82.53Mb (2140 downloads)
Hawaiian Airports Part 3
This scenery features the airports at Princeville, Port Allen, Waimea and Upolu. HI01-Princeville and PAK-Port Allen are located on the island of Kauai, the film location made famous by Stephen Spielberg's blockbuster, Jurrasic Park. PHMU-Waimea and PHUP-Upolu are located in the North West of Hawaii, also known as the Big Island. All runways, aprons, taxiways and buildings have been repositioned to their correct locations, and the scenery has been recreated based on photos of the real airports. The scenery features many animated objects including people, aircraft, animals, waves, cars, trucks and many more. Full night textures with light maps are included.
All the scenery files have been sub-divided so they can be switched on or off according to user preference and hardware configuration. It has been designed for, and tested in DX9 and FSXA only. The airports include sloped flattens so they can also be used with high density mesh.
This file also includes updates for Hawaiian Airports Part 2. George Keogh
Posted Mar 12, 2016 06:23 by uploader

152.42Mb (2385 downloads)
Hawaiian Airports Part 2
This scenery features the airports at PHJR John Rodgers Field, PHBK Barking Sands, NPS Ford Island and PHNG Kaneohe Bay. All runways, aprons, taxiways and buildings have been repositioned to their correct locations, and include custom textures based on photographs of the real airports. The scenery features many animated objects including people, aircraft, animals, waves, cars, trucks and many more. Full night textures with light maps are included.
All the scenery files have been sub-divided so they can be switched on or off according to user preference. It has been designed for, and tested in DX9 and FSXA only. The airports include sloped flattens so they can also be used with high density mesh. These airports have long runways and can easily cater for the 'heavies', PHJR now acts as a backup to the main airort at PHNL Honolulu. Runway 04 at PHNG is a real challenge, and requires a 90 degree turn under the mountains.
Posted Mar 12, 2016 05:49 by uploader

232.43Mb (2524 downloads)
Hawaiian Airports Part 1
This scenery features accurate recreations of the airports at PHMK Molokai, PHNY Lanai City, PHHN Hana, PHLU Kalaupapa, and JHM Mauai West. All runways, aprons, taxiways and buildings have been repositioned to their correct locations, and include custom textures based on real photographs. The new hanger has been added to Hana and also the new fire stations at Lanai and Molokai. The scenery features effects, sound, many animated objects including people, flags, animals, waves, cars, trucks and many more. Full night textures with light maps are included.
The scenery also includes representative, and real interisland traffic schedules, and the HAL ATR is sporting the new OHana livery.
All the scenery files have been sub-divided so they can be switched on or off according to user preference. It has been designed for, and tested in DX9 and FSXA only. George Keogh
Posted Mar 12, 2016 04:45 by uploader

0.00Mb (318 downloads)
Upfield farm (X2FU) was (?) a small farm strip between Newport & Chepstow in the UK. The owner got into trouble after adding a paved runway adjacent to an existing grass runway without getting the required planning permissions to do so. Retrospective permission was not granted, and the paved runway had to be removed.
To install simply unzip the zip to the FSX addOnScenery folder. The zip also contains a fix for a fault in the default terrain between Uskmouth and the SSC.
Posted Mar 9, 2016 14:19 by zihamesh

1.42Mb (394 downloads)
Mangalore Airport is located in central Victoria, Australia and provides pilot training services and facilities for student pilots.
This airport has been modeled from photographs freely available off the internet. This package has two versions. One is for anyone who has the orbxAU/Blue package installed and the other is for generic fsx landscape. The two options are provided as the blending of the airport into the surrounding scenery is different for each. I have modeled the main terminal building and a couple of buildings close to it and the control tower so as to look
something like the actual ones but I have used generic textures in addition to some of my own.
All the other buildings are generic ones and chosen for their size and architectural resemblance (albeit rather vague because of the generic library lack of choice) to the actual ones. I have included two hangars of my own but these are not exactly like those at the actual airport but are similar in size and shape. This means that the overall layout reflects the actual airport but the finer detail does not. In any event its an improvement on what came with the default version.
Posted Mar 7, 2016 19:01 by Robert Budd

2.36Mb (249 downloads)
RAF Spanhoe (also known as Harringworth or Wakerley) (ICAO X3SE) is a former World War II airfield in Northamptonshire, England. The airfield is located approximately 4 miles (6.4 km) east of Uppingham; about 80 miles (130 km) north-northwest of London
Opened in 1943, it was used by both the Royal Air Force and United States Army Air Forces. During the war it was used primarily as a transport airfield,
it was closed in late 1945 after the WWII.
Today, much of the airfield has been returned to agriculture, however; the remains of some of the runways can be seen from the air and a part of the old peri track is used by various privately owned light aircraft which are housed at the old airfield.
Source: Wikipedia
Posted Mar 7, 2016 09:59 by Terry Boissel

0.09Mb (970 downloads)
A collection of airfields for VFR flying in Austria, which are not included
in the FSX/P3D:
LOSM Mauterndorf,
LOKH Hirt,
LOKW Wolfsberg,
LOGI Trieben,
LOIK Langkampfen,
LOGL Lanzen-Turnau,
LOAS Spitzerberg,
LOLG St. Georgen,
LOKF Feldkirchen,
LOLE Eferding,
LOLF Freistadt.
The airfields are placed according Google-Earth coordinates using standard
objects. May be it is not perfect but better than nothing.
Juergen Wolf
Posted Mar 7, 2016 02:53 by Juergen Wolf

454.79Mb (2711 downloads)
Graz Airport, known as Flughafen Graz-Thalerhof in Austria,
is a minor international airport in Graz, the second-largest city in Austria.
It is located in the south of the alps the airport serves
flights to European leisure and some metropolitan destinations.
in this version you have new animated people,
no flakering,
new animated vehicle,
new Taxiway-light, seasonal textures,
Hospital UKH-Graz and LKH-Graz.
new buildung arround the Airport.
This will be my last freeware-version of LOWG.
the version is tested in FSX and P3D
thank you and have fun
Manfred Marbler
Posted Mar 3, 2016 11:18 by manfred marbler

19.44Mb (1644 downloads)
For FSX only. There are two other packages for FS9 and P3D. This is a self-contained package for the Hamilton airport CYHM in southern Ontario, Canada. This airport became busy in the last 20 years as the main couriers installed their Canadian hub there. The airport is not very far from the Toronto main airport, Pearson CYYZ. The Canadian War Heritage Museum is at this airport. Some years ago the main hangar of the museum burned down and some relic aircraft were lost. The museum recovered, and this package shows the Lancaster and a few other heritage aircraft. Fern Marques and Tower by Newton Drummond. Planes by Dave Pearce.
Posted Mar 2, 2016 09:27 by Fern Marques

0.24Mb (302 downloads)
A very recognizable landmark for VFR pilots in Louisville, near intersection of I64 and Gene Snyder Freeway
Posted Feb 29, 2016 16:59 by Brian McMullan