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                    - FlightDeck Sound Effects Panel
FS2004 - FlightDeck Sound Effects Panel (Category: FS2004 > Panels)
20.66Mb (18077 downloads)
FS2004 - FlightDeck Sound Effects Panel An add-on sub-panel designed to add cabin and crew voice announcements, ambient environment effects, and cabin “muzak” to your flight simming experience. by Marcus Thompson. 21.1MB Filename: FDSFXPNL.ZIP FDSFX Panelbitmap for FS2004 in grey 737NG colours. Original By Marcus Thompson, repainted by Roeland Ludoph M.Thomsons file FDSFXPNL.ZIP needed. FS2004 Panel-FlightDeck SFX Panel Plates 14 new panels in a variety of colors & shades to better match the type aircraft you are flying - be it Airbus, Boeing, or the default commercial aircraft. Must have my original FDSFXPNL.zip package already installed to use these new panels. by Marcus Thompson 2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
Airbus A330 Pratt & Whitney PW4000 Sounds Pack
Airbus A330 Pratt & Whitney PW4000 Sounds Pack
Airbus A330 Pratt & Whitney PW4000 Sounds Pack (Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
26.26Mb (18052 downloads)
I present to you my PW4000 soundpack for the Airbus A330. This is an ultra-authentic soundpack, which captures the powerful sound of the real-life PW4000 quite accurately. Featuring the following: grinding sounds at full power, miscellaneous stuff, such as cabin alerts, autopilot disconnect warnings, and ambient APU noise. This is a MUST download for any A330 fan, or any pilot using Tom Ruths' excellent A330-200 or A330-300! (search Thomas Ruth)
Posted Jun 7, 2010 00:18 by Ismail Zayan
Delta Airlines Boeing 767-300
Delta Airlines Boeing 767-300 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.00Mb (18049 downloads)
Delta Airlines 767-300 Delta Airlines OC,NC, NNC, NNC(2007). Original model by Project Opensky. No VC. Repackaged by Delta Virtual and uploaded by Mahin Khandaker
Posted Oct 6, 2008 06:36 by Mahin Khandaker
FS2004 / FSX  Concorde Collection Update.
FS2004 / FSX Concorde Collection Update. (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
2.13Mb (18034 downloads)
FS2004 / FSX Concorde Update. This file contains new model and aircraft configuration (conctact points for FS9 AND FSX) for Concorde. Requires CONCALL.zip. By Libardo Guzman. The new mdl. file provides fixed mapping for those textures covering all the fuselage surface. Mr. ROBERT BROOKS, an expert on concorde and Concorde division at British Airways, helped me to show real lighting for Concorde. Many thanks to him.
FSX version:
Posted Jul 6, 2009 04:52 by Libardo Guzman
Hughes XF-11/R-11A Package Redux
Hughes XF-11/R-11A Package Redux
Hughes XF-11/R-11A Package Redux (Category: FSX > Vintage)
34.18Mb (18030 downloads)
This is another freeware lost classic, with a very nice VC,nice model,and blistering performance. If you want to blast along at 400+ kts/50,000ft behind 56 cylinders, 8720 Cu", and 16 prop blades, this is your machine. Ian Lawrence produced the original model, and Craig Richardson at Classic Wings put the cockpit in it and polished the original textures and FDE. This is my contribution, 4 'what if?'textures for the machine,if it had made it into service,as the R-11A/WR-11A, in the '49-54 period.The 'Square I' marking and black anti-searchlight scheme was carried by RB-45C Tornado's operating out of Japan during the Korean war. The other 2 schemes, I pulled out of my hat, but comform to markings and color schemes carried by contemporary USAF aeroplanes. The model was a FS 2002/2004 model, but runs very nicely in FSX SP1, with excellent frame rates, a perfect cockpit, and minor 'clouds in front' prop issues in some aspects(no wherenear as bad as some others). The screen shots are in FSX SP1. Don't turn your nose up because its a port-over, its worth it.
Posted Nov 30, 2009 02:28 by Mike Barnes
Airbus A380 Qatar A7-APA Package
Airbus A380 Qatar A7-APA Package
Airbus A380 Qatar A7-APA Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
29.13Mb (18028 downloads)
Project Airbus A380 Qatar, A7-APA, for FSX. Includes VC and first class cabin. Check "Zip file preview" to see photos. You can find this aircraft under 'Project Airbus' in your FSX menu. Repaint by Jim Fly
Posted Feb 18, 2014 11:36 by Jim Fly
FSX BN 2B Islander Zambia Flying Doctor Service
FSX BN 2B Islander Zambia Flying Doctor Service
7.90Mb (18025 downloads)
FSX BN 2B Islander Zambia Flying Doctor Service . Originally for FS2004 & tested OK in FSX. Model and Panel by Marcel Kuhnt This Repaint by: Bashir Ismail. Original FS9 aircraft identified as OK in FSX. Gauges/VC: All seem OK.'Run' gauge. Glass: - visible All else seems OK. This aircraft is not modified in any way. Full credit to the great talents of the original designers above. Downloading FS9 aircraft only to find they don't work in FSX is a PIA. I simply tell people the ones I find that work - all with VC's and I simply add thumbs. I claim no credit & make no modifications. FSX Compatible & tested Thumbnails added by Danny Garnier . 8.1MB
Posted Jun 4, 2008 11:35 by archive
Boeing 737 600/700/800 and 900, NG Sounds Pack
Boeing 737 600/700/800 and 900, NG Sounds Pack (Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
57.65Mb (18019 downloads)
CFM56-7b soundpack for the Boeing 737NG series aircraft- 737-600/700/800 and 900. By Kris Armstrong
Posted Sep 27, 2012 07:20 by uploader
U.S. Airways Express Embraer 190-LR
U.S. Airways Express Embraer 190-LR
U.S. Airways Express Embraer 190-LR (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
12.05Mb (18016 downloads)
FS2004 U.S.Airways Express Embraer 190-LR 98-114 seat regional airliner. Full package for FS9. By Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Kevin Pardy and Danny Crance - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Jun 27, 2008 11:37 by archive
                  Cessna 177RG Package.
                  Cessna 177RG Package.
FSX Cessna 177RG Package. (Category: FSX > Props)
4.60Mb (18014 downloads)
FSX Cessna 177RG Package. A Gmax FSX/SDK retractable landing gear version of Cessna's proposed replacement for the 172. At 200hp and considerably more aerodynamic than the 172, it was truly a standout airplane in its own right. This model is based on the real C177RG in which I received my complex endorsement. Full function VC with accurately modified gauges. As always, many thanks to the crew at Simviation and Free Flight Design. Model, textures and flight dynamics by Brett Henderson. 4.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive