All Time Popular > Page 330
Embraer Emb 110 - Bandeirante/Bandit Package.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
5.95Mb (8369 downloads)
Embraer Emb 110 - Bandeirante/Bandit Package.
The most popular aircraft of Embraer. complete package in
two Rio-Sul liveries. Includes virtual cockpit. By J.E.Narcizo
- RanchoJEN. 6.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
panel--Lockheed SR-71
(Category: FS2002 > Military)
1.31Mb (8367 downloads)
panel--Lockheed SR-71 supersonic recon aircraft. (Requires
ACS-GPS98). By Francisco Moreno. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

B777 Aeromexico
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
7.40Mb (8365 downloads)
This is the full Boeing 777 package with Aeromexico textures. This is for FS9, but it should work in FSX also. Model & Paint Kit: Melvin Rafi (Meljet)
Textures: Julien Scavini
Posted Jul 12, 2008 23:59 by archive

FSX SP1 Horten 18 Atomic Rocketplane Textures Pack
(Category: FSX > Military)
16.01Mb (8364 downloads)
15 repaints for the CDesigns Horten XVIII C. Just some fun and color, inspired by a screenshot posted
by Boikat. Hey, Boikat, publish those paints and your A/B flame config. This ones for you.
When I look this luftwhatif, I see what influenced Von Braun in the 1950's when he did the Disney film
with Heinlein and Bonstel, and the influence on Bonstel and Heinleins visualizations of the Atomic Rocket
future of the space age. This thing looks like all that '50's speculative art of brightly colored, swept
wing rocketplanes on orbit; servicing that streamlined silver spacestation . Rocket Robinhoods spaceships;
Tintin's Destination Moon ship. Chris Foss and Angus McKee's Artwork. This file includes 15 repaints for ADC, SAC, NRO, RAAF, UN Sky Marshal, Mars Aerospace Force, and Federal Space Agency; Spaceplane FDE's;FSX Default Garmin glass VC, FSX default steam gauge VC; flight instructions and a rant in the readme file;external camera views, vc and nav/strobes; smoke system; reworked detailed VC textures and pilots. 689,000ft/2234kts groundspeed in a 70deg climb and global range with a Nuclear Gas Core Variable-Cycle Rocket engine.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 27, 2010 05:03 by 3/7charlie

Mitsubishi MU-2B-60 Marquis Package
(Category: FSX > Props)
10.37Mb (8363 downloads)
7-9 seat twin turbo-prop corporate & executive transport.
The Marquise is one of the "stretched" versions of the MU-2
and was the final production version. The MU-2 was built for speed
and after several accidents it gained a reputation as a difficult to fly "hot ship" which
prompted the FAA to issue a special regulation regarding the type-
specific training of MU-2 pilots. When handled properly the accident
rate of MU-2's dropped to almost nil. Includes a custom 2D Panel
and VC with Garmin GPS/Radios and complete passenger cabin.
Full package for FSX/SP2. Painted in Lotus Formula One racing team
colours from the 1980's. Design and paint by Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Jan 19, 2012 07:23 by Bob May (Premier Aircraft Design)

(Category: FS2002 > Helicopters)
3.30Mb (8363 downloads)
Designed by Navin Bopitiya Repainted By RAdm Carlos Lindarte.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

2D Panel for the EH-101 of FSX Acceleration
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
3.10Mb (8360 downloads)
That's a 2D panel for the EH-101 of the FSX Acceleration pack. Borrowed from one of the Blackhawks, I just placed FSX gauges on it to give me a better picture of my flying AND monitor the engine torque.
Posted Jan 5, 2009 14:35 by Zach
simTECH Beech Staggerwing D17 Package - Float & Wheel Versions
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
30.09Mb (8358 downloads)
simTECH Beech Staggerwing D17 Package - Float & Wheel Versions
. This is the FS2004 version of the simTECH Flight Design Beechcraft
Staggerwing D17. This is the full commercial version that was
formerly a payware add-on. Now this is freeware and fully functional
as it was as a commercial add-on. Set in a full extractor with
all original liveries this will install the aircraft to your
default aircraft directory. There will be no support on this
add-on, all copyrights still apply. By Tom Wood/simTECH Flight
Design Ltd. 30.1MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive

Boeing 2707-SST US AIR FORCE
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
41.62Mb (8358 downloads)
Boeing 2707-200 SST US AIR FORCE. Original model by Kazunori Ito. No VC. Textures by Claudio Pizzirani
Posted Jan 30, 2010 22:00 by Claudio Pizzirani
Junkers Ju52/3mg7e Package
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
7.14Mb (8355 downloads)
Junkers Ju52/3mg7e Package.
Cargo variant (East front) + Wheel and sky variants. Full animation
(including animated pilots), Virtual cockpit (VC), custom panel.
Author - Vladimir Zhyhulskiy. 7.3MB.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive