All Files > Page 275

FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 Cathay Pacific package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
75.69Mb (1010 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300 Cathay Pacific package. Hong Kong based Cathay acific currently have 43 Airbus A330-300 and fly worldwide.
Model by Thomas Ruth.
Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Revised original VC by Microsoft updated by Collin MacKenzie to include built in FMC and more. Textured and assembled for P3D5 (Should also work in other P3D and FSX) by Chris Evans
Posted Apr 12, 2021 07:43 by chris evans

FSX/P3D Airbus A330-200 RR KLM New Livery 100 years Textures-2
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
6.62Mb (422 downloads)
Texture 'KLM 100 years' for Thomas Ruth model Airbus A330-200 v2. Orginally texture concept by 'jaden'. Basically, I did modify the existing textures from 'jaden' to let them look better and corrected some things like upside down logos on the engines etc. Original post Dec. 15, 2020:
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 11, 2021 12:46 by Flanker256

Boeing 747-8F Panel with VC
(Category: FSX > Panels)
27.61Mb (1370 downloads)
This panel is identical to the original release on 7 April except the manual in the original release was corrupted. This release includes the full manual.
This is a new panel displaying the complete width of the main panel for the Boeing 747-8F. At first sight it seems identical to the Boeing 747-400 however there are some small differences. Although this panel is for the Boeing 747-8F it could also be used on the passenger version and also on a Boeing 747-400. The main differences are in the air conditioning panel and the doors. It is meant for 1920X1080 screens and will not look good on smaller screens. Drawback of this panel is that the gauges are pretty small but still readable. It includes 2 FMCs and a VC with limited functionality which which is entirely 747-400. Manuals are included - please at least read the installation instructions
Posted Apr 11, 2021 03:21 by G. Munro

FSX/P3D Aeroflot Russian Airlines Ilyushin IL-62M Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
66.19Mb (458 downloads)
FSX/P3D Project Tupolev IL-62M v1 in Aeroflot - Russian Airlines new colors livery. Texture only for new freeware PT IL-62M v1 model. Link to forum & model:пт-ил-62м-бета-2-fsx-p3d-34-p3d-45/ Paint Kit & Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket:
Posted Apr 11, 2021 02:24 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
Be-12 Doson FS9 2021 texture fix
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
3.34Mb (306 downloads)
Textures fix for the Be-12 Doson FS9 2021
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 11, 2021 02:04 by Hunter Biden

TruNorthSim Carenado C185 Tundra Pilot Jack
(Category: Prepar3d > Payware)
3.49Mb (68 downloads)
Jack wears an Oakley hat, black jacket, dark jeans, and black shoes. This addon replaces the original pilot texture file and is cosmetic only. It does not alter anything else in the aircraft. Installation instructions included. Please visit my Facebook @TruNorthSim to leave a comment or request support!
Posted Apr 11, 2021 00:32 by TruNorthSim

FSX/P3D Airbus A310-300F ULS (Universal) Cargo package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
47.29Mb (953 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A310-300F ULS (Universal) Cargo package.
ULS is a Turkish cargo airline based in Istanbul and currently have 3 A310-300F in operation.
The Airbus A310-300 is a wide bodied aircraft 1st flown in 1982 and developed from the A300. The last A310 delivered was in 1998.
This is the A310-300GEF model by Thomas Ruth in FSX native format and A310 VC.
Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. Includes FMC by Garret Smith. Includes A310 operation manual. Airbus sounds included. Textured and assembled for P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should work in FSX and other P3D
Posted Apr 10, 2021 12:07 by chris evans

FSX/P3D/FS2004 UVT Aero Bombardier CRJ-200 - VQ-BOT Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
2.97Mb (266 downloads)
FS9/FSX Posky Bombardier CRJ-200 in UVT Aero livery. Textures for freeware Project Opensky model. Description and instruction in the archive. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket:
Posted Apr 10, 2021 08:16 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09

Justflight C47 Skytrain 439th TCG L4 Textures
(Category: Prepar3d > Payware)
55.55Mb (44 downloads)
Textures for the payware Aeroplane Heaven C47 Skytrain. 101st Airborne's Lt Richard Winters stick number 67. Not tested below P3DV4.
Posted Apr 10, 2021 07:31 by Ash Oxley

FSX Blohm & Voss Ha-139 V1 & V2 Mail-Carrier Floatplane_final upgrade
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
36.84Mb (776 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration Blohm & Voss Ha-139 V1 & V2 floatplanes from 1937. This is the second and final upgrade of my very first 3D-model I've buildt in 2014. The new models are completly reworked and has now glossy barematal textures (no glossy in P3d!) and a very detailed VC with an interior which is regarding to old photographs as realisticly as possible. Also the seats for the navigator, engineer and radio operator are represented. The Ha139 was one of the biggest float planes ever built. It was a German catapult launched mail-carrier plane, equipped with four Diesel Engines. Only three planes were buildt: V1 "Nordwind", V2 "Nordmeer" and V3"Nordstern". The planes were used to shorten the time for transatlantic cross overs. Therefore they were carried on a tender vessel and when within proper range (max. 5000 km) they were catapulted for take offs. A very special animation is included: A supply boat is approaching and stopping at the float. Eleven FSX camera views let you watch the animations or let visit you the working areas for the crew. FSDS model and 2D panel by Erwin Welker
Posted Apr 10, 2021 01:15 by Erwin Welker