 60 and turns to the next hour at 30 minutes instead of 60. By default in FSX the G1000 panel is available on the Cessna C172, the Beechcraft Baron B58 and the Mooney Bravo. Installation information is enclosed in the "G1000upFSX_v49_users_guide.pdf" file in this download. If you are not familiar to the G1000 panel it is strongly recommended to read the manuals located in the “Documentation” folder of this download. December 2016, by M. Ravez
Posted Dec 29, 2016 10:37 by M. Ravez
Concorde flight engineer panel
Concorde flight engineer panel
24.50Mb (1062 downloads)
Tested only with the package by Philippe Wallaert but should also work which are based on the original Concorde upload by LIBARDO GUZMAN! For a overview of the systems, please go to the zip preview and take a look in the info picture! Many thanks to LIBARDO GUZMAN for his great Concorde sim, Phillipe Wallaert for his package and the CG gauge i have used for my panel and a very special thanks to John Honniball for his really nice flight engineer station photo of the Concorde! Tested only in FSX + Acceleration!
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Posted Sep 30, 2016 19:25 by Andiroto
Airbus A320/321 2D & VC Panel
Airbus A320/321 2D & VC Panel
7.56Mb (4517 downloads)
There are a few A32x panels around however this one attempts to provide comprehensive functions according to the Airbus A320 Operations Manual. Features include all new gauges tailored to the A320, a full set of display panels, Overhead and main panels that closely reflect the actual flight deck, night lighting, and the latest version of my GPS to replace the default GPS 500. It is designed for a 1920X1080 monitor but will scale to other sizes although lettering may not be legible. PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS before deciding it does not work.
Posted Sep 22, 2016 21:59 by G. Munro
Airbus A320, A319, A321 2d Panel
Airbus A320, A319, A321 2d Panel
25.40Mb (5488 downloads)
A320, A321, a319 2d panel for FSX. Merged different panels to form one panel. Panel includes -TCAS on MFD -Terrain on MFD -Flight plan on MFD click ''Lower left or right'' -Added flight data gauge -changed colors on EICAS Display -Added Honeywell FMS -Check list gauge -Autoland gauge -Edited the GPWS ---------- Panel assembled with thanks to the creators and gauge designers. Chris Jeanne, Ken Wigginton, Francois Dore, Nick Pike, Project Airbus and others. Please read the Readme!
Posted Sep 20, 2016 18:46 by Jason Alexander
Generic 2D Lancaster Panel for FSX
8.26Mb (630 downloads)
A 2D panel designed around default gauges and using a previously approved for modification bitmap by Roger Lowrey for CFS1 back in 2003. It is intend as a source panel for updating old Lancasters that may suffer from unusable/nonworking gauges but otherwise work perfectly in FSX. The panel is freeware and can be uploaded to any web site without further approval provided no money is charged for the outcome. As is usual, you use this product at your own risk. Panel by Ross McLennan
Posted Aug 11, 2016 06:18 by Ross McLennan
FSX Cabin  Window
0.17Mb (8202 downloads)
FSX 2D Cabin Window Panel for use with wing views in FSX. As we all know, FSX doesn't provide this function, so I came up with a solution that can make this feature available. This is a fixed pop up 2D panel window that can be used as an overlay panel in 3D wing view mode in FSX.
Posted Jan 26, 2016 21:18 by wesley c coons
FSX Popup Approach gauges
0.29Mb (1956 downloads)
This popup gauge set will help on final approaches by allowing you to monitor altitude, airspeed, vertical speed, AGL radar altimeter, and keep an eye on the glide slope without having to look in the cockpit. I made this so I wouldn't need a 50% or less cockpit view while on approach in some aircraft to keep an eye on the gauges and glide slope. The Airspeed gauge was chosen because below 10,000 ft, max speed is 250 kts, and the gauge max speed is 240 Kts. It will help you monitor your airspeed below 10,000 if the gauge is pegged pass 240 kts. I also chose it because the green band ends around 160 KTS and that would be max approach speed for MOST aircraft, and the yellow band begins at 160 kts and ends at 220 kts, and those would be max speeds for most aircraft when dropping gear and flaps. So the gauge suits my purpose well. However, we all know each aircraft is specific. The AGL radar altimeter is great for flaring over the runway and cutting power, and has 5 foot increments for flawless touchdowns. It will also warn if the gear is up when the AGL kicks in. Radar Altimeter gauge is by Pierre FASSEAUX, and his read me, and all gauge documentation are included in this zip file. Nice gauge! The other gauges are default FSX Extra 300 gauges. Freeware, enjoy!
Posted Dec 3, 2015 00:54 by Rick Herring
FSX - Boeing 737 CL widescreen 2d panel
5.08Mb (1509 downloads)
FSX Boeing 737-3/4/500 widescreen 2d panel. HD image, with FSX gauges. (Also compatible with default FS2004 737-400)
Posted Nov 16, 2015 11:41 by flyitsim
FSX + Acceleration Milton Shupe's Dash 7 panel (Reworked)
FSX + Acceleration Milton Shupe's Dash 7 panel (Reworked)
56.25Mb (1706 downloads)
I wanted to reduce some of the dummy switches mainly in the VC! So I have added a tank selector, external power, anti skid, seatbelt and no smoking (with sound), bleed valves,cabin alt, pack temperature,working fuel pumps,working starter switch, working prop deice, some new tooltips, additional annunciator messages and more. Base pack for the panel was the latest by Caltabiano Nunzio (Voyager), but i have the panel also tested with the FSX "port over" version by Milton Shupe from 2012!So it should also work with all other dash7 packs which are based on the upload by Milton Shupe! Please take a look in the installation file, because you must also made some changes to the aircraft.cfg to get some systems to work! Many thanks to Milton Shupe, Mike Kelly, Tom Falley, Bernt Stolle, Nigel Richards, and Scott Thomas for this great dash7 sim and Caltabiano Nunzio (Voyager) for the base pack! Only tested with FSX + Acceleration!
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Posted Nov 13, 2015 22:26 by Andiroto
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