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FSX Grumman Goose Package V2.1
FSX Grumman Goose Package V2.1
FSX Grumman Goose Package V2.1 (Category: FSX > Props)
75.90Mb (2756 downloads)
This standalone package contains alternative option of the default FSX Grumman Goose, providing modifications in flight dynamics, loading configuration, engine operations, VC and instrument panel, pop-ups, two new liveries and two default ones, adapted for the texture changes. The package also includes a training mission and a set of reference materials. More details you will find in the readme file.
Posted Feb 20, 2016 01:46 by Vladimir Gonchar
FSX Royal Air force Tornado GR4 2 Sqn 2012 Textures
FSX Royal Air force Tornado GR4 2 Sqn 2012 Textures
0.97Mb (2756 downloads)
FSX Royal Air force Tornado GR4 2 Sqn 2012 Textures This pack includes textures for ZA398 of 2 SQN RAF Maraham, for 100 years of 2 Sqn Requires the UKMil Panavia Tornado package. Textures by UKMIL [
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 23, 2012 02:20 by UKMIL
                  LET Panel (updated)
FS2004 LET Panel (updated) (Category: FS2004 > Panels)
FS2004 LET Panel (updated) . Designed and upgraded Viktor Schacht. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
FSX                   Alf's UK Airfields - Volume 2
FSX Alf's UK Airfields - Volume 2 (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.76Mb (2756 downloads)
FSX Alf's UK Airfields - Volume 2 - This Volume consists of: EGTD Dunsfold, EGET Lerwick/Tingwall, EGNF Netherthorpe. Although FSX scenery is a great improvement on FS2004, there are still many small airfields in the UK with little or no details. I have tried to improve this in a small way. I do not have any direct knowledge, or indeed any useful photos of these airfields so do not aim to make them accurate, only better. They were compiled using aerial views from Google Earth, Pooleys UK Flight Guide, FSX SDK Object Placement Tool and AFX v1.04 running under Vista (not recommended by Flight1). The main problem seemed to be in compiling 'excludes'. In some cases I made seperate exclude files and with perseverence it worked with me. I hope it works in your set-up. Alf Denham. 783K
Posted Aug 6, 2010 05:34 by archive
                  Lockheed L-1011 Pack
FS2002 Lockheed L-1011 Pack (Category: FS2002 > Civil Jets)
2.63Mb (2756 downloads)
FS2002 Lockheed L-1011 Pack This is an all new model designed from scratch using GMAX. The model has a full range of animated parts including realistic slotted flaps. I've included textures for 5 major liveries - Air Canada, Air Luxor, British Airways, Delta and Pan Am, all with full night lighting. Aircraft by Mike stone Repainted by Alvery Guiler. 2.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
FSX/P3D Airbus A319-112 Air India Package
FSX/P3D Airbus A319-112 Air India Package
FSX/P3D Airbus A319-112 Air India Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
54.84Mb (2755 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A319-112 Air India Package. Air India is India's national airline and currently (2016) operates 22 A319 aircraft. The A319 is a shortened version of the A320 and has an operational range of 3700nm (6900km/4300 miles). Includes enhanced Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Louis Quintero and some further edits by Chris Evans (FSX : Go to Views -Instrument Panel. P3D: Go to Vehicle - Instrument panel), Custom CFM sounds. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Model by Project Airbus. Added the photo real textures by Jeffrey Bryner. Assembled for FSX/FSX Steam/P3D by Chris Evans
Posted Oct 2, 2016 04:50 by chris evans
Heavy Military/ Freight Jet sounds (Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
2.22Mb (2755 downloads)
Heavy Military/ Freight Jet sounds. FS98/CFS Sound Pack USAF and Russian Heavy Jets Sampled in stereo.Suitable for AEW Sentry,C-17 Globemaster, Air Force One. Lockheed Galaxy C141 Starlifter. Would also suit heavy lift Russian Aircraft. This file is an excellant example of Aureal 3D Positional sound.Highly reccommended for Surround sound configurations.Very new reverse thrust wavs taken from a C-17 Globemaster at Mildenhall UK. Author. Mike Hambly. File size 2322357
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
International                  Space Station, for FS2000
International Space Station, for FS2000 (Category: FS2000 > Misc)
3.86Mb (2755 downloads)
International Space Station, for FS2000 A detailed model of the I.S.S. This is the most complex international scientific project in history. By Nestor D'Angelo. Includes panel. By Gustavo De Coro File size
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum with Indian Air Force.
2.78Mb (2755 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum with Indian Air Force. Two Gmax models by P.Huggins, one with drop tanks, another one with clean configuration. Textures by Kalyan Mukherjee. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:28 by archive
                  Varig Avro 748. VARIG
FS2004 Varig Avro 748. VARIG (Category: FS2004 > Props)
2.13Mb (2755 downloads)
FS2004 Varig Avro 748. VARIG PP-VDT was one of 11 HS748 used by this Brazilian airliner. Varig Texture by Luiz Foernges. Model and Panel by JR Lucariny. 2.2MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive