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Saab 340 US Airways Express Textures
Saab 340 US Airways Express Textures (Category: FSX > Props)
9.64Mb (2981 downloads)
US Airways Express repaint for Brett Henderson's excellent FSX-only Saab 340. Textures only - requires original package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 12, 2011 13:35 by Christian Silvers
Simon Jamie's painting tutorial (Category: FS Design > Design Tutorials)
0.43Mb (2981 downloads)
Simon Jamie's painting tutorial This has been produced at the request of my readers. Kind regards Jim Oates. 440K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
                    150H - 2 models, 3 liveries
                    150H - 2 models, 3 liveries
Cessna 150H - 2 models, 3 liveries (Category: FS2002 > Props)
6.29Mb (2981 downloads)
Cessna 150H - 2 models, 3 liveries FS2002 and PRO. MODEL: Alex Eylerts, Claudio Rojas and Harald Huber. ANIMATIONS: Claudio Rojas FD(Flight Dynamics): Harald Huber and Claudio Rojas. Textures Alex Eylerts. 6.4MB see panel & air file upgrades next page
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
FSX Beechcraft B1900D Regional Airliner
FSX Beechcraft B1900D Regional Airliner (Category: FSX > Props)
19.21Mb (2980 downloads)
FSX Beechcraft B1900D Regional Airliner 19 seat regional airliner of ERA Aviation, Alaska New model with full animation, dynamic shine & reflective textures. Includes a VC with a complete passenger cabin, opening passenger door with airstair, cargo doors and custom sound. Compatible with FSX/FSXS/P3Dv1-4 By Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Danny Crance and Kevin Pardy - Premier Aircraft Design. Dietmar Loleit for his TCAS gauge. Arno Gerretson for his ModelConverterX.
Posted Dec 4, 2019 04:09 by uploader
                  panel version 2.1
A320 panel version 2.1 (Category: FS2002 > Panels)
2.98Mb (2980 downloads)
A320 panel version 2.1 for FS2002 Upgrade of my A320 panel version 2.0. Includes a new Airbus PFD, 100% freeware, and many other improvements. Optimized for the Project Airbus A320. By Eric Marciano. 3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
                  98/2000 & CFS GRUMMAN F-14A TOMCAT
FS 98/2000 & CFS GRUMMAN F-14A TOMCAT (Category: FS2000 > Military)
4.40Mb (2980 downloads)
FS 98/2000 & CFS GRUMMAN F-14A TOMCAT with sound but no panel.- Jolly Rogers Special Edition r Includes Updated Moving parts F-14 By Dino Cattaneo. Original by Terry Hill. High intensity sounds for mach operations. Custom mixed and interlaced for extra smooth rpm windup and deceleration. Interior and exterior sounds are matched and balanced for realism. By Aaron R. Swindle. File size 4.6MB. IMPORTANT to read the MUSTREAD file for this aircraft.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Curtis AT-9 Jeep
FS2004 Curtis AT-9 Jeep (Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.57Mb (2980 downloads)
FS2004 Curtis AT-9 Jeep Originally named the Fledgling, the AT-9 was referred to as the "Jeep" by its crews. It's a relatively unknown, aircraft but was used in large numbers during WWII as a twin engine trainer. By Mike Stone. 580K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
                  Boeing 747-400 Default Textures in Cathay Pacific Livery
1.68Mb (2980 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 747-400 Default Textures in Cathay Pacific Livery. Stas Jessy. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
FSX Sea King Marine One Textures
FSX Sea King Marine One Textures
FSX Sea King Marine One Textures (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
2.51Mb (2979 downloads)
Repaint of the UKmil Sea King as Marine One of HMX-1 Squadron. This helicopter has carried U.S. Presidents on short trips from the White House since the early 1960's. Requires Repainted by R.E. Wyman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 11, 2015 23:40 by R.E. Wyman
Boeing 747-428M National Air Cargo with VC
Boeing 747-428M National Air Cargo with VC
Boeing 747-428M National Air Cargo with VC (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
32.80Mb (2979 downloads)
Boeing 747-428M (BCF) National Air Cargo. Updated to include a slightly modified version of the default Boeing 747-400 VC and 2d panel. Shift e 2 and 4 to open cargo doors. Ground servicing is automatic. Other edits to make it work OK in FSX with a vc. Updated by Chris Evans. Many thanks to the great talents of Skyspirit/Project Opensky for the model and Xudeva Irribarra for his great repainter talent. Updates by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 27, 2011 07:02 by Chris Evans