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All Time Popular > Page 1989
                  Aeropostal Airbus A310-324.
FS2002 Aeropostal Airbus A310-324. (Category: FS2002 > Civil Jets)
1.06Mb (1729 downloads)
FS2002 Aeropostal Airbus A310-324. A Gmax model of the A310-324 with Pratt & Whitney 4152 engines in Aeropostal colors. This model got FAA certification in 1987. Features a full range of animation. By Harald Nehring, painted by Amer Fauzi Yordi.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  Boeing 737 Experience BIZJET new 05' livery textures only
                  Boeing 737 Experience BIZJET new 05' livery textures only
1.67Mb (1729 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 737 Experience BIZJET new 05' livery textures only - This is BIZJET's new paint scheme but a few weeks old, all the details are recreated to the exact as much as possible and there are many . I have also made alot of modifications and additions to the textures, and added alot of detail in part to give it a more weather look. You'll need to get Moaches the 737 Experience model -- here also grab the FD update above - . Repaint created by dimitri Zervoudis. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                    Project Opensky Boeing 757-224 Continental.
FS2004 Project Opensky Boeing 757-224 Continental. (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
6.23Mb (1729 downloads)
FS2004 Project Opensky Boeing 757-224 Continental. Model Designers : Lee Rosario, Albert Bouwman, C. Vincent Cho, Hiroshi Igami Flight Dynamics Designer : Warren C. Daniel FDE Advisor's : Nick Peterson, Simon Ng Hin Tat Tested : Project-Opensky Members Master textures : Jaco du Preez & Ben Hewitt Painted : Continental livery by David Gutierrez. 6.2MB Continental 757-224 N17133 Tail Fix. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:28 by archive
                  Bombardier/Canadair CRJ700-ER Air File Update.
0.02Mb (1729 downloads)
FS2004 Bombardier/Canadair CRJ700-ER Air File Update. Update to the crj700er airfile adding more braking strength and more reverse thrust. Unzip to a temporary folder and copy the crj700er airfile to the planes main folder. This will replace the old airfile. By Barry Blaisdell - Premier Aircraft Design. 19K
Posted May 18, 2010 14:46 by archive
FS2004 iFDG Boeing 767-200(ER) US Airways (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
4.15Mb (1729 downloads)
FS2004 iFDG Boeing 767-200(ER) US Airways Presenting the iFDG GMAX 767-200. Some of the features you will find on our model - Full control surface movements, Rolling wheels, Thrust reversers, Dynamic shine, Detailed wing views, Flexing wings, Fs2002 style lighting, Compressing gear, Realistic dynamics, Opening doors, and a 3D Flight Attendant. Please read the included readme file for more information and repaint info. Visit or for the latest news and updates. Repainted by Ben Jones. 4.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
Air Baltic 737-800 Textures
Air Baltic 737-800 Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.64Mb (1729 downloads)
Repaint of the default Boeing 737-800 in Air Baltic colors. Air Baltic is the national airline of Latvia.
Posted Aug 20, 2010 18:15 by Iune Arena
 Alphasim L-049 Constellation Western textures
 Alphasim L-049 Constellation Western textures
3.48Mb (1729 downloads)
FS2004 Western Airlines textures only for Alphasim L-049 Constellation. Acquired following a merger with Pacific Northern in 1967, Western operated a small fleet of L-749 Constellations between Seattle and Alaska. These were replaced with Lockheed Electras a short time later. N86525 and two other ex Delta C&S Constellations were purchased by PNA to replace DC-4 equipment. Textures by Gary Harper. These textures depict N86525 about 1968.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 31, 2008 22:55 by Gary Harper
Nice LFMN (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.72Mb (1728 downloads)
This is a fix for the default airport with many changes and additions. Tested on FSX Steam edition. It is a frame rate friendly version with exact parking positions, taxiways, jetways and runways.
Posted Oct 17, 2016 11:46 by Mike Leitz
FSX / 2004 SM79 Hellenic Air Force Captured Package
FSX / 2004 SM79 Hellenic Air Force Captured Package
3.93Mb (1728 downloads)
FSX/FS2004"Savoia Marchetti S.79 Sparviero (Sparrow Hawk) Package.Thanks to Kazunori Itos Freeware SM79model. One of the most famous Italian aircraft of WWII". This aircraft repaint represents an actual Sparviero of the 254aSquadriglia of the 105th "Gruppo Autonomo BT "(Autonomus Bombardment Group) of "Comando Aeronautica Albania" that was captured by the Hellenic Army after the occupation of “Argirocasto” and “Koritsa” in 1940. It served with the Royal Hellenic Air Force as a transporter. The Greeks having their hands full with the war in progress, didn't even bother to erase the Italian Air Force markings. Instead they just put the Hellenic markings right over the old numbers. This aircraft was flying and was regulary serviced during the entire Hellenic war effords in Albania and it was seen in several airfields including Tatoi Air Base during the war .This is a complete package. Model Gauges Conf. and 2d Panel by Kazunori Ito. Repaint for the Hellenic colors by:Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas. (No VC)
Posted Aug 2, 2011 13:10 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS
FSX/FS2004 Lockheed Super Constellation VC textures improvement
FSX/FS2004 Lockheed Super Constellation VC textures improvement
8.71Mb (1728 downloads)
Virtual Cockpit Textures improvement for Manfred Jahn & team's Lockheed L-1049G/H Super Constellation. This new texture-set completely modifies the night environnement of the cockpit, and add some improvements/details to the day textures. Based on Jan Visser's texture-set. Many thanks to him.
Posted Jan 26, 2011 08:30 by Quentin B