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RAF Concorde C.1 Textures
RAF Concorde C.1 Textures
RAF Concorde C.1 Textures (Category: FSX > Military)
5.49Mb (47002 downloads)
Textures only for Libardo Guzmam's Concorde in RAF Transport Command livery. I've not seen one yet, and it seems to be an obvious 'what if'. A nicely done model, with aa nice VC and a challenging flight model, especially on landing. Perfect for high speed trooping flights to RAF Stanley! Model by Libardo Guzman. Requires FS2004 / FSX Concorde Collection. A repaint for Libardo Guzmam's Concorde in RAF Transport Command livery. I've not seen one yet, and it seems to be an obvious 'what if'. A nicely done model, with aa nice VC and a challenging flight model, especially on landing. Perfect for high speed trooping flights to RAF Stanley! Model by Libardo Guzman. Requires FS2004 / FSX Concorde Collection. A repaint for Libardo Guzmam's Concorde in RAF Transport Command livery. I've not seen one yet, and it seems to be an obvious 'what if'. A nicely done model, with aa nice VC and a challenging flight model, especially on landing. Perfect for high speed trooping flights to RAF Stanley! Model by Libardo Guzman. Requires FS2004 / FSX Concorde Collection. A repaint for Libardo Guzmans FS2004/FSX Concorde in fictional RAF Transport Command livery, XV 510 'Agrippa'. Perfect for high speed trooping flights to RAF Stanley.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 20, 2009 03:01 by Mike Barnes
UKMIL Westland Seaking FSX
UKMIL Westland Seaking FSX (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
34.21Mb (46973 downloads)
UKMIL SEAKING FSX SP2 welcome to the new FSX version of the SEAKING. this is an all new true FSX model of the westland seaking. please read the PDF file for full terms and conditions and copyright usage
Posted Dec 14, 2008 17:34 by UKMIL
C-130 C3 Hercules Package
C-130 C3 Hercules Package
C-130 C3 Hercules Package (Category: FSX > Military)
20.87Mb (46847 downloads)
Royal Air Force C-130 C3 Package adapted for FSX. This is the Simshed C-130 with all gauges replaced with FSX compatible gauges in both the VC and 2d panel. Now you can fly the best freeware C-130 in your FSX. Panel updates by Danny Garnier. Thank you to Brian Franklin for the beautiful model.
Posted Mar 3, 2009 13:41 by GARNIER D
Alphasim C-130 Hercules Multi Package V2
Alphasim C-130 Hercules Multi Package V2
Alphasim C-130 Hercules Multi Package V2 (Category: FSX > Military)
52.63Mb (46686 downloads)
The best freeware is now out here, a updated version of the Alphasim C130 V1.03 into a V2 with new textures and 2 Panels. Including Radar, TCAS full, Standard panel and Modern Glass panel. Entering service in 1954 and is the oldest aircraft still in production, over 2.300 build and make 58 years this year. Called the workhorse for military service, helping many lives, can carry 92 passengers or 3 Humvees, range is 2.100nmi at Mach.66 in FL 250/320(MAX). 15 liveries : Paintkit, Grey, Australian AF, Austrian AF, Blue Angels, Brazil AF, Canada AF, Emirates AF, Hellenic AF (Greek), Netherlands AF, Portugal AF, Royal AF, Turkish Stars, USAF & US Coast Guard. Model by Alphasim. Update, textures and VC config by ricardo_tv [unzip 340mb]. Enjoy this historical airplane
Posted Oct 5, 2012 06:08 by ricardo_tv
FS2004                   IRIS Tornado F.3 Version 4.2 Package.
FS2004                   IRIS Tornado F.3 Version 4.2 Package.
FS2004 IRIS Tornado F.3 Version 4.2 Package. (Category: FS2004 > Military)
100.54Mb (46626 downloads)
FS2004 IRIS Tornado F.3 Version 4.2 Package. IRIS Flight Simulation Software has taken the core of the DSB Tornado and improved on it tenfold. We have added a long awaited interactive Virtual Cockpit, we have also included an awesome soundset by our resident sound guru Christoffer Petersen and provided a custom panel based on the RAF Tornado F.3. Andy Nott from AGN Textures has also provided a huge amount of RAF paints and two rather special Italian Air Force paints to make this a freeware plane to definately add to your fast jet collection!. By Iris Simulations. 103MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
Freeware release of the Iris Simulations F-15 C and D, Eagle Adapted to work in FSX.
Freeware release of the Iris Simulations F-15 C and D, Eagle Adapted to work in FSX.
129.75Mb (46524 downloads)
Freeware release of the Iris Simulations F-15 C, and D, Eagle ported over to work in FSX. Includes multiple models, liveries. Full working virtual cockpit (VC). All credit goes to Iris Simulations for this aircraft file! And a big thanks to them for their their generosity. Check out NATIVE FSX IRIS Pro Series aircraft HERE! http://www.irissimulations.com Or just wEB search Iris Simulations...
Posted May 5, 2010 23:40 by T. Marson
Westland Puma  Hc1 Package
Westland Puma  Hc1 Package
Westland Puma Hc1 Package (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
35.19Mb (46453 downloads)
FSX model by UKMil. Puma is a four-bladed, twin-engined medium transport/utility helicopter. The Puma was originally manufactured by Sud Aviation of France under the designation SA.330. This is the Westland puma hc of the RAF. In 1967, the Puma was also selected by the Royal Air Force (RAF) and given the designation Puma HC Mk.1. As a result of this decision, the SA 330 was included in a joint production agreement between Aerospatiale and Westland Helicopters of the UK. Model includes Virtual cockpit. By UKMil.
Posted Feb 3, 2010 18:46 by UKMIL
Royal Australian Air force 1st Squadron F/A-18F SuperHornet Package
Royal Australian Air force 1st Squadron F/A-18F SuperHornet Package
30.92Mb (46126 downloads)
FS2004 and FSX 100% complete. Royal Australian Air force 1st Squadron F/A-18F SuperHornet to be Based at Amberley Air force Base Queensland March of next year. 25 Superhornets have been purchased to replace the ageing F-111 models until the new JSF F-35 Lightning II comes into service. Now in Regard to my Previous Textures for the RAAF 1st Sqn and the F/A-18E and F models. This is a whole Revamp Of the entire textures I did before. I have adjusted and fixed everything like the anti-collision lights on the tail and the Fuselage and Fixed the Pylons and weapons to suit. After 24 hours of work this model with textures of RAAF 1st Squadrons Superhornet and also added are My unmarked weathered textures designs for the budding Artist. Textures By Barry Magann and Sound by Barry Magann Model Aircraft By Team FS KBT. Model design by Daisuke Yamamoto. Flight dynamics,Paint and editing of Model, By Hiroaki Kubota. XML(Effects) by Toshikazu Shimizu
Posted Sep 23, 2009 08:52 by Paul Atreides
FSX Tu-134 Aeroflot
FSX Tu-134 Aeroflot
FSX Tu-134 Aeroflot (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
49.61Mb (45998 downloads)
Tupolev short range liner. No VC but original sound of D30KU engines and external view are outstanding. Works fine with FSX SP2. Original designer unknown.
Posted Jun 13, 2008 07:12 by archive
 FSXA / SP2 Space Shuttle Atlantis Stand Alone Package
 FSXA / SP2 Space Shuttle Atlantis Stand Alone Package
16.43Mb (45872 downloads)
=== External tank and boosters removed from this version ===. Re-worked model and textures . New flight dynamics optimized for SP2/Acceleration to restore sub-orbital performance. Achieve Mach 4.65 and climb to just under 700,000 ft under your own power at max realism. Very stable re-entry dynamics with Shuttle like landing characteristics. DVC added with a camera view for bay window , custom gauge controlled effects, bay doors, robot arm and payload, elevons, spoiler/rudder, body flap and gear w/ nosewheel steering - compiled with the FSXA SDK. For FSX Only by Bruce Fitzgerald .
Posted Oct 8, 2010 11:16 by Bruce Fitzgerald