All Time Popular > Page 370

FsGoogleEarthView v3.0
(Category: FSX > Utilities)
16.29Mb (7759 downloads)
FsGoogleEarthView v3.0.
FsGoogleEarthView enables Flight Simulator flight with realistic Google Earth view!
With FsGoogleEarthView, you can take both :
- Google Earth's great photoreal ground, 3D Buildings, detailed terrain mesh
(No need of FS's ground textures or autogen buildings)
- Flight Simulator's great flight model, flight instruments, add-on aircrafts, add-on airport sceneries
with no downloading and very short loading time, anywhere in the world!
It will provide more enjoyable VFR flight than any other sceneries.
Now with v3.0, additional functions such as VDGS, Landing Report, Airport Moving Map, Route Visualization and Flight Logging are also included.
And it's freeware now.
It works with FSX, FS2004, Prepar3d, X-plane all.
Posted May 6, 2017 03:51 by uploader

DH 103 Hornet F Mk 1 Package
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
14.11Mb (7758 downloads)
New FSX acceleration model of the DeHavilland Hornet F1 and the prototype Sea Hornet F 20.
When using Prototype Sea Hornet textures toggle the redundant spoiler key and the tailhook and launch lugs will show/hide
Posted Oct 21, 2010 12:23 by Robert Richardson

BSG Viper Mark II
(Category: FSX > Misc)
11.09Mb (7757 downloads)
BSG Viper Mark II.
From Battlestar Galactica. Version 1.0 This fighter was made
as the one restored for the Galactica's war museun showed on
the pilot movie. It flyes like a Colonial fighter and includes
gun effects. No Radar in this version. 11.3MB
Posted Jan 22, 2009 09:12 by archive
panel--Lockheed SR-71
(Category: FS2000 > Military)
1.31Mb (7756 downloads)
panel--Lockheed SR-71 supersonic recon aircraft. (Requires
ACS-GPS98). By Francisco Moreno. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
High-altitude contrail 50 miles long.
(Category: FS2004 > Misc)
0.09Mb (7755 downloads)
High-altitude contrail 50 miles long. Use
w/ default AI aircraft. High- altitude contrails are now enabled
by MS for use on each aircraft, jet or prop, single or multi-engine,
by using the FS9 version of the aircraft.cfg "EFFECTS" section
to specify them. The temperature below which the contrails occur
can also be defined in aircraft.cfg by the user. Included in
d/l are new AI contrail, and revised aircraft.cfg w/folder structure
to make a extra "AI" copy of default AC. This allows default(or
other)contrail to be used for "hand" flying same aircraft. Easy
manual installation with all new filenames. By Jan Rosenberg.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive

EF-18A Hornet FAE Package
(Category: FSX > Military)
34.41Mb (7754 downloads)
The McDonnell Douglas / Boeing F / A-18 Hornet is a twin-engine multirole fighter fourth generation of American origin with all-weather capability, to be embarked on aircraft carriers. Model by Daisuke Yamamoto and Hiroaki Kubota, texture for F/A 18 Hornet FAE by Juan Villamor.
Posted Jul 3, 2016 10:46 by Juan Villamor

USAF T-6 Texan
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
4.09Mb (7754 downloads)
This is a USAF T-6 Texan for FS9, and it may work for FSX (?). This is a repaint of Denis da Silva’s T6 for Flight Simulator 2004 .. This paint scheme is a T 6-G Model T A – 915 USAF colors Included are some historical photos and History ..Textures by Mark Rooks. Texture Created by Mark "fire Ball" Rooks. I would like to thank Denis and Daniel da Silva for creating this awesome freeware model. Please read the readme file for installation instructions.
Posted Jul 16, 2008 19:13 by archive

Embraer ERJ 145 Luxair Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
28.92Mb (7752 downloads)
Embraer EMB145 Luxair package. Includes Project Opensky model with VC and working Honeywell FMC. Textures by LukasFSX. Zip file preview for bigger images.
Posted Mar 5, 2014 03:39 by LukasFSX

Boac Boeing 377 with Virtual Cockpit
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
21.72Mb (7748 downloads)
Original model by Tom Gibson, Greg Pepper, Dave MqQueen. I added some extra gauges in the virtual cockpit. RADIO, ATC, GPS and MAP icons. Also include Automatic Pilot, Cowl Flaps and Lights Siwchs, even a Clock with Wind Direction Vector (click on the center of the clock, gauge from Tom Gibson's California Classics DC6-B).
Posted Feb 24, 2009 18:20 by Jorge Buiatti

Pacific Skycargo Boeing 747-400
(Category: FS2002 > Civil Jets)
3.82Mb (7746 downloads)
Pacific Skycargo Boeing 747-400.
This is a fictional repaint for MelJets B747-400F. As you can
see...i like geckos and the frangipani´s remebering me for my
great time in the south pacific. enjoy! Package includes aircraft
and repaint. Model and and Paintkit by Melvin Rafi (
Fictional repaint by Mirko Weber. 3.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive