Mar 06, 2025 |
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Wright Flyer Kitty Hawk
Wright Flyer Kitty Hawk (Category: FSX > Vintage)
5.40Mb (8666 downloads)
This was originally created by microsoft for FS9, all that I did was make it useable for FSX. It has been thoroughly tested and worked perfectly. Please read the Readme!!! file.
Posted Jul 11, 2008 22:11 by archive
FSX/FSX-SE/P3D Douglas C-47R Skytrain (DC3)  V3.14 Beta
FSX/FSX-SE/P3D Douglas C-47R Skytrain (DC3)  V3.14 Beta
178.29Mb (8665 downloads)
FSX/FSX-SE/P3D (incl v4) Douglas C-47R (DC-3) Skytrain V3.14 Beta. With this package you have downloaded the probably long awaited update for our Douglas C-47R Skytrain V3.12 Beta edition. The main culprit of the delay happened to be the dreaded FSX bug that prevents ambient 'VCLighting' to be used with VC's that use bump-mapped textures. A lot of unforeseen new texture work was therefore at hand. Anyway, as you will soon see when you take your Skytrain/Dakota/Gooney Bird up for a first night flight, we've made it, bump- mapped textures are still there in the VVC (Vintage Virtual Cockpit) along with ambient 'VC lighting' at dusk/night/dawn. 1 - 0 for us. Models by Manfred Jahn & talented team.
Posted Feb 22, 2017 16:06 by Mike Leitz
                  DeHavilland DH-98 Mosquito
FS2004 DeHavilland DH-98 Mosquito (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
10.22Mb (8662 downloads)
FS2004 DeHavilland DH-98 Mosquito. A twin engine, multi-role aircraft made from a light wooden structure. By Dr. Alf Raisen - The GV Aircraft Co. 10.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
                  Avro Shackleton MR. MK 2 / AEW2 v.01
                  Avro Shackleton MR. MK 2 / AEW2 v.01
21.37Mb (8661 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Avro Shackleton MR. MK 2 / AEW2 v.01 Avro Shackleton Mk 2 maritime patrol aircraft from the 1950s to early 70s went on to the 1990s as an AEW aircraft with the RAF. There are 4 models and 5 aircraft featured in this file, model includes animated bomb bay doors & radar, basic panel and default sound. model: Paul Foster. texture: Paul Foster. panel: Phoenix_Design. 22.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
FSX Adventure - When The Land Trembles
FSX Adventure - When The Land Trembles (Category: FSX > Missions)
0.45Mb (8660 downloads)
FSX Adventure - When The Land Trembles ....At 8:46 A.M. a 6.2 Earthquake hit the western mountains of Guatemala, Central America. Two Flight Routes have been set up by the Civil Defence and SAR authorities. They use two airports to reconnoiter their respective areas. It has been reported that two mines in the western Pine Mountains have been heavely hit and in Mine 1( Socrates Fer Coal Ltd ) there are some wounded miners which must be picked up. You can choose Red flight, where you will use a fair transport since you must pick up the wounded or Blue flight which is a " reconnaissance" flight out to a lake area and access the damage as well as land and bring radio communications equipment to the communities. Either way, this is dangerous stuff ( Two in One for everyone!)-----are your wits ready for such flying tasks????? Gera Godoy C. 460K
Posted Jun 14, 2008 14:22 by archive
DM BAC 1-11 400 Updated Package
DM BAC 1-11 400 Updated Package
DM BAC 1-11 400 Updated Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
24.72Mb (8659 downloads)
This is Dave Maltby's wonderful BAC One Eleven (1-11)with some edits to be OK in FSX. This aircraft is created like a dream from a talented designer! Aircraft by DM Flight Sim. Happy flying!
Posted Jan 15, 2012 05:34 by ricardo_tv
FSND Boeing 707 Upgrade Package
FSND Boeing 707 Upgrade Package
FSND Boeing 707 Upgrade Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
67.17Mb (8657 downloads)
Boeing 707 Upgraded version I've have made and small upgrade for this model for due to a lot request from the people to eliminate the female copilot from the cockpit and I took the chance to also add more features to this very old model of my own by adding rain effect in the windshield with wiper clean and remove the copilot ,I have also add features like esterior stairs and cargo vehicles ,all these features can be apply by pressing shift+5
Posted Feb 23, 2013 08:44 by Alejandro Rojas Lucena
FSX Embraer KC 390 package
FSX Embraer KC 390 package
FSX Embraer KC 390 package (Category: FSX > Military)
19.83Mb (8656 downloads)
The KC 390 is a military transport aircraft being constructed by Embraer (first flight foreseen in 2014). Performances are between the Airbus A400M and the Lockheed C130 in terms of cargo load and range. Four different liveries: Brazil Air Force, Brazil Air Force Camo, French Air Force and China Air Force. Original aircraft design by JR Lucariny, repaint by Michael E. Roberts, sounds by Adam Murphy and Devyn Silverstein, camera definition by Marc Renaud. 2D panels for wide screen and standard screen (no Vc), gauges and GPWS callout by Philippe Wallaert. See readme.txt file for installation and configuration. Nice flights and happy new year!
Posted Jan 1, 2014 05:35 by Philippe Wallaert
EuroAtlantic Boeing 757-200 Package
EuroAtlantic Boeing 757-200 Package
EuroAtlantic Boeing 757-200 Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
69.31Mb (8656 downloads)
EuroAtlantic Boeing 757-200 Package. EuroAtlantic Airways had 2 Boeing's B757-2G5 entered in 2007 and stored in 2010Model by Project Opensky with FSX modified VC. Textures, merge & packaged by ricardo_tv
Posted Jul 1, 2012 17:53 by ricardo_tv
                  - Cessna L-19 (O-1) model 305C , Bird Dog , Wheels Floats and
                  Skis Package
                  - Cessna L-19 (O-1) model 305C , Bird Dog , Wheels Floats and
                  Skis Package
10.94Mb (8655 downloads)
FSX - Cessna L-19 (O-1) model 305C , Bird Dog , Wheels Floats and Skis Package. New updated version 3.0. contains revised textures, models and Flight Dynamics for the civilized version of the famous light observation aircraft used by many World Air forces in the past. Two painting schemes of private owners are included. The model, made with FSDS from ABACUS features a complete set of animations 2d and a 3d virtual cockpit and the animated pilot head. Visual Model and textures paint by Massimo Taccoli with support from Chris Coarse. Panel works by Massimo Taccoli with added gauges by Dennis Seeley who prepared also the Flight dynamics for model.By Massimo Taccoli. 11.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive