Mar 01, 2025 |
All Time Popular > Page 1878
                  Croatia Airlines Airbus A320-212
FS2004 Croatia Airlines Airbus A320-212 (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
4.41Mb (1857 downloads)
FS2004 Croatia Airlines Airbus A320-212. Original by Project Airbus. Repaint by Leon Schneller. 4.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
FS2004/FSX IL-96 Lufthansa textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
14.91Mb (1857 downloads)
This is the fictional Lufthansa texture for the IL-96-300 v.4 from Kirill Konovalov. I love this plane and this is my first job for it. Texture by Martin Seman, Slovakia 2009
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Posted Oct 24, 2009 12:07 by Martin Seman
Boeing 747-400 Gol Airlines New Colors package
Boeing 747-400 Gol Airlines New Colors package
Boeing 747-400 Gol Airlines New Colors package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
50.90Mb (1856 downloads)
This is the Project Opensky 747-400, with the new and fictional livery of Gol Brazilian Airlines. reg: PT-GHL. Includes model, PW sound and GPWS, and the VC from Alejandro Rojas Lucena . Repaint by Moacir Junior
Posted Dec 3, 2016 16:17 by Moacir Junior
FSX Bolzano, Italy, photoreal scenery
FSX Bolzano, Italy, photoreal scenery
FSX Bolzano, Italy, photoreal scenery (Category: FSX > Scenery)
222.33Mb (1856 downloads)
Photoreal scenery of the city of Bolzano (Italy) with seasonal and night textures. The scenery is compatible with the freeware scenery of Bolzano LIPB by Orbx.
Posted Dec 11, 2015 12:23 by Carlo Boninsegna
FSXA 321F Super Frelon Olympic Hermes Textures Upgrade
FSXA 321F Super Frelon Olympic Hermes Textures Upgrade
2.93Mb (1856 downloads)
This is a textures update only for my Olympic Aerospatiale /Sud Aviation 321F Super Frelon Hermes package of the model by Pierre Marchadier of the Gmax-AC team that you must have previewsly installed in order for this update to work.The new texture files will ad a high gloss finish to the main fuseladge and fix the fake windows appearence.You will find the original Super Frelon Olympic package(SA321F here at the FSX helicopters page.(The link is bellow).By Hellenic Aircraft/Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas.
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Posted Jun 18, 2013 22:40 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS
                  2002 Traffic Maker V 1.0
FS 2002 Traffic Maker V 1.0 (Category: FS2002 > Misc)
1.33Mb (1856 downloads)
FS 2002 Traffic Maker V 1.0 This program allows to create AI Flights more easier. Just fill in the gaps and the programm (written in Visual Basic) does the rest. !! requires Traffic Tools (here)!! Version in German! Infos: Simon Hötzinger. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
                  scenery-- Viracopos/Campinas International Airport 99.
0.38Mb (1856 downloads)
FS98 scenery-- Viracopos/Campinas International Airport 99. This is the most important brazilian's freighter airport. In this scenery you will find a visible localizer, marker, VOR and NDB, static aircraft, short still lines, special night effects at the ramp and so many details, everythink to make this airport as the real!!! Scenery by Fernando Marcato. 390K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:20 by archive
                  Second update for Tim Conrad's T-33A
FS2004 Second update for Tim Conrad's T-33A (Category: FS2004 > Military)
0.10Mb (1856 downloads)
FS2004 Second update for Tim Conrad's T-33A (here). I have made it harder to overstress the aircraft without increasing its ability to withstand g-forces. It now won't overspeed at low altitude, and I increased the pitch trim. This update has everything the first one does so you don't need the first one if you don't have it. Bob Chicilo. 100K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  iFDG Airbus A321 Austrian Airlines NC
FS2004 iFDG Airbus A321 Austrian Airlines NC (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
5.73Mb (1856 downloads)
FS2004 iFDG Airbus A321 Austrian Airlines NC. iFDG is proud to present the Airbus A321. The aircraft model includes most of the standard features including animated control surfaces, wingviews, flaps, full lighting configuration, and highly detailed, reflective textures. Model : Albaro Villegas and Ric Barker FDE : Eugene Schneider Master textures : Ben Jones Testing : The iFDG Beta Team Livery : Clemens Pieper. 7.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
FS2004 Hunting Percival Sea Prince Textures (fixed)
0.75Mb (1856 downloads)
The repaint represents Sea Prince WP308 based at RNAS Culdrose, Callsign: 572 Late fifties dayglo orange. You need to have installed German Navy Hunting Percival Pembroke mk54. Painted by Jaap de Baare as a request.
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required file
Posted Sep 16, 2009 16:35 by admin