All Time Popular > Page 1197

FSX Acceleration Lockheed RT-33A RHAF Package
(Category: FSX > Military)
59.09Mb (2967 downloads)
FSX Acceleration Lockheed RT-33A RHAF package.(includes paint Kit) The Hellenic Royal Air Force Received in total 150 aircraft of the type between 1951-1970.Some of them remained in service until the year 2000.This specific repaint is of the Orange TR-35029 target towing of the Suda (Creta) training 222 Sq one of the remaining three at the Hellenic Air Force museum in Tanagra (Greece) today.They had roundels on both sides of the wings and on the fuseladge.The
model is a creation of Tim Piglet Conrad featuring animated moving parts and pilot full Vitual Cockpit ,2D panel,effects and sound. Historical info from the RHAF records,photos and also a paint kit with simple instructions for new repainters are included in the package.Download size 59 MB.Modifications and Repaint by Hellenic Aircraft/Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas.
Posted Dec 14, 2012 03:41 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS

Dornier Do-26C Seefalcke
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
12.84Mb (2966 downloads)
Dornier Do-26 Seefalcke floatplane, now updated for FSX Acceleration. All credits are for Hauke Keitel for his great model and Alphasim for their wonderful gauges. Full working VC and 2D-panel, all necessary gauges included. Enjoy!
Posted May 26, 2013 16:05 by erik hertzberger

Ilyushin IL2 Sturmovik SKIS
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
36.91Mb (2966 downloads)
Thicko's great CFS2 Ilyushin Il-2 Sturmovik with Retractable Skis, now flying in FSX with working VC (all necessary gauges included). Wheels version and pilot&gunner version also included. Enjoy your flights over a snowy landscape and remember: skis have no brakes.....
Posted Dec 21, 2011 01:34 by Erik Hertzberger

Lockheed C-130H Hercules AI Aircraft Model + Repaint kit
(Category: FS Design > Aircraft Paintkits)
0.47Mb (2966 downloads)
Lockheed C-130H Hercules AI Aircraft Model + Repaint kit .
Version 1.0 November 8th 2004. Model, Base Textures & Flight
Dynamics by David Friswell. Model: Built in Abacus' FSDS v2.24.
Flight Dynamics: This Lockheed C-130H model is built for AI
purposes only using the excellent FSDS v1 Lockheed L100-30 model
by Johan Crous. Mixture of 1% Spreadshhets (for Aircraft.cfg)
and MODIFIED Default FS9 B747-400 (Airfile). 485K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
"On-board Internet Browser" Kneeboard.
(Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
0.04Mb (2966 downloads)
"On-board Internet Browser" Kneeboard.
This utility will allow you to go on the internet while you
are flying, so instead of people asking you questions and you
having to pause the game minimize it then going on the internet
for about 5 minuits you can just oper your kneeboard and go
on the net Made using flash it has an easy to use layout. You
need flash player 7. By Dominic Sore. 39K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive

Project Opensky B737-800 WL China Eastern B-5100
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
11.78Mb (2966 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing 737-800 Winglets Version China Eastern B-5100 Complete Package for FSX. Texture by He Lingyuan from China. Using Panel, Sound & Virtual Cockpit of the default B737-800. Operation Manual by Warren C.Daniel of Project Opensky Team is also included.
Posted Jun 16, 2010 10:14 by He Lingyuan

FSX/P3D Embraer 145LR Delta Connection Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
80.58Mb (2965 downloads)
FSX/P3D v3 Embraer 145LR Delta Connection Package.
Delta Connection is a wholly owned subsidiary of Delta Airlines and operates small number passenger flights throughout the US as well as the Caribbean and Canada. Model by Project Opensky with VC. Added the great textures by airplaneman. Edited to add missing gauges and added Honeywell FMC (Instrument panel - Views) as well as edited textures to allow clear windows in P3D. High quality model with opening doors and stairs.
All credit to the fantastic talents of the Project opensky team. Please read enclosed docs and if you don't have it - be sure to add msvcr70.dll to main FSX folder to see gauges. Adjusted alpha channels for window transparencies and reflections. FSX/P3D assembly and panel updates by Chris Evans. Includes steering fix. Zip preview for more images.
Posted Oct 4, 2016 05:33 by chris evans

FS2004/2002 Boeing 737 Passenger Plane Pilot 5 Adventures
(Category: FS2004 > Adventures)
0.02Mb (2965 downloads)
Fly a 737 and take passengers in 5 fun flights!
Posted Jan 6, 2011 16:12 by Jarrett Arnold

FS2004 Cessna 182 panel for widescreen monitors
(Category: FS2004 > Panels)
2.23Mb (2965 downloads)
This panel for default Cessna 182 is designed in 1680 x 1050 resolution only for widescreen monitors. It's a new 2D panel with two different view modes (VFR and IFR), easy to install. With this new panel you say good by standard panel deformation on widescreen monitors. By Hanno Frings.
Posted Nov 26, 2008 08:22 by Hanno Frings

Republic F-84G Thunderjet
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
19.16Mb (2964 downloads)
Jens B. Kristensens great Republic F-84G Thunderjet, now flyable in FSX-Acceleration. All credits go to him!! Six liveries, updated panel with full working VC (all necessary gauges included), smoke and afterburner effects for fun. Enjoy!
Posted Oct 25, 2012 18:13 by erik hertzberger