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FSX Air New Zealand Mega Package
FSX Air New Zealand Mega Package
FSX Air New Zealand Mega Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
345.16Mb (10355 downloads)
FSX Air New Zealand multi-aircraft package. This package contains the full Air New Zealand Airbus A320, A340-200 (bonus plane), Boeing 747-400, B767-300, B777-200, B777-300ER & Saab 340 in Air New Zealand colours (some are also in the All Black livery)! Thanks to POSKY, SkySpirit, Thomas Ruth and Project Airbus for their wonderful and realistic models. Total Uncompressed size: 1.12 GB. Assembled by Alan de Jager
Posted Jun 10, 2014 10:34 by Alan de Jager
Boeing 747-400 V4 and 747-400F Multi Package  1(Update2)
Boeing 747-400 V4 and 747-400F Multi Package  1(Update2)
196.49Mb (10355 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 V4 and 747-400F Pack 1(Update2), Model by Project Opensky. Includes Update V2, Default 747 Virtual Cockpit (VC) Tested in FSX. Project Opensky sound set. Fully functional, multiple models, engines (GE CF6-80C2,RR 211-524HT,PW4060), Ground services, 12 Skins included; JAL Cargo, British, Dreamlifter, New Zealand, UPS, Air Bridge Cargo. Update2 Added missing texture, All lights working,Fixed [fltsim] entrys, Fixed vclight coord., and other lights run in fsx. Range tested, clean thumbnails.
Posted Oct 9, 2010 16:03 by T.Marson
                  Howard 500 with VC.
FS2002 Howard 500 with VC. (Category: FS2002 > Props)
13.83Mb (10351 downloads)
FS2002 Howard 500 with VC. Package incl gMax fully animated, radial propelled, taildragger AC with "hand-flyer" flight dynamics, features a custom panel patterned after the RW N500HP, an easy-to-read virtual cockpit with VC gauge backlighting for night, a special N500HP paint scheme by Joáo Paz and nice matching leather interior, sounds mixed to resemble the rw AC, specular highlites in the VC and Html checklists. By Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, and Joáo Paz. 14.1MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
FSX/FS2004                   Christen Eagle II MegaPack
FSX/FS2004                   Christen Eagle II MegaPack
FSX/FS2004 Christen Eagle II MegaPack (Category: FSX > Props)
87.11Mb (10346 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Christen Eagle II MegaPack. A two seat, tandem configuration unlimited category aerobatic airplane with smooth VC gauges and is fully spinnable in FS2004. Initial release features seven paint schemes. Features full moving parts and special openings. By the Long Island Classics Design Team. Sounds by Aaron Swindle.Marien Vierbergen. This 'Megapack' contains 33 textures by many artists that will get credit as they become known. packaged by the Nor-Cal Prop Club For fs2004 and FSX without service pack 2. Will work with with faulty vc & panel with service pack 2. 89.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
P-3C Orion Package V3.1
P-3C Orion Package V3.1
P-3C Orion Package V3.1 (Category: FSX > Military)
112.03Mb (10345 downloads)
P-3C Orion Package V3.1 for FSX This is a native FSX model . However, it is not compatible with DX10. It did not apply the bump mapping. VC and 2D panel are beta versions, and part of operation cannot be done. Exterior and painting of this model has been created in more detail than (V29) previous work. Especially, the main wing relation (flap and engine nasser, etc.) is the new designs. Several kinds of P-3C were prepared like symbolizing P-3C that was during transition now. It is nine types in total. By Team KBT
Posted Feb 24, 2014 15:12 by kbt
Boeing 777 -200 PW Lauda OE-LPA.
Boeing 777 -200 PW Lauda OE-LPA.
Boeing 777 -200 PW Lauda OE-LPA. (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
23.90Mb (10344 downloads)
Boeing 777 -200 PW Lauda OE-LPA. Lauda Air is an airline based in Vienna, Austria. It operates scheduled leisure flights and charters to holiday destinations in Europe, North Africa, the Caribbean and South-East Asia. Its main base is Vienna International Airport [1]. Lauda Air is a member of the Austrian Airlines Group and Star Alliance. Model by Project Opensky Textures by Roman Reiner
Posted Mar 22, 2009 04:57 by Garnier D
Cathay Pacific 747-400v4
Cathay Pacific 747-400v4
Cathay Pacific 747-400v4 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
55.79Mb (10337 downloads)
This file works both for FSX and FS2004. The model is created by Project Open Sky. This is an update for the original Cathay 747-400 VR-HOW I painted a while ago. This updated version includes accurate colors, more dirt, Kai Tak ground vehicle colors, paint accuracy corrections and other details. For FS2004 user, you might have to modify the panel since the panel contains the FSX 747 panel instead of the FS9 747 panel. The original file isn't required for this aircraft.
Posted Apr 24, 2009 20:26 by Jonathon Sze
                  HH-60G Pavehawk Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Special
                  Weapons and Tactics Team's Newest Air Support Unit. (SWAT).
2.25Mb (10334 downloads)
FS2004 HH-60G Pavehawk Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Special Weapons and Tactics Team's Newest Air Support Unit. (SWAT). This Repaint is from the HH-60G Pavehawk And if it was real it would look like this,and be station at KVGT north las vegas airport. Tested in FS9 only but it may work in FSX too. Have fun flying it. Original Aircraft designed by Jordan Moore (required here) Repaint by Robert Harsha . 2.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
FSX Clemenceau Carrier V2
FSX Clemenceau Carrier V2 (Category: FSX > Misc)
10.29Mb (10330 downloads)
This Clemenceau is modeled as she was circa 1990's. Her flight deck is mostly a recovery configuration which allows the use of both catapults. It's built for FSX Acceleration featuring working catapults, jet blast deflectors and arrestor wires for naval ops. This release is much more detailed than the previous r1.1, a lot of 3D objects were added. Last, this model hasn't been tested for other version of FSX (RTM or SP1)... By Sylvain Parouty
Posted Aug 30, 2009 17:37 by Sylvain Parouty
                  Fairchild C119 Flying Boxcar
                  Fairchild C119 Flying Boxcar
FS2004 Fairchild C119 Flying Boxcar (Category: FS2004 > Props)
4.25Mb (10328 downloads)
FS2004 Fairchild C119 Flying Boxcar. Created with Abacus FS Design Studio 2. Daisuke Yamamoto. 4.3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive